Op-Ed: Harris gives Dems a needed wake-up call
By Chuck Malloy • July 30, 2024The following Op-Ed was submitted by Chuck Malloy. Please note that Op-Eds do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.
What a difference a single decision can make in a presidential election.
In a span of a couple of weeks, Democrats have gone from the sleepiest to some of the most exciting moments since Barack Obama came onto the scene. And it appears that the convention will not have the look and feel of a yawning festival, which would have been the case with President Biden heading the ticket. Poll after poll has shown that the vast majority of Americans did not want to see a Biden-Trump rematch, yet that’s what the Democrats were about to validate.
AdvertisementThat is, until President Biden dropped out of the race and threw his support to Vice President Kamala Harris. Her nomination isn’t official yet, but putting this into football terms, the score is 48-0 with about a minute to play.
“There is pretty much unanimous agreement, coast to coast, that she is our standard bearer,” said Idaho House Minority Leader Ilana Rubel, one of 27 Idaho delegates to the national convention.
And, suddenly, excitement is building. As Rubel tells it, “It is supercharged.”
AdvertisementRep. Lauren Necochea, who chairs the state Democratic Party, agrees. In a released statement, she said, “Idaho Democrats are fired up and ready to get to work because the stakes in this election couldn’t be higher. This November, voters face a clear choice between MAGA authoritarianism that will keep stripping away our freedoms and future where we have a say over the decisions impacting our lives. Harris is uniquely positioned to make this argument, having been an unrelenting champion of our freedoms, especially when it comes to abortion care.”
As “supercharged” as Democrats may be in Idaho, it probably won’t make a big difference in the outcome in Idaho. This state has not favored a Democrat since 1964, and it’s not going to change this year considering that former President Trump’s popularity is somewhere on the level of God’s. But Idaho’s Democratic delegates will find plenty of friends on the convention floor. And with Harris leading the ticket, Dems now see the White House and both houses of Congress in play in November.
Rubel says she was one who was worried about the party’s ability to take the fight to Trump, especially after Biden’s historically awful debate performance. Rubel sees a lot of nice talking points for Democrats – a low unemployment rate, a long stretch of job growth overall and the addition of some 800,000 manufacturing jobs. Wages have increased, and while inflation is high, it’s not so outlandish on a global scale.
“We were just having problems getting the message out, and Vice President Harris is going to be able to get that message out,” Rubel says.
And Harris won’t back down from Trump on the debate stage – while exposing his flaws. The “age” issue, which ultimately drove out Biden, will be turned against the 78-year-old Trump. Says Rubel, “This is a man who called the secretary of state in Georgia and told him to falsify the election results. This is a person who incited a mob to storm the Capitol. This is a person who does not have respect for American democracy.”
Republicans counter that it is the Democrats who turned their back on democracy, discarding the 14 million people who voted for Biden in the primary races. Of course, Biden was running unopposed, but there’s no need to let facts get in the way of good campaign rhetoric.
However, Biden deserves goat horns for waiting so long to get out. It would be understandable if he came into office with the notion of being a transitional president, one who would serve four years. But somewhere in the midst of that embarrassing withdrawal from Afghanistan and failed border policies, he decided that he was the only person in America who was qualified to do the job. His inept debate performance showed otherwise.
So, Democrats are left with Kamala Harris – like it, or not. Fortunately for the Dems, Harris has shown herself in the early going as being up to the task as a campaigner. The 2024 election, which was on its way to being one of the worst in the nation’s history, is shaping up to be among the most interesting.
Chuck Malloy is a long-time Idaho journalist and columnist. He may be reached at ct******@ou*****.com
Tags: Chuck Malloy, Democrats, Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Lauren Neocochea, President, Republicans, Vice President
15 thoughts on “Op-Ed: Harris gives Dems a needed wake-up call”
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The fruit of feminism is the lgbtqxyz+++ insanity, “transgenders” (confusion), boys in the girls locker room, men in womens prisons, single parent families on steroids, the attack of the patriarchy (that made this country great), disrespectful youth, immodestly dressed women and girls (bad example), effeminate boys (no father or feminized pansy father with aggressive feminist mother), legalized murder (called abortion), and a host of other ills too long to list.
We live in a rebellious society. The fact that Karmelia “laughing gas” harris is even a candidate for president, must have George Washington spinning in his grave. How far have we fallen as a society that we even have these feminist control freaks even considered for office. The only way we’ll go, if she’s elected, is straight down, and fast. And we all know this is the truth. Let’s hope we don’t have to find out.
