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Stand Up For Idaho Hosts Frank VanderSloot, Rebuttals Coming Up

By • November 14, 2022

Stand Up For Idaho hosted Frank VanderSloot, founder and chief executive officer of Idaho Falls company Melaluca, Inc., last Wednesday at their weekly meeting. A rebuttal session is scheduled for this Wednesday evening.

The non-profit group’s website explains that they are,

“…a nonpartisan citizens’ organization peacefully, actively advocating for the rights and liberties of all Idaho citizens.”

VanderSloot had agreed to answer questions submitted ahead of the meeting with a promise to be honest and candid. He also gave a presentation on his upbringing, education, personal life, professional accomplishments, and political involvement. He spoke at length about his reasoning and involvement in the passage of legislation known as the Idaho Patient Act. The Wednesday evening session was labeled, “Setting the Record Straight.”

The 100 or so questions submitted in advance covered a wide range of topics including his political donations to the Mitt Romney campaign, his donation to the Barack Obama campaign, being labeled a RINO, his thoughts on an Article V Convention, his opinion of the World Economic Forum, his involvement and relationship with the Bonneville County Republican Central Committee (BCRCC) and the recent lawsuit filed against them by Tom Luna, vaccine mandates by companies, and more.

VanderSloot took time to voice his disdain for some Idaho activists, organizations, and individuals. He named names, and took a dive into the specifics. He explained his disapproval of certain actions by Bryan Smith, Mark Fuller, and Doyle Beck. In discussing the Idaho Freedom Foundation (IFF), he used words like “rigid,” “radical,” and called the group a “secret alliance.” He also accused IFF of unfairly labeling people if they do not align with the group’s policy positions.

VanderSloot was asked about Gregory Graf, a former Melaluca employee. He responded that he is “very concerned” about the tactics and methods Graf has used in political discourse. There was also a question about Idaho Association of Commerce and Industry (IACI) President Alex LaBeau. VanderSloot replied, referencing an incident in which LaBeau wrote a piece using, “really, really horribly obscene language” and in VanderSloot’s opinion, LaBeau should have been terminated for it.

The entire presentation and meeting can be seen here: Weekly Meeting – Frank Vandersloot, Setting the Record Straight (

Stand Up For Idaho let it be known ahead of time that a rebuttal opportunity would be offered to anyone who would like to comment on the things VanderSloot said. An email sent out by the group on Sunday, November 13 said,

“This week the BCRCC will provide responses to statements Frank made last week.  There may also be opportunity for others to speak after the BCRCC.  If anyone desires to provide a response/rebuttal to what Frank said last week, please send a note to in**@st*************.org as soon as possible.

This meeting, as are all Stand Up For Idaho weekly meetings, is open to the public and free of charge. Donations are appreciated but not required.

Snake River Event Center (Shilo Inn), 780 Lindsay Blvd., Idaho Falls, 6:30pm (Doors open at 5:30pm)”

In addition to the BCRCC, Doug Toomer of Stand Up For Idaho is reporting that the Idaho Freedom Foundation will also be responding to some of VanderSloot’s statements.

If you are not in the Idaho Falls area, you will be able to view the Wednesday meeting live on the Odyssey channel of Stand Up For Idaho here: Stand Up For Idaho (

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Tags: Alex LaBeau, Bonneville County Central Committee, Bonneville County GOP, Bryan Smith, Doug Toomer, Doyle Beck, Frank Vandersloot, Gregory Graf, IACI, Idaho Patient Act, Mark Fuller, Melaluca, Stand Up for Idaho, Tom Luna

6 thoughts on “Stand Up For Idaho Hosts Frank VanderSloot, Rebuttals Coming Up

  1. The People of Idaho would be very happy if Frank resided in Portland or San Francisco. Let’s all help him with the move. He really serves no purpose here.

    1. [We] just reelected some of the most corrupt politicians possible. Idaho is not much different than California . 10 years we will be like the rest of the west coast a poop hole. Jike the frog put intom the pot of cold water then the heat turned on we will be oiled to death . But the Tv will still be working so all will be good.

  2. Dear Frank,

    Your self serving greed is not desirable. Why don’t you call out your cohorts Scottie Bedke and Fred Martin who try to wrecked havoc post primaries. The Mormon church is all about greed and those that are too prideful. The ugliest example is Mitt Romney.
    Like the LDS church Frank runs a Ponzi scheme.

  3. Bundy had the right response to left wing liberals that Aline themselves with IACI (Big Corp. Money & Lobbyists), Ltittle, Bedke. If Idaho is going to preserve its Individual Freedoms and Liberties, We need to help these people move out of state.

    1. 97 % of the Californians etc that swarmed here to escape what they created will destroy Idaho as they destroyed California,. I remember when Arizona, Oregon and Washington state were free states,,,, before they were Californiated. The enlightened Idahoans just reelected thre most corrupt politicians possible,again.

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