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Watch: Exclusive Interview with Rep. Priscilla Giddings, Republican Candidate for Lt. Governor

By • January 12, 2022

Several candidates have filed paperwork to run for Lt. Governor for the Republican Primary.

With Lt. Governor Janice McGeachin running for Governor, the race for her replacement is open. While there were three candidates previously, Luke Malek has dropped out of the race, leaving just House Speaker Scott Bedke (R-Oakley) and Rep. Priscilla Giddings (R-White Bird). Both candidates have been requested several times to do an interview with Idaho Dispatch.

Giddings recently responded to our request to interview and sat down with Idaho Dispatch at the capitol to respond to several questions.

You can watch the video below to see the full interview. Timestamps are provided in the description of the video so you can jump to a question that may interest you the most.

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Tags: 2022 Idaho Republican Primary, Janice McGeachin, Priscilla Giddings, Scott Bedke

11 thoughts on “Watch: Exclusive Interview with Rep. Priscilla Giddings, Republican Candidate for Lt. Governor

  1. Priscilla Giddings is a Stellar individual with the needed Integrity, we are lucky to have her volunteer to serve in the Idaho Political Arena.

    Giddings will make an excellent Lt. Governor.

    Best to her, family, campaign and the Win.

  2. No question about it, she’s got my vote.
    Could it really happen? Governor and Lt. Governor, both women, both conservative and both leaps and bounds ahead of the idiots in charge right now?

  3. If I remember correctly some of the past posts/articles addressed various important legislative efforts that did not get considered because Scott Bedke either failed to have them considered, or prevented them from being placed on the agenda, or simply found administrative ways to avoid their consideration. If true, I would like to see those factors listed for readers to view for their consideration.. it could very well sway the thinking of the many “undecided” voters. In many cases people vote against instead for a candidate. That could be what happpens in this situation.

  4. I agree with the views on censures. This absolutely a nationwide attack on conservative views. Hopefully the one view that cannot be censured is your vote. If you are unhappy with your government, change it. Change is a constant, what form that takes, in this country, is by majority rule. Or exercise another right, if necessary, and abolish it.

  5. We are very glad to have Priscilla Giddings and Janice McGeachin headed for the leadership positions for the state of Idaho! both have been tried and true and represent Idahoans and the traditional values of Idaho and of both the national Constitution and our state Constitution.

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