Ada County Republican Central Committee Passes Resolution “Strongly Disapproving” of the Actions of Senator Chuck Winder
By Sarah Clendenon • December 10, 2023The Ada County Republican Central Committee has passed a resolution detailing their strong disapproval of recent actions taken by Senate Pro Tempore Chuck Winder (R-Meridian) against Senator Scott Herndon (R-Sagle), Senator Glenneda Zuiderveld (R-Twin Falls), and Senator Brian Lenney (R-Nampa).
Winder stripped Zuiderveld and Lenney of Vice-Chairmanship roles on their respective committees after each shared information with constituents in online newsletters. Winder called for an apology from Herndon when he disliked public comments made by Herndon in regard to the Joint Finance and Appropriations Committee (JFAC).
After each of the three Senators received a letter from Winder, the Idaho Freedom Caucus sent out the following press release:
Mike Hon, GOP Precinct Committeeman (P2017-Meridian), proposed the following resolution to the Ada County GOP Central Committee. He read the text of the resolution, which includes a statement regarding the first amendment right of free speech of the three Senators,
“…Chuck Winder has effectively sought to abridge, in violation of the United States Constitution and Idaho Constitution, the right of free speech by Senator Zuiderveld, Senator Lenney, and Senator Herndon in their reports to the voters of the districts that they were elected to represent…”
The ACRCC comprised of Precinct Committeemen representing all areas of Ada County voted to approve it, sending a strong message of disapproval to Winder.
Mike Hon Reading Resolution Regarding Actions of Senator Chuck Winder (rumble.com)
The full text of the resolution in its entirety reads:
“WHEREAS Senator Chuck Winder represents Legislative District 20, a district wholly contained within Ada County, and;
WHEREAS Senator Chuck Winder is currently the President Pro Tempore of the Idaho State Senate, and;
WHEREAS Senator Chuck Winder recently exercised his power to strip Senator Glenneda Zuiderveld of her Vice Chairmanship of the Senate Health and Welfare Committee in response to a published newsletter, and;
WHEREAS Senator Chuck Winder recently exercised his power to strip Senator Brian Lenney of his Vice Chairmanship of the Senate Commerce and Human Resources Committee in response to a published newsletter, and;
WHEREAS Senator Chuck Winder unilaterally demanded that Senator Scott Herndon issue an apology to the members of the Joint Finance and Appropriations Committee for commenting in a campaign newsletter that “Out of 110 budget bills, some of them are probably still bad when they get to the Senate or the House floors, and they should be voted down and sent back to JFAC for some more work,” and;
WHEREAS the statements made by Senator Scott Herndon were a factual description of the actual process used by the Joint Finance and Appropriations Committee, and;
WHEREAS Senator Chuck Winder does not have the authority under the rules of the Senate to unilaterally address Senators’ actions outside of the Chamber, and;
WHEREAS Senator Chuck Winder has effectively sought to abridge, in violation of the United States Constitution and Idaho Constitution, the right of free speech by Senator Zuiderveld, Senator Lenney, and Senator Herndon in their reports to the voters of the districts that they were elected to represent, and;
WHEREAS Senator Chuck Winder has by his unilateral action usurped the power of the Senate to hold any individual Senator for actions outside of the chamber;
THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Ada County Republican Central Committee declares its strong disapproval of the actions of Senator Chuck Winder, and;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Ada County Republican Central Committee declares its support for the rights of Senator Glenneda Zuiderveld, Senator Brian Lenney, and Senator Scott Herndon to communicate freely with their voters, and;
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Ada County Republican Central Committee supports any action which may be brought against Senator Chuck Winder before the Senate Ethics Committee seeking that committee’s investigation into his unilateral punitive actions to bully and intimidate and harass members of the Idaho Senate who choose to speak out against issues and organizations supported by Senator Chuck Winder.”
Tags: Ada County GOP, Ada County Republican Central Committee, Brian Lenney, Chuck Winder, Glenneda Zuiderveld, Idaho Freedom Caucus, Mike Hon, Resolution, Scott Herndon
19 thoughts on “Ada County Republican Central Committee Passes Resolution “Strongly Disapproving” of the Actions of Senator Chuck Winder”
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Well now…it’s about time this loose cannon has been called out for his attempts to satisfy his megalomania. I hope this is more than just a maneuver to satisfy, from a public perspective, constituents that have disapproved and spoken out against him for so long. Personally, I feel that he is just one on a list of people in Idaho government that need to be dealt with…and in a swift and permanent fashion.
