Idaho Dispatch

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Press Release: Republican Town Hall Meeting

By • January 28, 2021

The following Press Release was sent to Idaho Dispatch regarding a legislative town hall taking place next month:

Want to keep your constitutional rights secure? Join Representatives Randy Armstrong, Jim Guthrie, and Kevin Andrus for a community discussion on the 2021 Legislative Session, and the issues facing the state of Idaho and our Nation. FEBRUARY 13, 2021, 10:00AM – 11:30AM. CHUBBUCK CITY HALL. 5160 Yellowstone Ave. Chubbuck ID. 83202

The following image was sent with the Press Release:
Amazon Outlet

Tags: Chubbuck, Jim Guthrie, Kevin Andrus, Randy Armstrong, Town Hall

One thought on “Press Release: Republican Town Hall Meeting

  1. I have returned to being an Independent. I registered as a Republican after moving to Idaho. I found a party overrun by Republicans in Name Only, including Party Leadership, a rogue Governor, a useless Senate, corrupt Attorney General and nonfunctioning Judiciary. The Republican Party has betrayed Idaho. You have not policed your own ranks. You are no longer trustworthy. You have wonderful and courageous individuals within your party, but unfortunately they have become the exception rather than the rule.

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