Idaho Elected Officials Talk to Prop 1 Volunteers at Western Idaho Fair as Lawsuit Looms
By Greg Pruett • August 27, 2024Two Idaho elected officials went to the Western Idaho Fair in Ada County to talk to Idahoans for Open Primaries volunteers who were talking to Idaho voters about supporting the Proposition 1 ballot initiative as a lawsuit against the initiative by Attorney General Raul Labrador is in district court.
Sen. Tammy Nichols (R-Middleton) and Ada County Commissioner Ryan Davidson (R) were at the Western Idaho Fair on August 22. They decided while attending the fair that they would ask questions of the booth volunteers for the “Yes on Prop 1” ballot initiative.
Idaho Dispatch obtained a video of the discussion, which lasted just over 12 minutes. You can view the full video at the end of this article.
At the beginning of the video, Nichols says she knows “a little” about the initiative and does not identify herself as a lawmaker. Idaho Dispatch asked Nichols to respond to those who say she should have been forthcoming about her knowledge of Prop 1 and that she should have said she was an Idaho lawmaker.
Nichols responded by saying,
“My purpose was to engage with the booth as an everyday voter who didn’t know much about Prop 1, and to see if things could be explained to me that would make sense or if I would leave confused about Prop 1 and Ranked Choice Voting.”
Idaho Dispatch asked Nichols what her thoughts were on Prop 1 after the encounter.
Nichols told Idaho Dispatch,
“It was apparent that during my engagement with the booth, that it’s complicated for those who are pushing for it to try to explain it, and that they seem confused on the topic.
If I was a regular voter not understanding the issue, I really would have no better understanding and probably be even more confused and have more questions regarding this election style process and what I was voting on in November.”
Nichols said she believes the “Top Four Primary” and “Ranked Choice Voting” ballot initiative is confusing. She said she does not feel confident Idaho voters will understand the process before November’s election. Nichols went on to say,
“After my engagement with the booth it made more sense as to why several states who have RCV are now trying to get rid of it. It’s complicated and confusing both in explanation and process.”
Finally, Idaho Dispatch asked Nichols if she believed the booth volunteers were deliberately deceitful, uninformed about the process, or something else. Nichols told Idaho Dispatch,
“I think the booth workers were trying their best to explain Prop 1/ RCV to me, but if something is that complex or confusing just to explain, then you are guaranteed it will be chaotic if it’s implemented.”
During the exchange, the female volunteer tells Nichols and Davidson that they can learn more by visiting the Idahoans for Open Primaries website and watching a video that explains it better than the volunteers did.
Nichols wanted to make it clear her concern was not with these two particular volunteers but with the overall concern that many Idaho voters would not understand the initiative. Nichols said that while Labrador’s lawsuit is focused on allegations that signature gatherers deliberately deceived voters, now that the initiative has been approved, she wanted to see how it was being explained to voters.
Labrador’s lawsuit is currently in the Fourth Judicial District Court. Labrador claims voters were misled and that signatures were fraudulently gathered.
After Labrador’s initial lawsuit in the Idaho Supreme Court was dismissed on procedural grounds, Idahoans for Open Primaries criticized him for trying to re-file the suit in district court. They posted on their X account:
“After the Idaho Supreme Court dismissed Attorney General Raúl Labrador’s case against Idahoans for Open Primaries, he re-filed in District Court. But we know this case, just like the last one, doesn’t stand a chance. Idaho voters will have the final say in November.”
Along with the post was a meme accusing Labrador of trying to interfere with the November election and deny Idaho voters a voice on Prop 1.
Idaho Dispatch contacted Idahoans for Open Primaries and asked what training their volunteers received before working at booths. Additionally, Idaho Dispatch asked the group if they had any concerns about volunteers being unable to explain the initiative so Idaho’s voters could understand it.
Finally, Idaho Dispatch asked the group if they had any response to the video itself. We have not received any response to our inquiry, but we will update the article if any is provided.
Idaho Dispatch also contacted Davidson for comment on his exchange with the volunteers at the booth, but we have not received a response.
You can see the full video of Nichols’ and Davidson’s encounter below:
Tags: Idahoans for Open Primaries, Lawsuit, Prop 1, Raul Labrador, RCV, Ryan Davidson, Tammy Nichols
15 thoughts on “Idaho Elected Officials Talk to Prop 1 Volunteers at Western Idaho Fair as Lawsuit Looms”
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The only “clear thing” about ranked-choice voting is that it’s not clear and furthermore is obviously a very bad thing based on the states who’ve implemented it and now are trying their utmost to rid themselves of it. I say NO…to RCV, period!!!
VOTE NO on Proposition 1 — misleadingly labeled “Idaho Open Primaries Act”.
What didn’t they tell those who signed the petition to put this mess on the November 5 ballot?
First, Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) is already illegal in Idaho.
Second, it’s actually two separate and very drastic changes to our laws.
Third, this measure violates the one-subject lawmaking rule in Idaho, making it unconstitutional.
Fourth, Alaska hates the results they got with an almost identical scheme so much that they’re trying to repeal it this year!
With this scheme…
NOT EVERY VOTE WILL COUNT! In fact, your vote may not be counted AT ALL! In other states, the highest RCV vote getter LOST the election — several times!
