Idaho Dispatch

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Idaho Legislature Introduces Bill that Would Prevent Unaffiliated Voters from Affiliating on Election Day

By • January 18, 2022

A new bill has been introduced in the Idaho Legislature that would limit the ability of unaffiliated voters from affiliating with a political party on election day.

Currently, unaffiliated voters can choose a political party to affiliate with on election day.  House Bill 439 was introduced by Rep. Caroline Nilsson Troy (R-Genesee) in the House State Affairs Committee and is awaiting a full public hearing.

The bill’s official Statement of Purpose is as follows:

Under current Idaho code, voters in the four recognized political parties who want to change to a different party or become unaffiliated, must do so by the candidate filing deadline prior to the primary election. Those already in the unaffiliated category, however, have different rules. They may change their affiliation to any of the four parties at any time up to and including the primary election day.

This bill will standardize the change of affiliation deadline for all primary voters.

The Idaho Democrat Party criticized the bill on Twitter saying,

The fact that this bill was introduced by Rep. Caroline Nilsson Troy shows just how out of touch she is with her district, which includes many college students who are first-time unaffiliated voters. #idpol #idleg

A public hearing for the bill has not yet been scheduled.

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Tags: Caroline Nilsson Troy, Elections, Idaho Democrat Party, Voting

8 thoughts on “Idaho Legislature Introduces Bill that Would Prevent Unaffiliated Voters from Affiliating on Election Day

    1. Be careful thinking that way, they do that very often to trick people. Why does it matter, this isn’t going to fix voter fraud issues.

      1. This is so a bunch of “unaffiliated” Dems don’t influence the Repubs primary…the D’s know they don’t have a viable candidate, so the thought would be to change party’s for the primary and influence the R’s candidate by voting for the most lefty R candidate possible…which in this case would be Bradley. This would limit the number of last minute, primary day, lefty, party switchers that might use exit polls or the like to possibly manipulate the process.
        + what Mark said… Haha…

        1. If that’s the case. Then hell yes this needs to pass. Last thing we need is dirty Dems playing games with our good candidates, sneaky trouble makers !

  1. People need to watch the Idaho Dispatch Rep. Giddings interview, 17 minutes in, she talks about conservative voters being locked out of voting, which leaves 200,000 of the 1 million registered voters to determine the future of Idaho. And Democrats are organizing to register as Republicans, already.

    College kids should have to vote in the area they came from. Not come to this area and vote how their teachers tell them to, and then they get a pizza party! That should be the bill to introduce. Along with a Statewide audit of 2020.

    Idaho needs to look into rank-choice-voting.
    It’s the only thing that will fix this two party monopoly, our Founders warned us of.

  2. If this will send little, bedke, harris, lodge, mcclean and tromp down the road, one way or another, The People are for it.

  3. As a Christian, Constitutional Conservative, I chose to be “unaffiliated” because the Idaho Republican Party is repleat with RINOs who counter my personal beliefs. However, I despise what tricky dick leftists do in the election process by changing parties to minimize my kind of vote and throw elections.
    I also despise being a “disenfranchised voter” regardless what party is in power. Let’s admit that Idaho is NOT a “Red State” as we’re lied to by those in RINO power. It’s sad that the Constitution Party is so weak, especially when Socialist Democrats and RINOs fail real Americans.

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