Idaho Dispatch

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Idaho Dispatch’s Top 5 Most-Read Stories of 2021

By • December 27, 2021

Idaho Dispatch covered a lot of stories in 2021.

The top five stories covered various topics from guns, Black Lives Matter, and more.

Here are the headlines for the Top 5 stories Idaho Dispatch covered in 2021 and a brief description of what the article is about. Additionally, we have linked to the original article for those wanting to read the entire article.

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5th most-read article of 2021:

A Boise, Black Lives Matter leader was arrested and charged with vandalism, resisting arrest, and drug possession.

You can read more about the full story here.

4th most-read article of 2021:

The Idaho Army National Guard was directed to assess its facilities to determine if they could house illegal immigrants coming across the southern border. In particular, the request from the National Guard Bureau was to determine if the facilities could house unaccompanied minors.

You can read more about the full story here.

3rd most-read article of 2021:

Dr. Ryan Cole, who currently serves as the Central District Health, responded to critics accusing him of being “anti-vaccine” and discussing his financial situation for his company, Cole Diagnostics. Idaho Dispatch asked Cole about several comments he made about the Covid-19 shots and other accusations from county commissioners and members of the media.

You can read more about the full story here.

2nd most-read article of 2021:

Governor Brad Little signed into law a gun bill that updated Idaho’s Second Amendment Sanctuary law. The bill was opposed by Michael Bloomberg groups Moms Demand Action and Everytown for Gun Safety. The bill was supported by the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance, the Idaho Sheriff’s Association, and the Idaho Fraternal Order of Police.

You can read more about the full story here.

The most-read article on the Idaho Dispatch in 2021:

Big City Coffee filed a lawsuit against Boise State University regarding a location they opened on BSU’s campus, which is no longer there. Big City claims that student and adult leaders at BSU got their location closed down over a dispute about Big City’s off-campus location, which had a “thin blue line flag” hung. BSU says that Big City voluntarily left its contract with the university.

You can read more about the full story here.

What story did you remember the most that Idaho Dispatch covered from 2021? Let us know in the comments below.

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Tags: Big City Coffee, Black Lives Matter, Boise State University, Brad Little, Central District Health, Cole Diagnostics, Dr. Ryan Cole, Everytown for Gun Safety, Idaho Army National Guard, Idaho Fraternal Order of Police, Idaho Second Amendment Alliance, Idaho Sheriffs Association, Moms Demand Action