Idaho Dispatch

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Idaho and Wyoming Share More Than a Border

By • July 3, 2024

Idaho and Wyoming share more than a border – they share a history going back to the establishment of statehood, current events and happenings, “decarbonizing” projects, political partnerships, media collaborations, and more.

The two achieved statehood and joined the union in the same week 134 years ago – Idaho on July 3, 1890 and Wyoming on July 10, 1890.

Much more recently, they shared a giant road project. Teton Pass Highway washed out and made travel difficult between Victor, Idaho (Highway 22) and Wilson, Wyoming (Highway 33). The governors of both states commented on their collaborative efforts to restore travel on this commuter and tourist roadway.

Idaho Governor Brad Little said in a June 28 email,

“I am incredibly proud of our Idaho state agencies’ efforts to provide immediate support to the State of Wyoming.”

Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon commented,

“Thank you as well to our partners in Idaho for their immediate willingness to offer assistance. You helped rebuild this vital infrastructure and respond to others in need.”

Idaho and Wyoming also recently worked together to develop the “Decarbonizing the West” report at the Western Governors Association. You can read and see the presentations here and read the final report here.

The Western Governors Association recently celebrated 40 years with Idaho in attendance. The WGA is comprised of 19 member states and three territories. Member states and their governors can be viewed here.

Idaho was represented by former Governor Butch Otter (WGA 2011 Chairman) and current Governor Brad Little. Otter praises the WGA, saying,

“As a former Chairman of the WGA, I have seen firsthand how the organization elevates and expands our platform and brings solutions to a wide range of public policy issues vital to our citizens and our states. Jumping in and getting involved in the WGA has been one of the best decisions I ever made as Governor.”

Current Idaho Governor Brad Little (WGA 2022 Chairman) adds,

“The power of the Western Governors’ Association is in the power of collaboration. Oftentimes we wear our political “jerseys,” so to speak, but when we get together as Governors through the WGA, we take off those jerseys and work together on what’s best for the West. The WGA reinforces that we can get things done when we stay focused on issues where we agree – which, by the way, happens to be a lot.”

“Joining Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon, WGA’s current chair, was former Governors Steve Bullock of Montana, Gary Herbert of Utah, David Ige of Hawaii, Matt Mead of Wyoming, Bob Miller of Nevada, Butch Otter of Idaho, and Brian Sandoval of Nevada.
Their discussions, which were moderated by Judy Woodruff, the former anchor and managing editor of the PBS NewsHour, focused on the importance of bipartisanship when dealing with many of the country’s complex problems.”

Pictured Governors: Nevada Joe Lombardo, North Dakota Doug Burgum, New Mexico Michelle Lujan Grisham, Wyoming Mark Gordon, Idaho Brad Little

Gordon unveils ‘Decarbonizing the West’ report, seeks climate flexibility

Another major connection between these two states is TerraPower. Their website describes them,

“TerraPower was founded by Bill Gates and a group of like-minded visionaries that decided the private sector needed to take action in developing advanced nuclear energy to meet growing electricity needs, mitigate climate change and lift billions out of poverty. Advanced reactors and other isotopic applications are now possible with technology and enhanced computing capabilities that were unimaginable a few decades ago. At TerraPower, we are innovating in nuclear to improve the lives of people everywhere and to build the clean energy of tomorrow – today.”

Gates said of the Idaho National Labratory,

“TerraPower has many cooperative projects and there are lots of partnerships, but our work with INL is singularly important,” Gates said.

Wyoming will be the first state TerraPower builds a nuclear reactor site.

“TerraPower is building its first reactor near the site of a retiring coal facility in Kemmerer, Wyoming, in a joint effort with the U.S. Department of Energy’s Advanced Reactor Demonstration Project.”

The United States Department of Interior is working with both states to develop power transmission lines. The article below details construction of a project called TransWest Express that in function looks similar to Lava Ridge in Idaho.

Gov. Gordon, Biden officials hail clean energy project as essential

“The Interior Department is moving quickly to meet President Biden’s goal of permitting at least 25 gigawatts of onshore renewable energy by 2025,” Haaland told attendees of a groundbreaking event Tuesday as the southern Wyoming wind whipped across a stage. “The project that we are all here to celebrate — the TransWest Express transmission project — is a momentous milestone in our effort to make that goal a reality.”

With so many projects between Idaho and Wyoming, the Idaho Dispatch began to investigate who is reporting on these similarities, and who owns the media in Wyoming. Similar to our exposé articles on Idaho media found here, here, here, here, here, and here, we decided to look at Wyoming as well.

Watch for our upcoming findings on the media parallels between the two states.

David Pettinger and Sarah Clendenon co-wrote this article.
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Tags: Bill Gates, Brad Little, Butch Otter, Decarbonizing the West, Idaho, Idaho National Laboratory, INL, Lava Ridge, Media, Power, TerraPower, Teton Pass Highway, TransWest Express, Western Governors Association, WGA, Wyoming

5 thoughts on “Idaho and Wyoming Share More Than a Border

  1. To sum up, the governors of Idaho and Wyoming have teamed up with each other and Bill Gates to the detriment of the citizens.

    How do the people of Wyoming like Idaho dumping it’s broken, non-recycle-able wind turbines there?

  2. The article said “With so many projects between Idaho and Wyoming, the Idaho Dispatch began to investigate who is reporting on these similarities, and who owns the media in Wyoming”

    Concerning “who owns the media in Wyoming”

    The answer would be the same globalists that own the liberal media shills in Idaho and Montana and New York and Commiefornia etc etc etc. Remember, our “media” (communist brainwashers) for city, state and local areas is in the iron grip of no more than 6 companies (6 COMPANIES!!!! I thought these frauds were for “die-versity”). These same communist brainwashing companies own media throughout the rest of the world as well and dominate the minds of the citizens in those countries as well. That’s how they’re able to get usually intelligent people to think it’s okay to slaughter your own child in a procedure called “abortion”. It takes constant brainwashing by the media to get women to do such awful things (these media demons have been very “successful”). And then to “fight for our rights to murder our progeny” is beyond brainwashing. And now the media brainwashers are on to convincing the peeps that one can decide their gender and having “cross dressing hour” for the children is a great thing. And the suckers are buying it hook line and sinker. What fools! Didn’t they ever hear the saying, “don’t believe everything you hear”.

    So simply put, no matter where you go, if you turn on the “tv” or read the newspaper (globalist official narrative), or listen to their radio “programing” you are getting the same narrative as you would in the cess pools of Los Angeles (city of devils), New York City or Chicago, IL.

    It’s the same general narrative by the same companies. Just read the “mainstream” Idaho papers (rags) to see how liberally slanted and out of touch with the citizenry they are here.

    As for the governors. The so called Republican governors here in the photos are a bunch of boot lickers who look like they would do anything to cozy up to the powers that be in the illegitimate media and also love playing footsies with freedom killing democrat governors. These smiley face republicans are sickening. How they can cozy up with these democrat traitors who are facilitating a 3rd world invasion is beyond me.

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