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Rep. Skaug (R-Nampa) Introduces Bill to Cut State Funding for Some Abortions

By • January 20, 2021

A new bill has been introduced in the Idaho Legislature to cut any state funding of abortions except those performed due to rape incest or where the health of the mother is in jeopardy.

RS28247 (no House Bill number assigned currently) was introduced this morning by Rep. Bruce Skaug in the House State Affairs Committee.

Skaug said that the purpose of the bill was to prevent any state funding from going to provide for abortions and that he wanted to sponsor the bill to help keep his promise to protect the sanctity of life.

Skaug, the bill sponsor, sat down for an interview with Idaho Dispatch to discuss the bill and the rest of the legislative session.

Rep. Heather Scott (R-Blanchard), who sits on the committee where the bill was introduced, asked Skaug how much of state funding currently went to abortions. Skaug responded that it was difficult to ascertain a specific number. Scott then asked Skaug to try and have more definitive numbers went the public hearing takes place.

Rep. Chris Mathias (D-Boise) said that he opposed the measure and that women had a constitutional right to an abortion.

A public hearing for the bill has not yet been scheduled.

Do you believe that abortions in Idaho should not be publicly funded if they are? Why or why not?

Let us know in the comments below.

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Tags: Abortion, Bruce Skaug, Chris Mathias, Christy Zito, Heather Scott, House State Affairs

3 thoughts on “Rep. Skaug (R-Nampa) Introduces Bill to Cut State Funding for Some Abortions

  1. Every January 22, these legislators blow into their dog whistles to make it appear that the abortion holocaust in this state/country is just days away from repudiation. I laugh every year this happens, usually it’s the GOP that is whistling and especially if it’s election time. Gotta get those in the Repub base ginned up! I say stop with the bs! Planned Barrenhood & NARAL (national abortion rights action league) contribute to both sides of the aisle so the killing of babies and maiming of women can continue. Whatever Rep Skaug thinks this actually matters, it really doesn’t matter; especially since the caveat of “rape and incest” (which is less than 1% of all abortions), shows that the willingness to stop ALL child killing is a joke. The worth of that an unborn child is not predicated on how he was conceived! It’s all part of the dog and pony show. And unlike Skaug, I spent a lot of years counseling in front of abortion clinics with a handful of like-minded folks and until more citizens who want to stop this assault on women and babies in general and minority women and babies in particular, showing women in crisis that there is a better way to deal with unplanned pregnancies, then this stain on our state and country will never go away. Talk is easy.

  2. I, too, will ask for support for this. I object for my tax money to pay for abortions. Abortion is murder and I do not want state funding to pay for it

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