Deep Dive (Ep. 3) with State Sen. Glenneda Zuiderveld
By Greg Pruett • January 21, 2025State Senator Glenneda Zuiderveld (R-Twin Falls) is Idaho Dispatch’s third guest on our new long-form podcast called “Deep Dive.”
The goal of Deep Dive is to get to know Idaho’s political figures on a more personal level. Rather than just discuss politics and what is happening at the capitol, we wanted Idahoans to learn more about the person behind the faces of Idaho politics.
Zuiderveld recently won re-election after serving her first term the previous two years.
In our interview, we discuss Zuiderveld’s upbringing, her time on the farm, and what drives her values as a lawmaker.
Be sure to check out the interview below, and if you support us making more content like this, click here and become a subscriber to Idaho Dispatch today!
Tags: Deep Dive, Glenneda Zuiderveld, Greg Pruett, Idaho Dispatch, Idaho Legislature
. The politician thieves stealing my income and redistributing it form their personal gains is what I want to know about them.
I won’t disagree with any one calling POLITICIANS thieves!
In my 50’s and have know most my life politics is some very criminal activity more than being public servants.
They should be subjected to polygraphs, excuse or bad none.
Even if there’s no questions pertaining to criminal activities of their own, the it seems often are aware of others involved in criminal actions.
But it truly dawns on me how it’s been said, we don’t know who said it but what it was is, CHRIME DOESN’T PAY!
And that really only holds true if your not a politician, as the world watched scumbag Joe Biden pardon his entire family. CRIME HAS DEFINITELY PAYED, Dr Foucci pardoned! An entire branch of government that we’re putting Jan 6’ers in prison, pardoned! You going to tell me Faucci didn’t benefit financially from the bullshit he pushed through as truth.
Along with the fact he had some involvement with the creation of COVID-19 gain of function❓
He can’t be pardoned people all over the world died
There is no pardons for global terrorism, NONE!
CRIME PAYS DIVIDENDS IF YOUR A POLITICIAN, I’m sure Joe Biden will be getting funds from his Ukrainian connections, and his homies in the Gaza strip for years.
Crime pays politicians and the are in perfect position to pardon their actions if threat of prosecution comes into being.
They just don’t want any competition is what really they don’t want.
But full prisons that pays politicians when they can keep all those beds full
Cash for kids judge, who was sending kids away based on false claims
How about the FYNTENAL dealer biggest in the country, she got pardoned! How many died from the drugs she distributed ❓
Politics is criminal and they must be held to a higher standard, Nancy Pilosi tell me crime hasn’t paid her she has how many hundreds of millions?! ❓
Crime must be reformed, every one in this Biden administration who is guilty of criminal activities needs to be surfaced and the people should get to decide on what’s pardonable
Biden actions just proved his entire cabinet was that of a criminal one, so let’s get the truth out
Really enjoying these interviews. Thank you .
little slow around here. im getting more idaho news on john solmons website and capital sun. Left of center Ag. lobby shouldve been voted out in 2018
Wow what a disappointing interview. She seems like she has the enthusiasm of a sloth when it comes to representing her constituents. She also conveniently failed to note her apparent shelving of her Christian values and humility when she puts on full display her profanity laced tirade and open hostility and jealousy of other very affective conservatives, mainly those in the Idaho Freedom Caucus who got tired of her passive/aggressive behavior.