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Press Release: SCOTUS to Hold Historic Special Hearing Friday on Biden Vaccine Mandates

By • January 6, 2022

The following Press Release was sent out by Governor Brad Little. Note: Press Releases do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.

Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little commented today on the U.S. Supreme Court’s plans to hold a special hearing Friday to hear oral arguments on President Joe Biden’s OSHA vaccine mandate on private business and the CMS vaccine mandate on healthcare workers.

Governor Little provided the following comment on this historic step.

“Idaho is engaged in three lawsuits that are working to halt Biden’s vaccine mandates on American citizens. We are hopeful the U.S. Supreme Court will act quickly in ruling against these unlawful mandates. The majority of the nation’s governors – including me – oppose Biden’s damaging and ineffective vaccine mandate policies, but he continues to push them on citizens, businesses, and the states. Collectively the states will give a voice to the millions of Americans being coerced and cornered by the President,” Governor Little said.

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7 thoughts on “Press Release: SCOTUS to Hold Historic Special Hearing Friday on Biden Vaccine Mandates

  1. I’m sure people see this and say “look, he’s a great governor, he’s fighting for us”
    He’s obviously smart enough to pick his battles because this would surely cost him his career as a politician.

    Be sure to vote Priscilla Giddings for Lt. Gov

  2. Hahahaha… typical deflect and redirect by the real Idaho commie. Why, BeLittle, did you not stop the coercion and firing of some of Idaho’s finest, by EOing that health care mandates that included vaccinations would not be allowed by any employer. Period. Who are you beholden to, BeLittle?

  3. Dear Governor,

    Three questions:
    1.) If you oppose mandates, why do you support them?
    2.)Can you say Simplot?
    3.)Can you say Idaho’s healthcare system?

    Didn’t think so!

  4. This emperor has no clothes, people…remember his deflections and silent campaign “press releases” when the polls open. He is a fraud…

    I’m frustrated that he is allowed a platform to repeatedly publish this pack of “I, me, etc.” flatulence quite frankly.

  5. Thanks Little, good job where good job is due! . Not as tough or as soon as I would of liked to see you jump into the fight, but you jumped into the fight.

  6. “…Collectively the states will give a voice to the millions of Americans being coerced and cornered by the President.”

    So, let me get this straight, Brad: it’s not okay for Americans to be coerced and cornered by the President, but IT IS OKAY for those same Americans to be coerced and cornered by their employers???

    Don’t let Brad fool you: he is NOT fighting to keep you from being coereced and cornered, he’s fighting for those he thinks should be doing the coercing/cornering.

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