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Press Release: Idaho Declares “Big Lie” Allegations “Without Merit,” Confirms Idaho Election Integrity

By • October 10, 2021

The following Press Release was sent out by the Idaho Secretary of State’s Office. Note: Press Releases are sent out by government entities and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Idaho Dispatch.

Boise, Idaho — Following the manual recount of 8 of 32 Bonner County precincts, the office of the Idaho Secretary of State has wrapped up its review surrounding allegations challenging the accuracy of Idaho’s November 2020 election. The findings: As expected, the election was executed with both integrity and accuracy, with the office finding only a roughly 0.1% margin of error across 3 counties.

Saturday’s manual review and recount of over 7,700 ballots in Bonner County was the third such review conducted by the office over a 2 week period, a process that was started following citizen submissions of a spreadsheet and webpage published at, a website that bears the copyright of Michael J. Lindell.

The webpage shows lists of every county in the country, sorted by state, and then purports to show how much each county was electronically manipulated, referencing dates, times, and IP addresses that supposedly connect to the particular attack. Secretary Lawerence Denney stated, “I had received numerous phone calls and emails over the last month from constituents wanting my office to ‘look into Lindell’s data’, but until recently, that data had never been available.”

Once the data showed up on the website, Chief Deputy Secretary Chad Houck, who was in charge of the review, says that the office started getting copies sent to them. “We have always said that if you have information regarding election fraud that we can look into, put it in our hands. Once this came out publicly, and especially given that it implied that all 44 county’s results had been altered, we felt it was important to address it publicly,” says Houck. “This questioned the integrity of the Secretary’s office, and the integrity of the 44 elected county clerks across Idaho, and that is something we won’t take lying down.”

Bonner County’s clerk, Michael Rosedale, had the same perspective, and volunteered his county for the effort because it offered a unique fit to the review – a machine count county with a single point of aggregation. “Every vote in Bonner County ultimately goes through one computer during the tabulation process. For a digital manipulation to happen, it would have had to have been on that machine,” says Rosedale, “but the computer is not connected to the internet via LAN, Wi-Fi or Bluetooth. I know it was secure.” In the end, the vote count showed a mere 0.116% margin of error, 9 ballots in total with 8 attributed to Trump and 1 to Biden. “Of those ballots, at least 7 could likely be attributed to extremely light markings that the tabulation machine could not pick up on election day,” says Houck. If that explanation were considered, the margin of error would drop to around 2.5 in 10,000, or 0.025%.

Following the review in Butte County, where results initially showed 9 fewer votes counted, county officials did their own review of the poll books and tally books, resulting in the discovery of a math error that accounted for a 10-ballot overall difference, and advised the Secretary’s office of the discovery. Adjusted for this finding, Butte County’s margin of error dropped from 0.63% to 0.07%, bringing all counties well below the 8.4% margin of error alleged by the spreadsheet.

“We jealously guard Idaho’s election integrity reputation, and this was a shot directly aimed at each state,” reflects Houck on why the office undertook the review. “While our team is always looking for possible vulnerabilities, this allegation was patently without merit from the first look. It takes hard work to build confidence in a State’s elections system, and careless accusations like this can cause tremendous harm. Doing nothing and saying nothing would have been like conceding its truth.”

No further review of this data is planned by the office. The costs associated with the review were paid with federal grant funds earmarked for audits in 2018 by the Secretary under the Help America Vote Act. The first review covering Butte and Camas counties is estimated to have cost around $2,500, with the Bonner County review estimated at $4,000. The Secretary’s office has offered to reimburse any expenses incurred at the county level from the same funds.


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Tags: Bonner County, Chad Houck, Idaho Secretary of State, Lawrence Denney, Mike Lindell

10 thoughts on “Press Release: Idaho Declares “Big Lie” Allegations “Without Merit,” Confirms Idaho Election Integrity

    1. Exactly. You would be an total idiot to mess with the only ‘machine count county with a single point of aggregation’. Time for a new Secretary, if that is how he ”investigates’ an election. We are not that gullible.

  1. I don’t buy your B/S for one second ! Do a full forensic audit in the illustrious Ada county !!!

  2. Recounts are NOT audits! An algorithm has been identified that ran in every county in the USA, to maintain a kind of cruise control vote impact value. Machines that possess fractional vote splits can be programmed to keep to the assigned outcome schedules during the election hours.

  3. Full forensic audit or none of it matters including their “word.” Integrity has nothing to do with it. And if it truly matters to them then they would have done it right from the start. Vote them out.

  4. I want every one of these people OUT. They care about nothing but the status quo. The only big lie is 81 Biden Voters

  5. me too….why we can’t have it? I believe Trump wasn’t supposed to win in 2016 but they couldnt stop it in time. They had 4 years to get it right, and they needed to stop the counting to do it, and the missing part was that they got access to the actual ballots as well, I’m convinced. The CIA can do that in other countries, why wouldn’t they be able to do it in their own country will the full help of the government? Our biggest ally is the feeling in our gut, over and over and over again. It no longer matters what they say, but who is saying it, from the election, to COVID, to Afghanistan to China and Euro Union. We are loosing to the alliance between old and new money, communists, and hereditary rule. Their #1 enemy is now a free and strong middle class.

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