Idaho Dispatch

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Press Release: Voter ID Law Upheld in Unanimous Idaho Supreme Court Decision

By • April 14, 2024

The following press release was sent out by the Office of Attorney General Raúl Labrador. Press releases do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.

[BOISE] – In a 5-0 decision, the Idaho Supreme Court today upheld Idaho’s voter ID law and affirmed in full the district court’s decision from last October in Babe Vote and League of Women Voters of Idaho v. Phil McGrane. Idaho’s challenged law states that student identification cards are not valid identification when it comes to registering to vote, citing a lack of uniformity and sophistication.

“This is a strong victory for election security and the minimum standards that must be met in order to vote,” said Attorney General Raúl Labrador. “The Idaho legislature took steps to improve our election security, but rather than encouraging young people to obtain their free state voter IDs, advocacy groups took legal action against the State, alleging age discrimination. We are pleased with this victory but acknowledge liberal advocacy groups are bringing similar claims in Federal court, and we will continue to defend these laws.”

The initial district court ruling stated,

“The new laws are rationally related to their stated purpose to clarify and create uniformity by requiring only generally accepted, authentic, and reliable forms of identification as a reasonable condition to exercise the right of suffrage.”

The Idaho Supreme Court affirmed in today’s ruling that,

4 thoughts on “Press Release: Voter ID Law Upheld in Unanimous Idaho Supreme Court Decision

  1. Anyone can automatically appeal to a federal court to overturn a ruling that should remain entirely within the state’s jurisdiction. The blurring and eventual erasing of state sovereignty by the tyrannical central government will continue. This is not a federal matter!

    1. Yeah, except that these laws and courts are sworn to uphold the Constitution of the US. In the end, it all comes back to that.

  2. Nice to see this small victory over voter integrity.
    Idaho IS a magnet state for illegal immigration, which can result in confusion in the illegal population concerning voting. Voter ID is a protection for anyone ineligible to vote, and for Idahoans. But let’s not kid ourselves. Pretending to assist Texas in defending the border with Idaho Guard masks the fact that Idaho encourages illegal immigration in the state with education and work. Without enacting laws against these basic quality of life activities Idaho will continue to attract people from around the world. The legislature needs a consistent message. Either we support the illegal population or we don’t. Stop wasting tax dollars on both sides of the issue. It’s counter productive and simply political pandering. Voting is a natural progression for this population and we all know it.

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