Idaho Congressman Russ Fulcher Co-Sponsors Bill to Abolish the ATF
By Greg Pruett • January 16, 2025Idaho Congressman Russ Fulcher (R) has co-sponsored the legislation, H.R. 221, that would abolish the Federal Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms.
The bill’s primary sponsor is conservative Congressman Eric Burlison (R – MO). Burlison was previously the attorney general in Missouri and is serving in his second term.
In a press release for the bill, Burlison said,
“The ATF is emblematic of the deep-state bureaucracy that believes it can infringe on constitutional liberties without consequence. If this agency cannot uphold its duty to serve the people within the framework of the Constitution, it has no place in our government.”
Fulcher’s support for H.R. 221 makes him the first Idaho congressional delegate to support the abolition of the ATF, which gun owners in Idaho have grown frustrated with for decades now.
The ATF has recently begun making its own rules outside congressional authority. For instance, the ban on bump stocks, which the ATF did on its own, was struck down by the U.S. Supreme Court. The ATF also made its own rule regarding pistol braces, again outside of congressional authority.
In addition to the ATF’s unconstitutional rule-making, the bureau has also been harassing gun shops and conducting unconstitutional background checks on gun owners despite the 2nd Amendment’s clear directive for non-infringement.
Seth Rosquist, a spokesman for the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance, stated on Fulcher’s endorsement to H.R. 221:
“We are excited that at least someone in Idaho’s congressional delegation is supporting the abolishment of the ATF. The ATF is out of control and, more importantly, an unconstitutional entity. We don’t need them any longer and never should have had them around in the first place.
Fulcher has long supported the 2A in Idaho and has been a big supporter of the Idaho Second Amendement Alliance for nearly a decade, since he was a State Senator.
We are asking the rest of Idaho’s delegation to follow Fulcher’s lead and support H.R. 221!”
Do you want the ATF to be abolished? Be sure to let us know in the comments below.
Note: Greg Pruett serves as the President of the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance.
Tags: 2nd Amendment, ATF, Eric Burlison, Firearms, Guns, H.R. 221, Idaho Second Amendment Alliance, Russ Fulcher
11 thoughts on “Idaho Congressman Russ Fulcher Co-Sponsors Bill to Abolish the ATF”
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Russ Swindell is an embarrassment to Idaho. Why would anyone vote for him other than he has an R next to his name?
Trying to understand if there’s some sort of private joke here? Who is Russ Swindell, exactly? I’m being serious, not sarcastic.
As far as the content of the article I would/will wholeheartedly support the passing of such a bill and should it come to a vote, would absolutely vote for said abolishment. They’ve taken unconstitutional approaches to our rights for far too long and as a result of what appears to me to be nothing more than gutless resistance, have become too big for their proverbial britches. Abolish the ATF…!!!
I voted for him and did so primarily because he supports bill such as this. A better question is why didn’t Simpson support this bill? Next up, repeal the NFA.,
Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms. Should be the name of a convenience store, not a government agency.
Why does the Potato Taliban want to eliminate the ATF while increasing fines for MJ possession? Typical hypocritical behavior.
Swindell is Russ’ common-law marriage name.
There are MANY “ABC” organizations and departments that need to be abolished. MOST of them are NOT Constitutional anyway and just a drain on the taxpayers. They are out of control (such as the video I saw of an ATF agent ILLEGALLY harassing an American attempting to board a plane simply because he booked a last-minute ticket. No warrant, NO probable cause, plenty of intimidation.) Just because an agency has been around for a while does NOT mean it is still needed or ever was truly needed. It is time the Federal Government returns to being in charge of ONLY what is allowed by the Constitution, and nothing more. This would be a good place to begin.
Chevron deference. ATF, EPA, IRS, and all the 3-letter agencies need to be gutted. The looney-troons are running the asylum! Time for actual Republicans to grow a spine and clean house, and it’s time for voters to replace those that do not.
A study of Congressman Fulcher’s record in Congress demonstrates he votes on principle, and does not weaken under establishment pressures like our other legacy Representatives. Leading with this proposed H.R. 221 at the start of the new Administration is the kind of Congressional leadership I like to see coming from an Idaho. Unlike the harebrained scheme to destroy the Snake River Dams pushed by our other Congressman immediately following the 2020 Presidential election. As a strong, proven fighter in defense of 2A, Congressman Fulcher remains a stand out Representative for Idaho.
Ah, yeah, he’s big on 2A. That’s all that matters for Idaho’s sheep. Keep voting for him, he really cares about making things better.
Go back to California. You are the kind of sheep that they like.
Spot on…