Idaho Dispatch

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Press Release: Rosa Martinez Announces Run for State Senate, District 20

By • January 6, 2022

The following Press Release was sent out by Rosa Martinez, a candidate for State Senate in District 20. Note: Press Releases sent out by candidates do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.

Rosa Martinez, a military brat, graduated with a Bachelors of Science in Criminal Justice Administration after becoming the youngest certified Crime and Intelligence Analyst at the age of 20. She and her husband, Ethan, have two children.

In the seven years in which Martinez has been living in Meridian, she has been active in effecting change in local, state, and federal politics, by educating others, testifying at the capital, and assisting current lawmakers in writing bills. Martinez has also been effective in assisting Veterans complete their VA benefits as well as being an advocate.

“I have spent a majority of my life within the federal system, I know and understand the ins and outs. Idaho is a sovereign state and is slowly being given away, by those in power. To ensure our current rights and liberties, it is imperative we have someone, on the side of liberty, to stand strong against federal edicts as well as ensure the people of Idaho keep their God-given, Constitutional rights. I can not be bought, I do not waiver from the oath I took at the young age of 20. I understand first hand the sacrifices made for these rights and I will stand strong.” Martinez states.

“The people of District 20 deserve a Senator that listens, will respect their natural rights on every issue, reduces government, get taxes under control, and ensures their senator actually works for them, not special interests. I will be that Senator for them,” said Martinez.


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Tags: District 20, Elections, Republican Primary, Rosa Martinez

6 thoughts on “Press Release: Rosa Martinez Announces Run for State Senate, District 20

  1. District 20 would be lucky to have her represent them, she is a wonderful woman that will help stop the ridiculousness going on. She’s have my vote if I lived in that district.

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