Press Release: Successful Audits Prove Idaho Elections are Safe, Secure
By Press Release • June 3, 2022The following press release was sent out by Gov. Brad Little. Press releases sent out by elected officials do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.
Boise, Idaho – Idaho leaders are celebrating the state’s safe and secure elections after new investments this year prove our county clerks carried out a near-perfect primary election in May.
“We added new election integrity investments as part of my ‘Leading Idaho’ plan this year to enhance transparency and assure Idahoans their vote counts, and I appreciate my legislative partners for making it a priority. The outcome of the first post-election integrity audits prove what Idaho has consistently demonstrated – that we administer our elections with the utmost care and preparedness. Our ‘Leading Idaho’ plan continues these post-election integrity audits moving forward and adds resources to protect our elections against cyber threats,” Governor Brad Little said.
“My confidence in Idaho’s 44 elected county clerks was once again affirmed by the results of our first official post-election audit this past week. While we were very pleased with the outcomes in the eight randomly selected counties we reviewed, we are already looking at how we can improve the process – and the scope of our review – to continue to provide meaningful insight to the elections community and bolster confidence amongst Idaho voters that Idaho’s election procedures, security measures, and ultimately, election outcomes can be relied upon,” Secretary of State Lawerence Denney said.
“It was gratifying to know that Ada, Bannock, Bonneville, Idaho, Jerome, Kootenai, Madison and Payette counties were successful in their first post-election audit. We were so grateful for the opportunity to go through this endeavor and gain an outside evaluation of our process and results. As an association we were looking forward to the process that would provide positive feedback when we excel, learn from the experiences, and help us ascertain and make improvements to our procedures. The best thing about a new process is the opportunity to collaborate amongst our peers and with the Secretary of State’s Office to develop more unified processes that provide the needed transparency for public understanding and confidence. We thank Secretary Denney and his team for their efforts and support. The Secretary of State’s Office clearly defined areas for examination prior to the audit and did a great job in clarifying the purpose as results verification and not a recount as they are separate functions,” Idaho Association of County Recorders and Clerks President (and Power County Clerk) Sharee Sprague said.
“Our county clerks are the stewards of Idaho’s election system, and I appreciate their diligence in carrying out this critical function of our democratic republic. I applaud Secretary of State Lawerence Denney and his team for an outstanding job working with counties to complete these important audits,” Governor Little added.
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Tags: Audit, Brad Little, Election, Lawrence Denney
21 thoughts on “Press Release: Successful Audits Prove Idaho Elections are Safe, Secure”
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They should audit Fremont County next time.
County clerk did not verify county commissioner candidate address and after the Primary Election someone discovered he was running in the wrong district.
His 313 or so votes would change the election. OOPS!
BS! Who does the auditing and how transparent are the auditors? Plus when Democrats are encouraged to register as a Republican, so they can vote for Brad over Janice something is rotten. This is why the right vs the left premise is a lie.
Mike Lindel pointed out the discrepancies. Idaho refused to listen.
Little, if you believe your own words, then many have Ocean Front Property in and around Arco they are willing to sell you!
Real transparency would also involve: why the machines were necessary in the first place, details of where all the money went you threw at the machines for additional election security, how the audits were accomplished (beyond the Hart Intercivics website that includes vague promises of post election audits) observers for the audits, why we even chose Hart Intercivics and more. Your assurance that this was secure is the same message that was stated over and over again during 2020. Most secure, blah blah blah. I am not convinced, as I also will say that a computer based voting system adds too many loopholes. The voting kiosks print out your votes and creates a qr code. How do we know that qr code actually reflects our vote? Just because it lists our candidates on a physical sheet, doesn’t mean that’s what is tallied or even transmitted once we leave. All it would take is someone having login credentials and approval to alter this behind closed doors and one could very quickly change votes. Also when results are transmitted, other servers can easily communicate over the Internet and change results. I have serious integrity concerns and your assurances make me more suspicious. Especially when you clasped the party nomination in the same election you supposedly audited!
So CORRUPT!! Yes Mike Lindell and Denesh D’Souza both have proved the rigging of our elections! The only way to prevent the stealing is to return to paper ONLY! After all the objections you watch, in November, Dominion machines will still be used! We are losing our Republic over this!
The topic was Idaho elections.
Boise County had no citizen oversight on the signature verification of absentee ballots. Seemed like a coordinated effort between the clerks office and the deputy SOS to keep the citizens out of the process.
Get rid of absentee ballots. One vote, one day, ID verification.
I don’t care about safe and secure, we want honest and accurate!
How about the ballot drop boxes still used in Ada County that can be corrupted? Who is guarding the henhouse, Little? You?
How about this: One day voting with paper ballots, no cross over with demonrats voting for republicans. We have enough trouble with rinos, keep the rats out of the republican primaries.
There are soooo many good (and accurate) posts that I can’t single out the authors (as I usually do) to thank them for their comments. That said, the liberal hotbed (Boise area, and our governor) is successfully keeping the vote stealing machines in use. Paper ballots ONLY, hand counted, signatures verified.by photo ID. We all know and understand the process but those who want the opportunity to control the outcome WILL keep the machines in use. Honest patriots don’t need or want them.
