Idaho Dispatch

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Boise Independence Day Parade Bans Open Carry of Firearms Again

By • May 26, 2024

The Idaho 4th of July Parade from Boise is back in 2024 with another ban on the open carrying of firearms.

Summer 2023 saw the return of an Independence Day parade in Boise. Just a few days before the parade, organizers sent out a last-minute notice to float entry participants informing them of a ban on the open carry of firearms in the parade. After an overwhelming response of disapproval, parade organizers rescinded the change to the float rules.

You can read our coverage from last year here and here.

This year, when potential participants began filling out the float entry application, they encountered this requirement:

It includes a box which must be checked that reads,

“I have read the Entry Requirements and agree that our entry and participants will adhere to them.”

The link included describes them as MANDATORY PARADE ENTRY REQUIREMENTS. They are found here and include the following language:

“…in the spirit of a community gathering, open carry of firearms is not permitted. Any violation of the parade organizer’s rules will void the entry’s participation in that year’s parade and the entry fee will be forfeited and at the discretion of the organizer will not be allowed to participate in subsequent parades. The decision of the parade organizer or its representatives is final.”

A group known as the Idaho Liberty Dogs was involved in the 2023 debate and carried firearms. They said of the rule,

“We celebrate our Independence Day because the greatest of American citizens took back our country from the largest empire in the world through armed resistance. Banning firearms in this parade is not only a violation of the law in our great state, it is an insult to the very spirit of American grit that made us who we are.”

Other groups are refusing to check the box agreeing to follow the rules, so they are not able to submit an application for a parade entry. The chairman of the Constitution Party of Idaho, Tony Ullrich, told the Idaho Dispatch,

“The GOP may feel it is acceptable to co-sponsor with city government an event that limits the rights of citizens. The Constitution Party of Idaho does not. And we will encourage our members and every lawful citizen to exercise their rights, and never surrender their God-given right to defend themselves at all times.”

The organizations currently listed as 2024 parade sponsors are CapEd Credit Union, Peterson Chevrolet, Idaho 2 News, KBOI Radio, LaGran D Radio, Visit Boise, Idaho Democratic Party, Idaho GOP, City of Boise, Gravis Law, and In the Bag Promotions.

In response to the rule, Senator Scott Herndon (R-Sagle) who was recently a plaintiff in a lawsuit against the City of Sandpoint regarding the carrying of firearms tweeted,

“It is legally impossible to ban firearm carry from a parade that takes place on public streets.”

Greg Pruett, President of the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance, had planned to submit a float application on behalf of his organization, but refuses to agree to the rule. He responded by saying,

“There is perhaps nothing more disgraceful to an Independence Day celebration than banning the open carrying of firearms. We didn’t win our freedom by tweeting at people or rolling a float down the road. We won independence by going to war with our enemies. The organizers of the parade should be ashamed of themselves. Maybe they should call the parade the ‘Hey, it’s a celebration for the month of July’ parade. Don’t celebrate Independence Day if you can’t appreciate the tool that won us that independence.”

Idaho Dispatch has asked all the organizations listed as sponsors to provide comment on the rule banning the open carry of firearms in the parade. This article will be updated if responses are received.


Feature photo courtesy of website, the organizer of the parade. 

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Tags: Banning Firearms, Boise 4th, CapEd Credit Union, City of Boise, Constitution Party of Idaho, Firearms, Floats, Gravis Law, Greg Pruett, Gun Owners, Gun Rights, Idaho 2 News, Idaho 4th of July Parade from Boise, Idaho Democratic Party, Idaho GOP, In the Bag Promotions, Independence Day, ISAA, July 5th, KBOI Radio, LaGran D Radio, Liberty Dogs, Open Carry, Peterson Chevrolet, Tony Ullrich, Visit Boise

36 thoughts on “Boise Independence Day Parade Bans Open Carry of Firearms Again

  1. The Idaho Republican Party needs to withdraw from the parade immediately!!!

    1. Yes the republican part needs to start standing up for AMERICA & 2AND AMENDMENT GOD BLESS AMERICA

    2. Absolutely, along with any 2A alliance groups, who have participants or a float scheduled be in the parade but not ticked off the box agreeing with the parade’s organizers.

      After doing so, all individuals from the aforementioned groups, who are legally allowed to own, carry or possess, really should walk along the public sidewalks or walkways of the route peacefully carrying as many rifles, pistols, Red Rider BB Gun or Water Guns, as they deem prudent, in order to provide safe passage for the parade participants and their floats, from the beginning to the of the parade route.

      IMHO; that is…

    3. Absolutely, along with any 2A alliance groups, who have participants or a float scheduled be in the parade but not ticked off the box agreeing with the parade’s organizers.

      After doing so, all individuals from the aforementioned groups, who are legally allowed to own, carry or possess, really should walk along the public sidewalks or walkways of the route peacefully carrying as many rifles, pistols, Red Rider BB Gun or Water Guns, as they deem prudent, in order to provide safe passage for the parade participants and their floats, from the beginning to the of the parade route.

