Press Release: Former Attorney General and Lt. Governor David Leroy Endorses Raúl Labrador for Attorney General Citing the Need for a Strong Relationship with the Legislature and a Renewed Focus on the Office of Solicitor General
By Press Release • August 30, 2022The following press release was sent out by the Raul Governor for Attorney General campaign. Press releases do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.
Boise, ID – David Leroy, Idaho’s former Attorney General and Lieutenant Governor, today endorsed Raúl Labrador for Attorney General.
“Raúl has a unique combination of legal, legislative, and congressional experience, which no prior Idaho Attorney General in history has ever brought to the office. Raúl Labrador is just the right leader we need for these times,” said David Leroy.
“With Raúl’s unique skillset and the trust he has earned over the years from our state legislators, he can help avoid courtroom losses that have been so costly to our taxpayers. The Republican-dominated Legislature will carefully listen to Labrador’s counsel. He can work with legislators before, during, and after significant trial and appellate cases to improve our winning percentages and track record in the defense of legislation, “ Leroy added.
David Leroy also emphasized Labrador’s desire to improve the quality of Idaho’s appellate advocacy with a renewed focus on a Solicitor General for the state.
“During my tenure as Attorney General, I created the post of Solicitor General within the to designate a top appellate lawyer to present the toughest and highest profile cases to both the Idaho Supreme Court and the United States Supreme Court. Somewhere along the intervening years, the title of Solicitor General, that organizational commitment and emphasis was disbanded. Raúl has stated that he will restore a Solicitor General’s concept with highly trained lawyers who will be prepared to defend our state in the appellate courts,” said Leroy.
Leroy also pointed out that it is the wrong time to have a Democrat serve as Attorney General especially after the Biden Administration sued the state of Idaho and continues to encroach on our state’s sovereignty. “While under attack from the national Government, we must not have a partisan Democrat who has already said he would not defend the State of Idaho aggressively in federal court and may be tempted to be “soft on Biden,” said Leroy.
Raúl thanked former Attorney General Leroy for his support.
“I appreciate the support from former Attorney General David Leroy and his agreement that we must have an energized, focused, and professional Attorney General’s office to defend Idaho during these unprecedented times,” said Raúl. “While my opponent in this race has cut backroom deals to run for the office and steeped his campaign in politics while claiming to be non-political, I will remain focused on defending Idaho’s state sovereignty and protecting our citizens.”
Tags: Attorney General, David Leroy, Democrat, Raul Labrador, Republican
16 thoughts on “Press Release: Former Attorney General and Lt. Governor David Leroy Endorses Raúl Labrador for Attorney General Citing the Need for a Strong Relationship with the Legislature and a Renewed Focus on the Office of Solicitor General”
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Raul Labrador is one of the only Republicans running for State Office that will actually protect The People and the State. Thank you David Leroy for this endorsement.
There is still time and the hope that Little/Bedke/Winder/McGrane can be defeated come November, so that the State and The People might gain even more actual conservative Leadership at the top in order to both help Raul and to protect our freedoms.
Raul talks good. But if Little wins, I wonder how much appeasing Raul will do for the corporatist corrupt swamp.
We need to get Ammon Bundy in the Governor seat, and get back to Constitutional principles.
Raul isn’t an appeaser but I agree we need Ammon Bundy for governor. Other qis you will see Little steer us even harder left than he already has. Little is an appeaser of the left
Raul will stand against the swamp. If nothing else,we need to get Raul Labrador elected to be the AG. He’ll stand strong to uphold the constitution and represent the people. He is a man of principle and will keep his promises. It doesn’t matter who the governor is or what the swamp wants. He’s a man of the people. If you have a chance, please attend a meet and greet if you can. You can get to know him. He’s the man.
As Congressman, Raul had the worst voting record on record. I personally reached out to Raul, during a time I neede major surgery, for help in dealing with a very incompetent V.A. system, he did nothing but send a letter thanking me for my interest in politics. In fact, it would seem he was a do nothing Congressman. I can’t understand why we continually reelect those who will not do the job.
This Vet is not a fan.
Not true and you know it.
That a bunch of BS. Pack your bags and hit the state line . Don’t want you here. And our Republican way in Idaho will always dominate !
Raul wins easily.
Steven I agree with your comments. He did indeed have a very questionable voting record! And his legislative overall performance was not what the people needed (and should have had) from the position he held. I am sorry to say that I voted for him that time, but never will again, for ANY public office. he is just another professional politician, and we don’t need them. I am seriously considering changing parties to something other than republican, and it darn sure won’t be democrat.
Idahoans seem to love their politician and government employee crime gang .
We don’t need any Democrats!! Idaho is a conservative state keep it that way!
Labrador is no Democrat.
Well, now we’ll see what he’s made of?
1.) Will he overturn the unconstitutional RS29902?
2.) Will he prosecute those that broke their oath of office? Those that wrote, promoted or voted for RS29902?
We can only wait and see what he will do IF he is elected. I hope for the best but actually don’t expect much change. It will probably be business as usual – after all, he’s a lawyer.
Raul will stand against the swamp. He is one of the original members of the Freedom Caucus. If you don’t know what that is, look it up. We need to get Raul Labrador elected to be the AG. He’ll stand strong to uphold the constitution and represent the people. He is a man of principle and will keep his promises. It doesn’t matter who the governor is or what the swamp wants. He’s a man of the people. If you have a chance, please attend a meet and greet if you can. You can get to know him. He’s the man.
I didn’t vote for Raul when he initiation ran for Congress and he surprised me with how conservative he was while in Congress. He will stand up for Idahoans freedoms/rights.
I am voting for Raul Labrador as the candidate who stands for Idaho conservative values. That is what we need!
He is for us!