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Suspect Arrested in Arson Fire of Legislative Candidates’ Army Surplus Store

By • July 18, 2024

Sandpoint police have arrested a suspect in the arson investigation, which burned down the Army Surplus store in Sandpoint on July 4th.

The suspect arrested and charged is 50-year-old Jennifer S. Meyer. Sandpoint police said video surveillance, tips, and active leads ultimately led to Meyer’s arrest.

Meyer has been charged with first-degree arson, which can include a prison sentence of up to 25 years and a maximum fine of $100,000 or both. Her bail has been set at $1 million.

Cornel Rasor, who owns the Army Surplus store, is a legislative candidate in District 1. Rasor won the Republican Primary and faces Democrat Kathryn Larson in November.

Rason has run the store for over 40 years and released a statement on Facebook in response to Meyer’s arrest. Here is the statement in full:

“Well, we came back from the preliminary hearing for Jennifer Meyer, the woman who allegedly burned down my Army Surplus Store. In order to avoid a lengthy convoluted report, I will say this.

She was completely unresponsive/uncommunicative with the court officers. They attempted to do a video meeting and she wouldn’t come into the room and sit down. She was brought over to the courthouse and she laid her head down on the desk and would not respond.

That being said, I first want to make certain everyone understands I’m able to sort these things out in my head. I do not want anyone confused when I say what seems to be two conflicting things because they are not conflicting.

If she did this, she needs to pay the penalty for it. It was the wanton destruction of an entire lifetime of work of someone whom I think she did not know. At least that’s my initial assessment because I don’t know her.

That would be the justice side of my personality and understanding.

However, since the fall of Adam, none of us have any means to escape the justice of God for the sin in our lives. All we can hope for is to put our faith in the life, death, and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ who paid the penalty for all who will believe in Him. It is this that I hope she finds. That she can cast her sins upon Him, repent and trust Him to forgive her. I have done this by the grace of God and I know true peace. I would that she would know that kind of peace.

She is clearly distraught, mixed up, and devastated at least as nearly as I can tell by what she now realizes is the complete destruction of her life. I wish that upon no one. I was not given an opportunity to talk with her. But my prayer will be that she hears the gospel and responds to it.

That would be the sinner saved by grace side of my personality and understanding. But for the grace of God there go I.

Make no mistake, God is the great lawgiver and justice must be done. But my responsibility is clear. I will do whatever is necessary to help law enforcement convict this woman if she is guilty. But I will also do whatever I can to see that her soul is saved in the day of wrath if I am given an opportunity. And if not I will pray for that.”

A motive in the investigation has not been announced at this time.

Police are asking the public to contact the Sandpoint Police Department at 208-265-1482 if they have any additional tips.

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Tags: Army Surplus, Cornel Rasor, Jennifer Meyer, Sandpoint