McCrane was asked if the voting machines were controlled by the state and he said very clearly they weren’t That does not give me a good feeling about the credibility of the Governors comments on the integrity of our voting system.
In Kootenai County, we were audited by a team from the SOS and their hand-count of lottery-selected precincts was SPOT ON accurate with the election night machine count. We count every LEGAL vote (write-ins like Mickey mouse and f-you are not legal). We require ID for every voter and our staff spends hours verifying signatures for absentee ballots even attempting to contact those voters with signature issues so they have time to come in, show ID and re-sign their absentee ballot envelopes if necessary. We ONLY use paper ballots that cannot be copied. Our ballot box security measures are triple-checked and balanced from many angles. The security steps that would have to be by-passed in order to mess with our tabulating machines are insane. We had “watchers” for early voting, absentee verification, absentee opening, and at the polls. The biggest trouble we had was with the WATCHERS. We had watchers who claimed they “heard something fishy” but had no idea what was actually being talked about, watchers who observed signature verification of absentees WITHOUT TRAINING, watchers who recorded poll worker conversations WITHOUT their knowledge, and my favorite — the watcher who purposely tried to trip up one of my poll workers (she failed) and then LIED about what she was told by that poll worker. Our employees go the extra mile to be accurate and polite and LAWFUL. Can’t say the same for the media and the public this time around. We heard so many false claims (some made by so-called “experts”) it was obvious that they had no idea of what they were speaking – but it makes for good copy. And hand-counting – good luck. Results will NOT come in by midnight, WILL cost a bundle, and WILL have a higher percentage of errors than tabulating machines. We had a test run of over 200 ballots done by hand and there were 7 errors due to humans – and that was with 2 people working together. Do you want to multiply that by 40,000 or more ballots? IF you are going to criticize the process, at least LEARN the process so you speak from authority. Stop listening to the “experts” and get yourself educated or better yet – VOLUNTEER to help with the next election and be a part of the process. If you see problems from the INSIDE you will be better positioned to make changes. IF you are part of the inside, you can make certain nothing illegal or questionable is going on. Or maybe, if you are lucky, YOU can be one of those accused of fraud WITHOUT PROOF.
So who is watching the hen house? Was the audit totally independent? Was an independent organization like True the Vote requested to audit the audit?
I’m from Kootenai County and I have a feeling that what you said is both true and correct about OUR County. And not ever have seen one of the counting machines I cannot truthfully say that they are accurate or not. But out of curiosity I have to wonder about a couple of things that you said, 1) are our machines the same type as is used by ALL other counties? 2) are the ballots scrutinized as closely state wide as ours? 3) are the other voting areas (i.e. Boise, Meredian, Twin falls, etc,) as carefully administered in that proper fashion. 4) are their results as seemingly accurate (photo ID, Residential accuracy, etc.). So while our voting system may be one of the most accurate in the state is it a “stand alone” example of how it should be. And please remember that what comes out as the final number will still reflect what someone puts in. So number 5 is) are all the numbers correct? Who is counting/watching /inputting totals? A liberal? A conservative? A qualified and certified person? An honest monitor? The machine is undoubtedly faster but do we give up accuracy for speed? You say that the Machine is better in that regard but I’m just not ready to accept that.
There are different machines used in Idaho…Hart and ES&S as far as I know.
“While we were very pleased with the outcomes in the eight randomly selected counties we reviewed, we are already looking at how we can improve the process”…..
You can start by:
Making election days actual holidays to enable ONE DAY only voting…
Paper ballots only…
Printed registration roles only…
Printed sign in books at precincts only…
Hand counted and witnessed ballots only…
NO mail in ballots…
Absentee ballots for nursing home occupants and military only…
Purge registration roles of deceased and undocumented, ghost and phantom “voters” every year…
Oh and….
Voter ID…
NO more DL and other ID allowed…
Elections are corrupt. I don’t trust politicians.
Breaking news!!! The Biden administration has done a review of the voting system and has found the elections to be completely and totally legit. I dont believe Idaho’s elections are nearly as corrupt as others, but i do believe the people that won arent the least bit interested in finding out how corrupt they are.
Election rigging doesn’t have to be done via illegal means. Idaho seems to be in relatively good shape overall, but Ada county has some issues, per Seth Keshel. In addition, it doesn’t have to be done illegally. I firmly believe that, since Democrats stand no chance of winning a significant state office, their strategy is for Democrats to switch party affiliation for the primaries and vote Republican-thus denying conservatives a candidate to vote for in the general and saddling us with RINO’s.
No way McGeachan loses by such a large margin after Little destroyed 20%+ of small businesses because ‘covid’, allowed illegally coerced vaccinations, etc.
I read a couple of articles on party switching in Idaho pre-election, and know firsthand several “D”s who did exactly that…and were proud of it. I think it safe to assume that this is THE standard Democrat strategy in strong red states.
Incidentally, Liz Cheney recently sent out flyers to Dem voters in Wyoming begging them to do EXACTLY THE SAME THING for her in their upcoming Republican primary!