Idaho Dispatch

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Press Release: Mike Simpson Fails to Stand-Up for Pro-Life Community, Again

By • December 22, 2021

The following Press Release was sent out by Bryan Smith, candidate for Idaho’s 2nd Congressional District. Note: Op-Eds sent out by candidates do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.

Idaho Falls, ID – An amicus brief on a Mississippi abortion law banning abortions after 15 weeks was filed in July 2021 by a large coalition of interested parties, urging the Supreme Court to recognize state government as the proper level of authority to settle controversy on that matter.

Over 200 members of Congress signed onto the brief and even the state of Idaho. Mike Simpson was not among those signers.

This is still significant because even after three months since the brief was signed by the rest of the Idaho congressional delegation signed the brief, Simpson has yet to join them.

Significantly, Simpson’s credibility as a genuine conservative on abortion issues has been in question for a long time. He earned opposition from the conservative community as early as 1990 when he failed to support key legislation against abortion.

And again, in 1998 the pro-life community sounded the alarm against Simpson, after he had caused the failure of a pro-life bill he was supposed to be supporting.

“We can’t keep dropping the ball like this. Idaho believes that the pro-life issue is important – which is why we signed the brief as a state. Where is Mike Simpson on this? He’s not in the fight for Idaho’s values. He is just going along to get along. He’s being complacent at a time when we can’t afford complacency, which is why I’m running for the Second Congressional District. I’ll be a strong voice for Idaho’s true values, and I will fight for the pro-life issues in Congress and in the courts. Idaho deserves better,” said Bryan Smith.


“He joined the Christian Coalition on a parental-consent abortion bill this year that didn’t get anywhere. Since then, national and local Christian Coalition and Idaho Family Forum supporters have turned against him. In 1997, he was the Family Forum’s Man of the Year. Now, one year later, Christian right organizations are spending money in advertisements against him and writing letters opposing his candidacy.” (Bold emphasis added.) (Idaho Falls Post-Register, 5/23/1998)

“Simpson says he is pro-life but opposed the 1990 bill because it was unconstitutional. The only eastern Idaho Republican to vote against the bill, Simpson disagrees with those say he should have let the court decide its constitutionality.” (Idaho Falls Post Register, 5/23/1998)


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Tags: 2nd Congressional District, Abortion, Bryan Smith, Idaho Falls, Mike Simpson, Pro-Life

11 thoughts on “Press Release: Mike Simpson Fails to Stand-Up for Pro-Life Community, Again

  1. True conservatives would ban abortion at any time. Before and after fifteen weeks. Why are we still thinking we are doing well in the area of abortion?

  2. It’s disappointing to me, my fellow, supposed, pro-lifers remain silent on how many wanted babies these COVID shots have been killing and maiming. Both by use and in casual proximity.
    Legislating abortion will not fix the problem. FIX THE ECONOMY, so having and raising babies is less stressful and less expensive.
    Legislation only grows government. It will be written badly and used in areas completely unrelated to abortion, to further violate rights and erode freedoms.
    Money is far better spent on programs seeking to educate and aid single mothers, and shut abortion clinics.

  3. This makes me want to support him. He has guts to stand up to the mass psychosis forced birthers. Good for him.

  4. Pleez, we know that Mike is not conservative and should be rejected by the Republican party but that won’t happen. Thank you Wyoming for removing Liz Cheney from the Republican roles. Will Idaho Republicans say stop giving our land to the Feds because you want the salmon to return to a lake??? Before he dies, folks! Mike is a DEMOCRAT.
    His votes are pathetic.

  5. Hey Idaho
    We get the government we vote, or fail to vote, for. RINOS like Simpson keep making us look bad because people keep voting for him. Wake up Idaho before the nightmare becomes a reality. Bryan is a solid conservative and a will defend our rights. This is not just about abortion. It’s about state sovereignty and defending our freedom and liberty. Do the right thing and send Mike Simpson packing. But don’t be surprised. Like a bad penny, he might come back as a Democrat.

  6. Mike Simpson took the coward way out. Who is he kidding? He needs to go. If this rhino can’t stand up for God’s unborn baby… twice…. he never will.

  7. Anyone with a pulse knows Simpson is a RINO and Republicans love RINOS to to their dirty work while telling you they are conservative. Not sure how to wake up the rest of you voting for these career politicians but Idaho is RINO country and apparently the bottom education ranking of Idaho compared to the nation is prime grounds for RINO breeding; beware and stay armed.

  8. Republican In Name Only! I like many are sick and tired of him and others like him. We want and need true Conservatives that not only value life, but do everything they can to defend all life. A woman has a choice over her body, but when another body is forming and growing inside her she has no rights to destroy that life. If she doesn’t want to have another life growing inside her then she needs to keep her legs closed and not be a loosely goosey.

  9. He appears to be a Republican In Name Only! I like many are sick and tired of him and others like him. We want and need true Conservatives that not only value life, but do everything they can to defend all life. A woman has a choice over her body, but when another body is forming and growing inside her she has no rights to destroy that life. If she doesn’t want to have another life growing inside her then she needs to keep her legs closed and not be a loosely goosey.

  10. Someone, anyone, please run against this rino. Simpleton has been a traitor of conservatives for the majority of his over extended time in Boise.

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