Idaho Dispatch

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Press Release: Rep. Simpson Pushes Back on Biden-Harris Admin’s Attempt at Federal Control of Groundwater

By • October 2, 2024

The following press release was sent out by Congressman Mike Simpson. Press releases do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.

“WASHINGTON—This week, Idaho Congressman Mike Simpson sent a letter to the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) in response to PCAST’s request for public input on America’s groundwater challenges and apparent ongoing efforts by the Biden Administration to produce a report relating to federal recommendations on groundwater. The letter reiterates that groundwater should remain regulated by states and tribes, not the federal government. This effort follows a letter from Idaho Governor Brad Little and Lieutenant Governor Scott Bedke to President Biden expressing their opposition to this request.

“Water sovereignty must remain in the hands of states, Tribes, and local governments—not in the hands of the federal government,” said Rep. Simpson. “The federal government has no place in managing or regulating groundwater. I was pleased to see Governor Little and Lieutenant Governor Bedke stand up for Idaho by opposing this attempt, and I am proud to join their efforts in my position as the Representative for Idaho’s second congressional district. Management of this precious resource is a state issue, and I will continue to oppose efforts by the Biden-Harris administration that would undermine state, local, and Tribal authority over water regulation.”

The full text of the letter is available here.


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5 thoughts on “Press Release: Rep. Simpson Pushes Back on Biden-Harris Admin’s Attempt at Federal Control of Groundwater

    1. (Sigh) One in a row…but only after someone else started the process. First chance I get, I’ll be voting to see him removed from office.

      Now, where does he stand on Prop 1?
      On another note, where does our governor stand on his campaign platform when it comes to his promise to repeal the grocery tax?

      So many questions that these individuals have surrounding them…so few answers.

      1. Its the new way of answering questions. I’m sure if the governor is asked about the grocery tax, he’ll start off by saying he was born in a small Idaho town and raised by his mother, then completely ignore the question.

        As for Simpson, as usual, too little, too late. When will the voters finally realize he’s not fit for the position he holds?

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