PARTIES WOULD BE IRRELEVANT! In a “Jungle Primary” anyone can identify as anything — party doesn’t matter!
VOTING AND VOTE COUNTING WILL BE COSTLY, CONFUSING & COMPLICATED! Idaho Secretary of State estimates the cost will be at least $40M for new machines and voter education. We’ll have chaos in the counting house! Voter errors are likely, some ballots won’t be counted. Votes MUST be processed by computers. Also, auditing the votes will be impossible due to the complexity of this scheme. What could go wrong? EVERYTHING! (Even the well-schooled volunteers proved unable to understand this terrible initiative.)
Do not be fooled by this leftist Trojan Horse’s patootie of a proposition! VOTE NO ON PROP 1!
More information:
-> Secure Idaho Elections: http://www.secureidahoelections.org
-> Jungle Primaries & Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) Ballot Initiative: A Race to the Bottom: tinyurl.com/4m8rbbun
VOTE YES on Proposition 1 — “Idaho Open Primaries Act”.
First, Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) is already illegal in Idaho.
That is why it is on the ballot. The PEOPLE get to decide to make it the law of the land
Second, it’s actually two separate and very drastic changes to our laws.
Yes, that’s the point. The PEOPLE are taking back their rights to govern.
Third, this measure violates the one-subject lawmaking rule in Idaho, making it unconstitutional.
That is false. No Court has found this measure to be unconstitutional and are therefore allowing it on the ballot
Fourth, Alaska hates the results they got with an almost identical scheme so much that they’re trying to repeal it this year!
That is ridiculous! In 2022, Alaska elected its first DEMOCRAT in decades to the US House, and she has been outstanding. The PEOPLE were allowed to choose the best candidate for the job. The Alaska republican party hates the results because they lose when the PEOPLE choose.
NOT EVERY VOTE WILL COUNT! In fact, your vote may not be counted AT ALL! In other states, the highest RCV vote getter LOST the election — several times!
Not true, every vote still counts. In fact, voter power is increased since your first choice may lose, but your second choice may win.
PARTIES WOULD BE IRRELEVANT! In a “Jungle Primary” anyone can identify as anything — party doesn’t matter!
YES, YES, YES!! That is the point! Give the power back to the people. Let them choose based on the candidate NOT the party!!
This is not costly. The benefits outweigh the costs. The state budget is around $6 billion. This measure would increase the budget by less than 1%
This is no more confusing or complicated than ordering a meal with a choice of sides. Give me a break!
Do not be fooled by party bosses who want to maintain their power to choose . Give the power back to the PEOPLE!
It’s a nice lie, give the power back to the people… Rigged Choice Voting. Just more lies to sell a bad idea… The only way to sell a Marxist ideology from a once “democratic party”.
Rob, you are a true Democrat, refusing to tell the truth.
Ranked voting is costly, confusing and will result in many votes not being counted.
As far as Alaska as you say let the people decide, and they will throw it out.
Classic leftist response – filled with lies:
1. Alaskans hate RCV (it’s on the ballot for repeal in November after only being used for two years).
2. They do not “love” Pelota (who “won” the RCV election with 48% of the vote while the republican candidates had 49%)
3. RCV is intentionally confusing, arduous, and specifically designed to advance democrat candidates
4. RCV disenfranchises voters who vote by mail in any runoff election.
5. RCV can cause extended delays in election results and are frequently subject to court challenges – meaning elections are ultimately decided not by voters but by the courts.
6. While liberals are excited about any new govt program that costs more money and limits freedoms, the cost of attempting to implement this behemoth would be HUGE. Just think of all the money that the schools wont be getting because of this effort to elect more democrats.
If you want Idaho to look like a far-left “progressive” crime ridden rat hole, this is how you do it.
Your most telling line was the last one: “Power to the People.” There was never a more COMMUNIST slogan. Tells everyone which side you are on and who is actually behind RCV.
Why don’t you and the rest of the Democrats pack up and leave our beautiful RedState of Idaho. We are not going to let you and the rest of the Liberals ruin our state as you have in surrounding states
Palin lost Alaska because of “Rank Choice Voting” and we all know what happened to Alaska after that. Just another way for Democrats to cheat. No one Prop 1!!! We have way to much imported liberalism in Idaho as it is. We need to reverse course and bring sanity back to Idaho and America.
Rob, you are a true Democrat, refusing to tell the truth.
Ranked voting is costly, confusing and will result in many votes not being counted.
As far as Alaska as you say let the people decide, and they will throw it out.
Tammy going “undercover”. That was gangster! Love it.
Seems like the guy called in reinforcements when he was getting himself confused and the lady with the dress in the background showed up. Lol. Not the strongest sales people. Keep your day job.
What would it matter the dumbed down TV watchers will reelect the politicians that steal and redistribute their income. Property taxes for example. Giving our income away to special interests? Free money to the welfare classes?
Let the Independents or whoever pick their own candidate and run them in the election just like we do. If they aren’t any good they won’t get elected. Leave the Republican party to pick their own candidate. That is called an election!
What we’re saying here is that Prop. 1 is not wanted here. Only 2 states (last I heard) have rank voting and as said above: They’re trying to get rid of it. There are several reasons why, as mentioned above. In case you didn’t get it yet, democrats, we don’t want it here in Idaho.