Wall of Shame: Who is Dissing the Dispatch?
By Sarah Clendenon • September 27, 2023Who is Dissing the Dispatch? Daniel Walters.
Journalist Daniel Walters labeled the Idaho Dispatch as “right wing” in this blog post where he covers the Idaho debate regarding ranked-choice voting.
Several months prior, Walters spoke during the Fall 2022 meeting of the Idaho Press Club. He showed slides and stated in his presentation that a journalist must “be precise with your labeling.”

Walters spent 15 years working for The Inlander, a publication covering Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho. He wrote various types of articles such as this one about where to spot marmots in Spokane.

The publication introduces Walters as someone,
“…who’s made a career out of exposing con artists, conspiracy theorists, vigilantes, preppers, racists and bad-behaving public officials…”
InvestigateWest describes itself as,
“…a nonprofit investigative journalism newsroom located in Seattle, WA. We focus on critical issues that impact our communities throughout the Pacific Northwest and Cascadia, with a special focus on environment, government and corporate accountability, and public health.”
The About Page of their website also includes the InvestigateWest commitment to the theories and practices of diversity, equity, and inclusion.
You can find Walters on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/danielwinvw
Tags: Daniel Walters, Extremism, Idaho Dispatch, Idaho Press Club, InvestigateWest, label lynching, Labeling, Labels, Right Wing, The Inlander
15 thoughts on “Wall of Shame: Who is Dissing the Dispatch?”
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We congratulate the Idaho Dispatch for exposing con artists, conspiracy theorists, vigilantes such as, in this case, Daniel Walters.
Yes, Idaho Dispatch, hold this man accountable for this actions, expose him.
The Idaho Dispatch has been honest. I always read the Dispatch. They investigate things the lame-stream media refuses to investigate.
Conspiracy theorists?
By chance, do you know any good “conspiracy theories”?
All my favorites have come true.
Good job on keeping your report factual. Daniel Walters seems like a left wing hack.
So “preppers” are now lumped in together with vigilantes and racists? Gotcha!! What a freaking hack, masquerading as a free-thinking journalist.
Good job. Kinda fun when the shoe is on the other foot for a change.
I have first hand experience with Walters on two occasions. He has an agenda and his MO is to start with a premise and then he collects facts that support his premise and rejects facts that run counter. He’s no journalist as he has no apparent interest in context, only his narrative matters. If Walters writes it, don’t bother reading it or your IQ will suffer as a result.
To me, Daniel Walters sounds like he is a “Left Wing” nut Job. If the Idaho dispatch were Left leaning this fool wouldn’t have a problem with it. So, Daniel Walters, go elsewhere.
Ditto to all the great comments so far.
Think of one ADL and SPLC-trained and rewarded!
Can anything good come out of Seattle?
Sorry Seahawks and Mariners fans, but nothing good can come out of Seattle.
That Marmot article was hard hitting. Those little buggers sure do make great targets!
I used to live about 45 minutes south of Spokane and read the Inlander often. (Know thy enemy.) That paper is the most left-leaning, progressive rag in the Pacific Northwest. Talk about one-sided narratives. Anyone who worked for them is surely NOT a journalist. They are paid to write EVERYTHING from the LEFT PERSPECTIVE. Congratulations for exposing him. He is a hack!
I’m with the other commenters. Guess that makes me a right-wing biased reader.
However, speaking as someone who got more personal awards for being an army journalist, including spending two years as editor of the “Tropic Lightning News” in Hawaii, a year as editor of the Ft. Benning Bayonet, another year as the 1981 Keith L. Ware Award- and Thomas Jefferson Award-winning “Inside the Turret” at Ft. Knox, Ky., and a year as editor of the Ft. Carson Mountaineer. I also won the 1981 Keith L. Ware and Thomas Jefferson Awards for Outstanding Editorial/Commentary Writing, wrote numerous articles for Soldiers and Military Media magazines, and taught journalism for two years at the Defense Information School before going to OCS and becoming an officer. I think it’s fair to say I know a little bit about journalism.
At the end of my armor career, the army sent me to Temple University for 21 months to get an MA in military history so I could teach the two-semester required History of the Military Art course to cadets at West Point. During that time I completed all of the required coursework for the Ph.D., wrote the first draft of my dissertation, and took a two-year leave of absence from Temple while I taught at USMA so I could prepare for my comps and orals and pass my language exam required for the Ph.D.
With the blessing of my major professor, I shopped my dissertation manuscript to several publishers and sold it to a commercial house–Presidio Press–that published it in 1990 as “Treat ‘Em Rough!: The Birth of American Armor, 1917-20.” After completing my language exam and comps and orals, I was able to show up for the dissertation defense with signed copies of the published book for members of my committee!
With my Ph.D. in hand, I opted to retire in Sept. ’91 with just under 22 years of service. Sadly, despite having three years of experience teaching at West Point, including receiving the History Dept.’s Excellence in Teaching Award based on ratings of my superiors, peers, and students, a tenure-track teaching position was not in my future. Instead, my publisher hired me to be their executive editor.
Before I became permanently disabled in 2005, I was able to edit more than 130 books for a variety of commercial and academic presses. I offer this background as evidence that I know what I’m talking about when I suggest that your nemesis is a Class-A twit!
Keep up the great work!
A “journalism” outfit that maintains an “enemies” list.
You are your own worst enemy.
Go get’em Daniel Wa Wa
You are right wing. It’s obvious by the slant of every article on here. Total rag, fake news, extremist views. And that’s from a registered republican. What a waste of time. I won’t be reading anything here again.