      IMHO; that is

  2. Boise is a liberal democratic city run by an evil mayor and the city of Boise voted her which tells you who is in that ,use to be beautiful city and shame on Governor Little for NOT standing up for us Idahoans and our constitutional rights! I hate what Boise has become and avoid it at all costs. As a generational Idahoan with my children and grandchildren born in Idaho, It is sad that this is being allowed.
    I am from Nampa and reside in Nampa! God bless our mayor for standing up for our rights

    1. 100% agree, I hate what Boise has become, 21% of registered voters got commie-McLean in, it’s the fault of ignorant conservatives who didn’t see the need to vote, I hope they got the message !
      Looks like I’ll be going to the parade in STAR!

  3. I will not be entering the parade for LD19 this year if this ban stands. Its not that I want or need to open carry. I prefer concealed carry but its everyone’s right to bear arms. This parade is for everyone. Its a public event on public property. Please rescind this unconstitutional rule.

  4. Lots of color guards have members with drill rifles. What about the National Guard or civil re-enactment groups? Short sighted planning as usual.

  5. I hope the Idaho GOP withdraws from this event. I also hope conservative Idahoans find something else to do rather that support these Fake Patriots.

    1. As you know there are 2 IDGOP.
      The conservatives with balls.
      And the Romney Democrats.

  6. Boycott the Parade. Come to Star and share in our wonderful celebration. The Star parade is a highlight for our community. They even bood the Democrats float.

    I am going to contact any parade sponsor and let them know that our business relationship is over if they don’t pull support. This is a celebration of an event that took firearms to achieve. If it wasn’t for guns we would be speaking English, the other kind.

  7. Yes, open carry is ensured by the 2nd Amendment, and cities/states cannot legally block that right in public areas. The very idea of an Independence Day parade where the 2nd Amendment is blocked, is the epitome of absurdity. That would be akin to a civil rights parade where people were banned from free speech.

    If I was calling the shots, I would boycott the entire parade and encourage all groups to do the same, and I would consider organizing a class action lawsuit to CRIMINALLY prosecute the anti-rights moron who made that edict. OR, I would open carry anyway, and have sheriff deputies present to protect my Constitutional rights and block any cops stupid and lawless enough to try to stop me.

    1. Bank on that!
      And spineless Mitt will March with them and bow to the big rainbow penis.

  8. Also, I would urge the Idaho GOP to withdraw sponsorship for the violation of the 2nd Amendment.

  9. The Idaho GOP actually stand for the Constitution and Bill of Rights!!!! That’s a good one. Don’t hold your breath. Look up “ “ to see what a RINO Governor Little is !! Look up ALL your supposedly Republican representatives. MOST ARE RINOs !! WAKE UP, IDAHO !!

  10. I and my family moved here from commiefornia. When we came here the restrictions were never like this. Shame on our commie mayor McLean who is trying to turn our state “Blue” and our governor who would not support the 2nd. amendment regarding this ruling! Governor Little, we are watching you so stop siding with the left commies! Get a pair of cashews and be a part of “RED” Idaho!

  11. Time to make the Attorney General’s phone ring non stop until the wonks in charge of the parade understand they don’t get to violate the Constitution of The United States and Idaho , just because it makes them feel safer.

  12. The town of boise sucks. To many panty wasted liberals and weird green haired people.

  13. “…in the spirit of a community gathering, open carry of firearms is not permitted.”.

    What community?
    Who did they ask?
    Not me…

    I love it when I see someone open carrying.
    It makes me feel a little safer and proud not only of our community, but proud to be an American.

    People need to remember this type of thing EVERY election.
    This demand is pure Leftist, anti-American BS.
    Nibble, nibble, nibble, until they achieve their goal of disarming us.

    The best parade would be one where EVERONE was open carrying.

  14. Take the mayor and city council to Federal Court and prosecute them for violating the 2nd Amendment. Do it now and do not let up until they are all convicted and sentenced.

  15. Don’t just comment here–email the IDGOP and ask them to withdraw their sponsorship if the parade organizers will not rescind this unconstitutional ban! I just did….their email address is in**@id***.org

  16. Have another Parade, earlier in the day or later and invite all those who want to open carry. Boycott the other Parade completely. There is time to make arrangements for this. Dont forget to call the AG and make your voice heard along with calling your Reps.

  17. No boycott… open carry is codified in state law. Make ‘em make a scene…peaceably, this rule is unconstitutional. To heck with them.

  18. If the goal is to make the parade a gun free zone, everyone there will be sitting ducks for terrorism. Joe Biden has imported millions of illegal aliens into our country, with thousands of them being known muslim terrorists. Now is not the time to disarm ourselves.

  19. This is a gross violation of Idaho statute 30-501.

    The Boise parade is a non profit corporation which is required to accept the Idaho Constituton as binding. Article 1 section 11 of the Idaho constitution protects the right to bear arms, as a right which may not be abridged.

    The Boise Parade contact form can be found at the link below if you wish to share this information with them:

  20. What if they had a parade and no one showed up? Easy fix. Don’t participate in the Communist
    Agenda. First it’s a parade, eventually it’s your homes. Drip, Drip, Drip.

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