Idaho Dispatch

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Breaking: Diego Rodriguez Argues First Amendment Rights and Whistleblower Protection in New Court Filing

By • July 28, 2023

Diego Rodriguez today filed an Answer to Request for Permanent Injunctive Relief in the defamation case involving St. Luke’s Hospital and Ammon Bundy, in regard to the 2022 CPS removal of Baby Cyrus.

Idaho Dispatch reported the results of the civil jury decision yesterday, which included a Supplemental Brief Re: Injunctive Relief filed by the plaintiffs asking the court to force Rodriguez and Bundy to remove written material and videos from their online platforms. You can see that article here: Jury Awards $52.5M to St. Luke’s in Defamation Case Re: Baby Cyrus – Idaho Dispatch. Links to previous articles with the history of this case are listed there.

Today’s filing by Rodriguez is a response to the plaintiffs’ request. Rodriguez claims his First Amendment Free Speech protection, and describes himself as a whistleblower in the case. He explains,

“For the court to grant the injunction which the plaintiffs are requesting would be to violate the 1st amendment right of free speech that are afforded to me by the Constitution of the United States of America and likewise by the Idaho State Constitution (although I am not a citizen of the state of Idaho).

Furthermore, since there has never been an evidence-based trial as to whether the things I have said are true or not—to force me to remove websites or published material where I have published factually accurate information is to simply muzzle the voice of a whistleblower, which is something that is only done in totalitarian states and tyrannical dictatorships.”

The filing goes on to explain Rodriguez’s reasoning that the court’s finding that he and Bundy defamed St. Luke’s is inaccurate and improper. You can read the document in its entirety here:


Idaho Dispatch reached out to Holland & Hart for their reaction to this latest filing. Erik Stidham, Partner at Holland & Hart, represented St. Luke’s and the other plaintiffs in this case. We will update this article if a response is received.

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Tags: Ada County, Ammon Bundy, Baby Cyrus, Child Trafficking, CPS, Dave Jeppesen, Defamation, Diego Rodriguez, Erik Stidham, Holland and Hart, IDHW, Judge Lynn Norton, Judge Nancy Baskin, Natasha Erickson, St. Lukes, Tracy Jungman

24 thoughts on “Breaking: Diego Rodriguez Argues First Amendment Rights and Whistleblower Protection in New Court Filing

      1. David Patrick’s comments have been removed. “We encourage polite comments and discussion in the comment section under each article, and we strongly discourage name-calling and ad-hominem attacks.” Our comments policy can be found here:

  1. First Amendment Free Speech Rights and Whistleblower protection are keys to our Freedom.

    St Lukes and Holland & Hart seem to be the ones at fault here.

    When will Chris Roth and the St Lukes Board member’s be removed from their positions? Will they all be made to stand trial for their frivolous actions?
    The People want all this costly nonsense to stop and our monies be utilized for actual well care.
    Fire Chris Roth and put him on trial immediately.

    1. Chris Roth and the rest of them all need to be put in jail to rot for the rest of their lives.

  2. Diego and Bundy are so stupid.

    It’s amazing theater.

    What beautiful is both are tied up for years, unable to cause trouble anywhere else, PRN kaput. No more public land fuckery, no more hospital lockdowns, no more campaigns.

    God’s will.

    1. If there is one thing Chris Zinda has proven in the comments section is that he doesn’t have a brain. If Chris only had a brain, he wouldn’t make stupid comments that are fake and false. If PRN goes kaput then Chris Zinda is smart. If PRN grows and becomes more powerful and influential, then Chris Zinda is the deluxe moron everyone already knew he was.

    2. You need to read the whole story. Sorry, but the Idaho Statesman and KTVB are not telling you the truth about what happened.

  3. The people saved Baby Cyrus from another Government kidnapping and trafficking. Just look at the videos for the world to see and decide for themselves. The Government did the right thing and safely returned by Cyrus, which resulted in Baby Cyrus thriving. Now the courts want to assert their power. Thankfully, again, the people have the retained power. Have a wonderful day.

  4. I’m very glad Diego wrote this up. The case might be over but him and Ammon are still fighting. I love that.

  5. David the number of ways you have proven your idiocy in such a few short words is truly impressive. Diego is a Mexican you idiot! And you are calling him a KKK son? What a moron you are. And he did not avoid process serving—he just happens to live in Florida you idiot!

  6. I just read Diego’s filing and I am very confused. What is he even talking about? He said there has not been an evidence based trial to prove what he said was false? Ummm, what was the trial that they just had then?

    1. The trial that just happened was a one sided highly corrupt kangaroo court that was illegal in the first place. Diego tried to submit evidence but it was struck from the record. So what you had was one side, the accusers, presenting just their evidence. No evidence was allowed to be presented for the defendants including any of the people’s rights members which were also defendants in this case as i understand it. If you know anything about civil lawsuits, what typically happens when a defendant does not show up is the judge enters a default judgment. I was sued once and the suit was corrupt, but i didn’t have any money for an attorney so i didn’t fight it. The judge simply entered a default judgment for the plaintiff against me. This is what should have been done in this case also. It is stated in the law. This whole thing was illegal as you could ever imagine.

  7. I am not sure that from a legal standpoint that this will stand. I am sure that their constitutional rights have been violated, and that Idaho courts are being used as a political weapon. The same thing is happening to Trump and many that support him.

  8. Sorry to say, U.S. Citizens have no constitutional rights! Which of the three Constitutions are you referring to anyway? Americans have the Bill of Rights and an American on the Land and soil are the only class of living men and living women that have ‘rights’ as sovereign. U.S. Citizens only have privileges and this case was held in an Admiralty court—law of the sea! Bundy and Rodriquez need to understand that they have no ‘rights’ until they change their status. Their names are written in ALL CAPS! Justinian deception! Legal fiction!

    For those of you that want to know the three Constitutions:
    1) The actual Federal Constitution is: The Constitution for the united States of America
    2) The Territorial Constitution is The Constitution of the United States of America
    3) The Municipal Constitution is: The Constitution of the United States
    Pay attention to the upper and lower case on the names. It makes a difference.

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