Idaho Dispatch

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Protesters Gather at Central District Health as CDH Health Order Fails

By • December 15, 2020

Central District Health has been working to pass a health order for several weeks now.

A vote on the initial order was delayed as the Central District Health Board made changes to the proposal which did include banning youth and adult sports. The new proposal contains no such provision against sporting activities.

The health order does contain a misdemeanor violation which can carry a fine and jail time.

With protesters gathered at the CDH building, the order failed on a vote of 3-3.

The votes to pass the amended version of the order were: Commissioner Diana Lachiondo, Dr. Jane Young, and Dr. Tedd Epperly.

The votes against the amended version of the order were: Rep. Megan Blanksma (R-Hammett), Commissioner Ryan Stirm, and Commissioner Elt Hasbrouk.

Soon after the failed passage, Blanksma made a motion to adjourn the meeting. That vote was passed unanimously.

In the amended version of the order, the portion dealing with “security” to enforce COVID-19 protocols at bars and nightclubs would only apply to facilities with a capacity of 200 or more patrons. However, that amendment failed on a vote of 3-3 and without a majority, the amended order did not pass.

Outside of the CDH facility, hundreds of people gathered to protest the proposal. Organizers told Idaho Dispatch that there were more there today than last week’s protest which we estimated at approximately 500 people.

With snow falling to the ground in the Treasure Valley, protesters prayed and sang “Amazing Grace.”

Near the facility, a large police presence was on site once again.

A number of pictures were sent to Idaho Dispatch showing individuals on the roof of the Winco Headquarters next to the CDH facility who appear to be watching the crowd. Idaho Dispatch has not yet been able to verify who was on the roof but people at the protest say it looked like law enforcement.

Idaho Dispatch did call the Boise Police Department “Media Line” to try and verify who may have been on the roof and what they are doing but we have not yet heard back from them.

Last week, Idaho Dispatch was on the ground to cover the event which did not see any acts of violence between protesters and counter-protesters or between protesters and police. Three protesters did go to the home of Ada County Commissioner Diana Lachiondo, who sits on the CDH board, and blew airhorns and banged on buckets.

At least one of those individuals was arrested and charged with “disturbing the peace.”

While Idaho Dispatch was not on site for today’s events, we did watch the live stream of Health Freedom Idaho President Miste Karlfeldt who organized the protest. Once the CDH meeting began, we watched the virtual meeting on YouTube.

Valley County Commissioner Elt Hasbrouk and Boise County Commissioner Ryan Stirm both said their constituents opposed the order.

Dr. Russ Duke, who is not on the board but helped draft the order, said most of the comments to CDH were in favor of the order. Rep. Megan Blanksma (R-Hammett) also said that the order was not favored in Elmore County.

A new group called “The 97% supported the change and was the group that placed signs at the Central District Health facility last week.

Here are some of the pictures from today’s protest at CDH:

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Tags: Boise Police Department, Central District Health, Diana Lachiondo, Elt Hasbrouk, Jane Young, Megan Blanksma, Miste Karlfeldt, Russ Duke, Ryan Stirm, Tedd Epperly, The 97%

15 thoughts on “Protesters Gather at Central District Health as CDH Health Order Fails

  1. Why are they wearing masks on a zoom meeting by themselves? Shouldn’t we have health officials who are a little more intelligent than that?

  2. We do not need suppression. No reason to lock down anything. Masks are enough. Let’s test people for “actual” Covid and “actual” colds. We don’t need to feed the enemy. No lying. We need to stand against the wrong stats—we are mostly all healthy. People who are and have compromised immune systems—get the vaccine if you need or stay home. Let’s not overreact and lie and tell people they have Covid when they don’t. This overreaction is just silly and frankly embarrassing.
    Let’s get kids back to school!!! Get people back working!! Enough is enough!!

  3. WELL DONE!!!
    But you got to wonder, if we have all these “health” districts,
    WHY haven’t any of them been talking to us about how our immune systems work and how to boost our immune system?
    Why haven’t they been speaking out, to quell the extreme, unhealthy hysteria…
    And, for gosh sake! WHY are they wearing masks if they’re on a zoom call by themselves???! Obviously, we don’t need them
    But at least they voted right! good job!

  4. How much you want to bet, the police on Winco HQ were taking a sniper position on peaceful taxpaying protesters exercising their 1st Amendment right against clear violations of our Constitutional rights? The same rights our police and Officials swore an Oath to protect and defend, the only purpose of government. Just like Moscow did, in the protest after the church arrests. Officials who break their Oath of Office are no longer official. Specially when they play games and hide.

    How were people on public property, during the day, disturbing the peace?
    I’ve had neighbors like that…???

  5. This is excellent reporting- actually showing things as they were! I almost puke at the way Idaho Press, KTVB, Statesman… they formulate the story to push their agenda of spreading more fear and dismissing the valid concerns of citizens.

  6. They are in a room together with the five people allowed in the building. That’s why they are masked. The rest are in separate places.

  7. This foolishness has to end, and today is a great day for the legislature to close it down. We long ago passed complete idiocy with these masks that have been proven not to work, and the continuing dependence for our freedom on “health” organizations that never even mention alternative treatments, diet, exercise, building immune systems and even approach sensible advice in any way. End it.

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