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Press Release: Thomas Netzley Announces Candidacy for Idaho State Senate, District 12

By • March 15, 2022

The following Press Release was sent out by Thomas Netzley, a candidate for Idaho State Senate. Note: Press Releases sent out by candidates do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho DIspatch.

Nampa, Idaho – Thomas Netzley announced his candidacy for the Idaho state senate in district 12. Netzley is a man of faith, homeschool dad of six, and a proud America-first conservative.

“After seeing the way the government and our statewide elected officials reacted to the 2020 crisis, (and how they’ve kept us in an “emergency” state ever since)… I decided to act. Because now is the time for people of integrity to step up and make a difference for the future of our country and our children.” Netzley says.

“We’ve seen what we get with the current slate of politicians – the same big government politics over and over again. And for some reason – we keep voting the same people in over and over again. It’s time to stop that cycle.”

Netzley has a very clear agenda – one that centers around life, liberty, and personal freedom.

“I’m running for Idaho State Senate to cut down the size of government, and pursue a liberty agenda. If elected I plan to diligently fight for the pro-life cause, medical freedom, and election integrity (among other things).”

Netzley lives in Nampa with his wife and six kids where they’re actively involved in the homeschool and local community.

To learn more about Netzley or get involved with the campaign, visit


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Tags: Idaho, Nampa, Thomas Netzley

8 thoughts on “Press Release: Thomas Netzley Announces Candidacy for Idaho State Senate, District 12

  1. As the expressions “person of faith,” or “conservative Christian” are bandied about so freely these days I find it difficult to determine where individuals stand exactly. The meanings of those expressions as well as others have been voiced so much it is my belief that it would be much more transparent to divulge the actual denomination of their background(s) without seeming to “promote” a specific church.

    This is in no way an attack or judgement on this individual who seems to be on the up and up in their pursuit of public office. 🙂

    1. You should maybe call or email and ask him. Seems like a good dude to me, look at that family! We need to flush the current slate of politicians down the drain. I’m all in for the “every day” Idahoan every time.

    2. Netzley is a solid young man. I would vote for him of I was in that district. His denomination shouldn’t be a factor, but the fruit of his life should be. And it is very evident.

  2. I really don’t see any glowing community involvement, or any concrete facts supporting his released words. It’s so very easy to say things, paint verbal pictures that you know people want hear. So, with that in mind, have you done anything community wise, organizational involvement that supports your words, group membership or alliance that reflect your personal political stance, any share issues you’re involved in. So far I don’t see any supporting information.

  3. Those are fair observations. In an effort to be brief i omitted many details of my life and appreciate the chance to answer your questions.
    I grew up in a Wesleyan church and have attended numerous denominations over the years. Theologically I’m probably closest to reformed theology, but generally avoid that label due to some negative stereotypes.
    As far as community service a majority of it is right in the church where they stay out of politics.
    In 2019 I helped found Trail Life troop 1210 in Nampa to minister to boys. I served as assistant troop master and oversaw the 5-12 year olds.
    In 2020 I stepped up to teach Sunday school at my local church. I also have served on the worship team since 2018.
    In 2021 I adjusted my work schedule to be able to serve in a local Christian homeschool coop. I lead worship with youth support every week and teach beginner music to 3rd-5th graders with a focus on guitar and drums.

  4. Thank you so much for stepping up, Mr. Netzley! We never before doubted when someone said they were a Republican, but with the current barrage of rinos in sheep’s clothing, we have become so suspicious of EVERYONE. Your history is extremely honorable and you’ll make a wonderful candidate. Thank you again for taking on this challenge!

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