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Which Idaho Elected Officials Support or Oppose Prop 1?

By • September 10, 2024

Which Idaho elected officials support or oppose Proposition 1?

Idaho Dispatch is compiling a list of current elected officials who support or oppose Prop 1. The measure will be on the November 5 ballot. The list will include whether Idaho’s elected officials support or oppose Prop 1 or whether their position is unknown.

Prop 1 will do two things, according to the “Long Title” on the ballot:

“First, this measure would abolish Idaho’s party primaries. Under current law, political parties nominate candidates through primary elections in which party members vote for a candidate to represent the party in the general election.

The initiative creates a system where all candidates participate in a top-four primary and voters may vote on all candidates. The top four vote-earners for each office would advance to the general election. Candidates could list any affiliation on the ballot, but would not represent political parties, and need not be associated with the party they name.”

“Second, the measure would require a ranked-choice voting system for the general election. Under current law, voters may select one candidate for each office, and the candidate with the most votes wins. Under the ranked-choice voting system, voters rank candidates on the ballot in order of preference, but need not rank every candidate.

The votes are counted in successive rounds, and the candidate receiving the fewest votes in each round is eliminated. A vote for an eliminated candidate will transfer to the voter’s next-highest-ranked active candidate. The candidate with the most votes in the final round wins.”

Here is a list of current elected officials (congressional, statewide, and legislative) in Idaho and whether or not they support or oppose Prop 1 or whether their stance is currently unknown. If a candidate listed has made a stance we are unaware of, please send updates or corrections to

When possible, the word “Opposed” or “Support” will hyperlink to a source from news or social media with the elected official’s stance. If a * is next to “Unknown,” Idaho Dispatch has contacted the elected official. Each additional star indicates a different method we contacted the individual through. “Direct Message” indicates Idaho Dispatch has or has seen a direct message stating support or opposition to Prop 1.

Note: A candidate may have a position that is listed as unknown. Candidates listed as unknown may only be that way because Idaho Dispatch could not find their position online or through direct communication.

Congressional Delegation

Sen. Mike Crapo – Opposed
Sen. Jim Risch – Opposed
Rep. Russ Fulcher – Opposed
Rep. Mike Simpson – Unknown*


Brad Little (R) – Unknown*

Note: Idaho Dispatch does not include the governor’s signage of House Bill 179 as a “stance” on Prop 1. While HB 179 banned Ranked Choice Voting in Idaho, some elected officials may have changed their minds, such as Sen. Linda Wright-Hartgen and Rep. Greg Lanting. This list is specific to a stance taken on Prop 1.

Lt. Governor

Scott Bedke (R) – Unknown*

Attorney General

Raul Labrador (R) – Opposed

Secretary of State

Phil McGrane (R) – Unknown*

Idaho Senate (Separated by party and listed alphabetically.)

Adams, Ben (R) – Opposed
Anthon, Kelly (R) – Opposed (Direct Message)
Bernt, Treg (R) – Unknown**
Bjerke, Carl (R) – Opposed (Direct Message)
Burtenshaw, Van (R) – Unknown*
Carlson, Cindy (R) – Opposed (Direct Message)
Cook, Kevin (R) – Unknown*
Den Hartog, Lori (R) – Opposed (Direct Message)
Foreman, Daniel (R) – Opposed (Direct Message)
Grow, Scott (R) – Opposed
Guthrie, Jim (R) – Opposed
Harris, Mark (R) – Unknown**
Hart, Phil (R) – Opposed (Direct Message)
Hartgen, Linda (R) – Support
Herndon, Scott (R) – Opposed
Lakey, Todd (R) – Opposed (Direct Message)
Lenney, Brian (R) – Opposed
Lent, Dave (R) – Unknown**
Nichols, Tammy (R) – Opposed
Okuniewicz, Doug (R) – Opposed (Direct Message)
Ricks, Doug (R) – Unknown**
Schroeder, Geoff (R) – Unknown**
Shippy, Brandon (R) – Opposed (Direct Message)
Toews, Ben (R) – Opposed
Trakel, Chris (R) – Opposed (Direct Message)
VanOrden, Julie (R) – Unknown**
Winder, Chuck (R) – Unknown**
Zuiderveld, Glenneda (R) – Opposed

Just, Rick (D) – Support
Rabe, Ali (D) – Support
Ruchti, James (D) – Support
Semmelroth, Carrie (D) – Unknown**
Taylor, Ron (D) – Unknown*
Ward-Engelking, Janie (D) – Unknown**
Wintrow, Melissa (D) – Unknown**

Note: Idaho Dispatch does not include the Senate’s passage of House Bill 179 as a “stance” on Prop 1. While HB 179 banned Ranked Choice Voting in Idaho, some elected officials may have changed their minds, such as Sen. Linda Wright-Hartgen and Rep. Greg Lanting. Idaho Dispatch has heard of several lawmakers who have privately said they are in favor of it but voted against the bill. Because of that issue, this list is specific to a stance taken on Prop 1.

Idaho House (Separated by party and listed alphabetically.)

