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Caldwell Mayor to Let City Council Choose New Police Chief After Failed Vote to Confirm His Own Pick

By • June 2, 2022

Caldwell Mayor Jarom Wagoner says he will let the city council choose the next police chief after his pick failed to garner enough votes to move forward.

Wagoner had chosen Jason Kuzik from Nevada to fill the role of police chief. However, Kuzik’s nomination by the mayor was defeated by a 4-2 vote.

While the mayor can select his own nominee, the city council still has to approve the chief by a majority vote.

After the vote against Kuzik was completed, the mayor said he was disappointed with the council’s decision.

The mayor could pick a new nominee but said that he would go in a different direction in a recent press release sent out by the city. Wagoner said that he would let the city council choose the next nominee.

In the press release, Wagoner said the name the city council is likely to put forward is Rex Ingram from Los Angeles, California. That meeting will take place on June 20.

Caldwell is selecting a new police chief after the recent retirement of Chief Frank Wyant.

The new police chief will be coming in as several high-ranking officers have retired or resigned in recent months. One other officer, Lt. Joey Hoadley, faces federal charges stemming from a nearly two-year investigation by the FBI.

Here is the full press release by the mayor’s office:

CALDWELL – The Caldwell City Council, in a 4-2 vote last Wednesday night, voted against the name of Jason Kuzik to be the City of Caldwell’s next Police Chief. Mr. Kuzik’s name was one of three finalists presented to the Mayor by an Interview Committee for his final selection. According to Caldwell City Code, the Police Chief is an appointed position that requires an affirmative vote from the majority of the full council. After the meeting Mayor Wagoner commented, “I believe that Mr. Kuzik would have been an excellent Chief to lead our department into the future and I wish him nothing but the best in his future endeavors”.

Idaho Code indicates if a City Council refuses to confirm an appointment made by the Mayor and a new name is not submitted within 10 days then the City Council shall appoint a suitable person to fill that office during the remainder of its term. Mayor Wagoner continued “In reviewing the three finalists it was clear that they were all outstanding candidates to lead our department. In the near future the Council will have the opportunity to present their choice at a public meeting and vote on who should be our next Police Chief. As Mayor I will continue to work with the City Council to ensure a seamless transition for our Police Department and that we are continuing to do what is best for our citizens and our community”. It is expected that the City Council will present the name of Rex Ingram to be the next Chief of Police at the June 20th City Council meeting. Mr. Ingram resides in Eagle, Idaho and is currently a Lieutenant with the Los Angeles Police Department.

While there were remarks made at the Special City Council meeting in regards to the ongoing FBI investigation, along with a comment stating that there is a systemic problem within Caldwell’s current police department, Mayor Wagoner strongly supports the many brave men and women that protect Caldwell. “We have an incredible team and many amazing officers and employees that work for the Caldwell Police Department. It is a disservice to them to state that there is a systemic problem within our police department. Do we have things we need to fix and do better at? Most definitely. However, to categorize those issues as a systemic problem within our department is a disservice to the many brave men and women that currently work for Caldwell PD that serve with honor, integrity, and that are doing things the right way. Those officers and employees have my full confidence and trust”, said Wagoner.

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Tags: Caldwell, Frank Wyant, Jarom Wagoner, Jason Kuzik, Rex Ingram

One thought on “Caldwell Mayor to Let City Council Choose New Police Chief After Failed Vote to Confirm His Own Pick

  1. This is what’s wrong with Idaho. You cannot, and should not come from another state and run for any public office. If you run for city council you should live in the city you are running in. Same as for county commissioner, u live in the county your running in. People need to understand the and run in the jurisdictions in which they live.

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