Idaho Dispatch

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Video: Exclusive Interview with Paul Sand, Libertarian Candidate for Governor

By • April 24, 2022

Idaho Dispatch had the opportunity to interview Paul Sand, a Libertarian Party of Idaho candidate for governor.

Idaho Dispatch is doing its best to interview all statewide candidates who have a primary race. We covered a wide range of topics with Sand.

Some of the topics include fires, healthcare, the 2nd Amendment, and more.

You can view the interview below:


One thought on “Video: Exclusive Interview with Paul Sand, Libertarian Candidate for Governor

  1. Hmmm…
    Government run healthcare.
    Government run schools.
    Business to be beholden to workers.
    Completely open borders.
    Masks work.
    Gun crime caused by families in need.

    Is he sure he’s libertarian?

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