Alfieri, Joe (R) – Opposed (Direct Message)
Allgood, Christopher (R) – Unknown*
Andrus, Kevin (R) – Opposed (Direct Message)
Barbieri, Vito (R) – Unknown*
Blanksma, Megan (R) – Unknown*
Boyle, Judy (R) – Opposed (Direct Message)
Bundy, Matthew (R) – Unknown*
Cannon, David (R) – Unknown*
Cheatum, Richard (R) – Unknown
Clow, Lance (R) – Opposed
Cornilles, Jeff (R) – Opposed (Direct Message)
Crane, Brent (R) – Opposed
Crane, Jaron (R) – Opposed
Dixon, Chenele (R) – Unknown*
Dixon, Sage (R) – Opposed (Direct Message) – Resigned
Durrant, Melissa (R) – Unknown
Ehardt, Barbara (R) – Opposed
Ehlers, Jeff (R) – Opposed
Erickson, Marco (R) – Unknown*
Furniss, Rod (R) – Unknown
Gallagher, Jacyn (R) – Opposed
Garner, Dan (R) – Unknown*
Handy, Clay (R) – Unknown*
Hawkins, Dale (R) – Opposed
Healey, Dori (R) – Opposed (Direct Message)
Hill, Ted (R) – Unknown*
Holtzclaw, James (R) – Opposed (Direct Message)
Horman, Wendy (R) – Opposed (Direct Message)
Kingsley, Mike (R) – Opposed
Lambert, Tina (R) – Opposed
Lanting, Greg (R) – Support (Direct Message)
Manwaring, Dustin (R) – Opposed
McCann, Lori (R) – Unknown*
Mendive, Ron (R) – Opposed (Direct Message)
Mickelsen, Stephanie Jo (R) – Unknown*
Miller, Steve (R) – Unknown*
Mitchell, Brandon (R) – Opposed
Monks, Jason (R) – Unknown*
Moyle, Mike (R) – Opposed
Nelsen, Jack (R) – Unknown*
Palmer, Joe (R) – Opposed (Direct Message)
Petzke, James (R) – Unknown*
Pickett, Douglas (R) – Unknown*
Price, Elaine (R) – Unknown*
Raybould, Britt (R) – Unknown*
Raymond, Jerald (R) – Unknown*
Redman, Jordan (R) – Unknown*
Sauter, Mark (R) – Unknown*
Scott, Heather (R) – Opposed
Shepherd, Charlie (R) – Unknown*
Skaug, Bruce (R) – Opposed
Tanner, Josh (R) – Opposed
Vander Woude, John (R) – Opposed
Weber, Jon (R) – Unknown*
Wheeler, Josh (R) – Unknown*
Wisniewski, Tony (R) – Opposed
Wroten, Kenny (R) – Unknown*
Yamamoto, Julie (R) – Unknown*
Young, Julianne (R) – Opposed (Direct Message)

Achilles, Todd (D) – Support
Berch, Steve (D) – Unknown*
Burns, Ned (D) – Unknown*
Egbert, Megan (D) – Unknown*
Galaviz, Sonia (D) – Unknown*
Gannon, John (D) – Unknown*
Green, Brooke (D) – Unknown*
Mathias, Chris (D) – Unknown*
Necochea, Lauren (D) – Unknown*
Roberts, Nate (D) – Support
Rubel, Ilana (D) – Unknown*

Note: Idaho Dispatch does not include the legislature’s passage of House Bill 179 as a “stance” on Prop 1. While HB 179 banned Ranked Choice Voting in Idaho, some elected officials may have changed their minds, such as Sen. Linda Wright-Hartgen and Rep. Greg Lanting. Idaho Dispatch has heard of several lawmakers who have privately said they are in favor of it but voted against the bill. Because of that issue, this list is specific to a stance taken on Prop 1.

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Tags: Congress, Election, General Election, Idaho, Idaho Legislature, Legislature, Primary Election, Prop 1

11 thoughts on “Which Idaho Elected Officials Support or Oppose Prop 1?

  1. I’m excited for Prop 1 to pass so we can get these far right out-of-state politicians who do nothing to improve the lives of all citizens of Idaho out of the state house. This seems to be compiling a list of reps that oppose the will of the people, so thanks for that.

    Vote yes on Prop 1 people! The Idaho GOP thinks you’re dumb, prove them wrong.

    1. Near 100% of Republican legislators opposed RCV when they banned it last year. Even the governor signed the measure. Donald Trump won Idaho with 63% of the votes. It would appear that you are a stark minority. Take your extremism back to Portland, Chunk.

      1. That’s just asinine, Bobby. I’ve never lived in Portland. The extremists doing the most damage to Idaho are the likes of Scott Herndon (VA) and Heather Scott (CA, I’m pretty sure).

        The people of Idaho put this on the ballot. When Reclaim Idaho continues to defy the laziness and malicious ineptitude of the legislature by passing Medicaid Expansion and getting Little to fund public schools adequately, you have to wonder who is in the minority: Dorothy Moon and no-backbone blowhards who worship an authoritarian that cares about no one except himself, or the bi-partisan coalition of citizens getting the facts out about this proposition. This includes higher profile Republicans who have publicly endorsed Prop 1 (, Veterans’ groups, independent voters, and Mormon Women for Ethical Government.

  2. Why would anyone who cares about elections want this? We barely have a 15% voter participation in the best years and less % more than that the rest of the time. Anyone who factors in voter participation percentages and believe this initiative would encourage more people to vote- seriously; get a clue.

  3. Mike Moyle is opposed to Prop 1. His newsletter “Moyle Minute” has an article on this subject and can be accessed by you. Please update your list to show Moyle as being opposed to Prop 1.

    Mark Eaton
    Chairman, Legislative District 10 (Republican)

  4. Dustin Manwaring authored the Republican House Caucuses opposition to RCV. At least on the surface, he has opposed Prop 1.

  5. Comments impersonating other individuals will be removed. We don’t require you to do anything to comment—we have left it that way for a long time. But if people continue to impersonate others, we will have no choice but to ban them completely and start forcing everyone to use real email addresses to comment.

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