Press Release: Voters Say No to West Ada School District Levy
By Press Release • May 18, 2023The following press release was sent out by ConservativesOf PAC. Press releases do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.
In the largest school levy in Idaho state history, voters of Ada County sent a resounding message to West Ada School District leaders that the $500 million ask of taxpayers was too much, at the wrong time, without enough creative, out-of-the-box consideration of other options and alternatives to save taxpayer dollars.
A misleading and deceptive campaign that went beyond neutral and factual information damaged the credibility of their campaign.
In a levy requiring 55 percent vote to pass, the measure was resoundingly rejected by voters.
Jerry Gibbs, spokesman for ConservativesOf: Idaho / Ada County / Boise / Meridian / Eagle / Star, Branden Durst and Brian Almon of Idaho Freedom Action (IFA), along with Neil Mammen of VAC Action were the primary conservative organizations that publicly voiced opposition to the levy.
Following conclusion of the election, Jerry Gibbs said, “when people are confused or concerned about the integrity of a measure, research shows they vote no, and so they did. Now back to the drawing board for West Ada School District.”
While the opposition parties support the goals of West Ada School District, it’s hoped leaders will develop a more fiscally responsible plan focused on improved learning outcomes while saving taxpayer dollars.
Tags: Boise, ConservativesOf, Election, Idaho Taxpayers, Jerry Gibbs, Levy, Meridian, School Levy, taxes, WASD, West Ada School District
3 thoughts on “Press Release: Voters Say No to West Ada School District Levy”
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The education system is the #1 crime gang in the state. We must rid Idaho of its unionized government employees and other special interest groups that corrupt the legislative proce$$.
Spend and spend, tax and tax!
If they don’t get it in the first try then they just keep after it the next time around. Schedule it at an inconvenient time for most voters and they can push it through. We have TOO MANY SPECIAL ELECTIONS FOR LEVYS AND BONDS! Lump them into the General elections and when it’s defeated MAKE THEM WAIT LONG ENOUGH TO FIND OTHER SOLUTIONS!
The Legislature did away with March elections – now let’s do away with AUGUST ELECTIONS!
Another boondoggle that leftists think taxpayers should indiscriminately fund. This despite the fact that they already have $130 million in their current coffers and they’ve been glutted because of the recent property tax booms (due to inflated home values).
Time to return to reality.
And by the way, when is West Ada getting split? I’m tired of driving my kids eight miles to the high school…