Also added to the list of the rotten fruit of feminism is CPS (child predator services), which is an evil institution bent on the destruction of the family and from what I’ve read is mostly run by liberal feminist women.
Only a very sick mind would vote for her
Garbage in, garbage out!
With so much support of pedophilia and terrorism, I’m not sure how anyone could even remotely support the Democrat party anymore without being fully investigated by law enforcement.
Anyone with an IQ of 100 should be able to discern the truth about the Great Cackler Harris, unless they are addicted to welfare, drugs, alcohol, a free ride, and/or just plain lazy. LBJ started the Great Society welfare state, but Obama turbo-charged it with his communist “wealth redistributions.” Were you intellectually honest, or morally intact, you would admit that!
Well stated, Linda. The “author” of the article is just another propagandist of the DNC. Harris is a radical, a full blown communist and is not qualified to be POTUS. 14 million primary voters were disenfranchised when she was SELECTED to replace Joe Biden as the nominee. So much for the “democracy” the Communist Democrat Party is always screaming about.
I’m curious as to what will happen if Harris were to miraculously, ie manipulatively, win the Presidency because she fails one of the critical tests for Presidential eligibility: that of being a “natural-born citizen.” Neither of Harris’ parents were citizens at the time of her birth: they were foreign citizens on student visas. It’s long past time for the Supreme Court to overturn Kim Wong Ark.
I can’t believe you are still printing stuff from Chuck Malloy which is nothing but intentional lies and is not news but total BS.
# 1) Miss Necochea, “abortion care” is NOT CARE. IT is the DEATH of a CHILD and does not do the mother any good in the long run. SO sad that Democrats see the death of a child as positive. How can you believe that killing an innocent child is ever a good thing? # 2). We do NOT live in a “democracy”. WE LIVE IN A REPRESENTATIVE REPUBLIC!. How can anyone elected to public office STILL get that wrong? Oh, possibly because they believe in mob rule rather than rule of law? Your supposed candidate for President is a godless human being and if elected the ENTIRE WORLD will laugh louder than they are at the moment. Do you really believe that China, Russia, Iran, etc., will be AFRAID of her? Do you really believe any leader of any other country will take her seriously? If so, you truly are living in another universe.
This self-described “journalist and columnist” disgusts me each and every time I read his pitifully transparent lies. Oh, PULEEZE go away…and never return.
With all due respect to the writer, it amazes me how a normal looking, professional looking 70 year old man can constantly put out op-eds in favor of an obvious wicked political party. I’m not saying one has to be a Republican as there are many problems with them as well, but how anyone can support the obvious sickness/wickedness of the democrat party is beyond me.
A party that champions sodomite marriage (which causes many diseases), boys in the girls locker rooms (where there have been many rapes to date and they still support it), men in girls sports (including the olympic boxer man who nearly broke the face of a biological woman just recently!), men in female prisons (where there have been many rapes to date and they still support it), normalizing pedos (trannies at the library teaching children!), fighting to keep pornography in the children’s library! Intentionally letting in millions of illegal aliens, including millions of criminals who are running fentanyl and killing millions of citizens, and child trafficking, including losing 85,000 children (How is that possible?) also using the citizens tax money to pay for these lawbreakers, “gay pride” parades where grown men are naked and doing lewd acts in front of children with no consequences in wicked demoncrat cities, etc. No arrests! How low have we fallen. We (those who champion this wickedness) are asking for judgement.
What has this country devolved into? We’re certainly living in the last days. It’s sad that even senior citizens (the group that should be the most decent and God fearing and respected) are supporting this wickedness.
One wonders what has happened to people in this country. You see old ladies now with tattoos on their arms and blue hair. It’s amazing how brainwashed so many Americans have become.
This has all been prophesied about in the Holy Bible:
2 Timothy 3:1-5 KJB
1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come. 2 For men shall be lovers of their own selves, covetous, boasters, proud, blasphemers, disobedient to parents, unthankful, unholy, 3 Without natural affection, trucebreakers, false accusers, incontinent, fierce, despisers of those that are good, 4 Traitors, heady, highminded, lovers of pleasures more than lovers of God; 5 Having a form of godliness, but denying the power thereof: from such turn away.
The LORD Jesus Christ is coming back soon and there will be a rude awakening for many people. Repent and be born again while there is yet time (John 3:3, John 3:16).
Sooo if her parents aren’t naturalized v US citizens does this mean Harris can’t seek president? According to out constitution…. You know, the one they don’t believe in or always twist it for their needs.
Silence the cackle. Vote Trump!