What BS!! THE “freedom caucus” is free to attack and label anyone that disagrees with them. But when they are called out for violating legislative rules ” OMG you can’t do that”. Moon’s little toy soldiers March on attacking, reprimanded anyone, anything challenging them, while the “Silent majority” stands quietly by…. not a good precedent by any means.
What legislative rules were violated? Winder certainly didn’t cite any when he removed these Senators from their leadership positions…
The Idaho Legislature is definitely under attack, but by would-be tyrants like Little, Bedke, and Winder. When the recourse to people saying things you don’t like is to retaliate through government power, its a good idea to take a real, hard look at … yourself.
Move back to CA. You are NOT the silent majority.
yeah dave get back in mamas pocket……
Move to Censure Chuck Winder.
At bare minimum, remove Chuck Winder from the Senate Pro Tempore position.
Indeed. How do we start the removal process?
Time to get these RINOS/fake republicans out of our office to preserve our freedoms in the state of Idaho. Ada is a bad county full of anti conservative sentiment and views. Clean house.
Senator Chuck Winder should be applauded, not censured. This article is just another example of the heavy handed, “our way or the highway” methods of the Republican Party statewide, not just in Ada County or at the State officer level. I hope the level headed Republicans in Ada and every county rise up and remove these demagouges at the precinct level.
So you’re for disallowing our representatives from letting us know their positions on up coming legislature or procedural changes. We select our precinct reps and expect them to keep us informed on the inner workings of the RCC.
No. You need flushed with windbag.
Want to remove them from the precinct level? Either run for a precinct committee position or personally contact yours with your views. They would love the feedback before addressing issues
rather than the Monday morning quarterbaking.
I might suggest a thorough house cleaning of those who represent us in the Idaho Republican Party. This action would included not only those who represent us locally but throughout the state as well. And yes there are those Rhinos/Progressives in Washington DC, who need to be considered for a change too! We
are/have experienced many changes in our country some good and it appears many not so good, that can be changed. To me what doesn’t change and can’t change are the guidelines, and principles the Republican Party was founded on! In other words if one is not grounded in these principles representing our people locally and nationally and is found to be not adhering to these or to their oath of office they no longer have an office. Furthermore, when those who represent us in government show us through their actions the way they really feel/think, then we should thank our Lord, and prepare for a personnel change. Just A Thought❗️
Leadership positions in the
Senate and the House should Rally their members to Represent their Constituents not discipline them, intimidate them, or bully them like children. Winder’s type of leadership is more a Dictator and takes on forms of Communism. Leadership should promote and encourage our first amendment rights, not pick and choose which Senators can exercise that freedom.
Now we need his constituency to condemn his actions. I am willing to sign it.
Why are there so many fake RINOs running ng things… He needs to go… Is he a friend of the governor
I’m glad Senator Chuck Winder did what he did.
He has every right to change Committee assignments under the rules of the Senate. He can make those calls when the Senate is in session or out of session. As a lifelong Republican I support the leadership decision he has made and look forward to more changes in the upcoming session of the Idaho legislature.
Could you please explain why you support Winder?
Some Idaho legislature, sometime in the past established the rules by which the legislature continues to operate. That must be changed! Results of “leadership” having the authority to assign legislators to committees and chairmanships diminishes legislators’ ability to effectively represent their constituents.
“Leadership” doesn’t want citizens to be informed of their scheming to bring federal “money” into Idaho. When it comes from nowhere but an increase to the $34Trillion DEBT, it isn’t real money. It’s imaginary and dishonest. Legislators bringing in the 43% of Idaho’s budget from the federal government are STEALING from our children and grandchildren! WHO steals from their own kids!? That’s the epitome of taxation without representation. They don’t get to vote whether they want all the stuff they’re going to have to pay for.
When honest legislators inform constituents of that, the winders of the world resent the threat to their criminal game of pretend and retaliate by removing them from their committees. It’s the winders that must be demoted. Then, we can plan how we’re going to pay off this enormous debt we’ve selfishly accumulated; which, when it was $16.5Trillion, Dr. Ben Carson calculated it would take, at the rate of $1/second, 507 Thousand Years!
We’ve got to start SOMETIME. Winder’s in the way.