Press Release: McGeachin Campaign Plagiarizes Humphreys Campaign
By Press Release • April 29, 2022The following Press Release was sent out by the Ed Humphreys for Governor campaign. Note: Press Releases sent out by campaigns do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.
On April 26, 2022, the Humphreys campaign created and released a video through its in-house media company, MacKenzie Platinum Media, LLC, highlighting comments made by Glenn Beck about his prediction that Governor Brad Little would lose the Idaho Republican Primary. Two days later, on April 28, 2022, the Janice McGeachin campaign plagiarized this video and posted it on their campaign Facebook account as well as Ms. McGeachin’s personal Twitter account without giving credit to the Humphreys campaign.
Mr. Humphreys said, “It’s obvious to me that there is a desperate need for fresh ideas in the Capitol. My campaign and my ideas have been plagiarized repeatedly by my opponent. Imitation is the highest form of flattery. This is unacceptable and unethical.”
Tags: Ed Humphreys, Glenn Beck, Janice McGeachin
42 thoughts on “Press Release: McGeachin Campaign Plagiarizes Humphreys Campaign”
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You know, whoever is Gov better Damn well follow DeSantis’s lead. If these Candidates don’t understand that we’re at the end game of Sovereignty Vs. Globalism and continue to want to reform and play in the old ‘system’ then we have no leadership only dying Sheep. Prepare yourself accordingly and make damn sure your Sherriff is a Constitutionalist.
Spot no!
No or On?
McGeachin has already demonstrated that she will step outside the Little-RINO behavior whenever she has the chance. Humphreys is a plant in order to re elect Little
The stupid “plant” rumor is making you and Janice look desperate. People spreading false lies about candidates are just as disgusting as the democrats.
Did you know the Conservatives of PAC and other conservative groups encouraged Ed Humphreys to run for Governor. Did you know Janice decided to run several months after Ed announced he was running.
Stop spreading vitriol and lies about Ed Humphreys. Ed Humphreys has my vote. He will be the DeSantis of Idaho. That’s what we need to save this great state.
Well stated! Ed runs circles around Janice. We were McGeachin supporters until we dug deeper and then thoroughly vetted Ed Humphreys. He’s got our votes as well.
Conservative of PAC endorsed Janice
Get over it. Ed “Ahlquist” Humphreys
Is ego driven.
Humphreys is not a plant!!! I am so sick and tired of hearing that from Janice’s little supporters. Ed was the first one to announce his run for Governor, his campaign is run by everyday Idahoans, and all of his campaign donations have come from Idahoans who are ready to get rid of career politicians.
As the election draws closer: Is Humphreys a Little plant? Like Alquist?
Do your research. He’s the real deal.
No I don’t think he is. But he should see that he won’t win, not even close, and back out so the true runner up can win and protect Idaho. Selfish as hell to stay in a race that is not winnable and soak up votes that could be going to the runner up. I like Ed, but it’s not his time! Back off Ed ! Idaho needs Little beat! Let’s not fight a little kids grip on candy, with all do respect, back out as Janice M. Will beat Little with you out of the way.
That’s exactly what they told Trump is 2016.
Ed has a great platform, he’s young, smart, tenacious and very much like a DeSantis and that’s what we need. I’m voting for the best candidate. I’m not voting for Janice out of fear that her team is trying to instill.
Do Idahoans, like you, feel good about lying? Frankly, it makes you look like a desperate fool. Use real data and facts. Ed Humphreys is not a plant. Check the record; Ed announced his run for candidacy way before Janice announced it.
Ed Humphreys has my vote. He has a great platform, he’s honest and he has a DeSantis style that is needed during these times.
He posted it on Facebook. It’s been shared everywhere. Did he put in copyright info anywhere? Did he remove the share button? Then he has no grounds to complain, imo.
Would you feel the same way if the tables were turned. Bottom line: everyone needs to run their own race and it’s not okay to leverage others copyright media.
Glenn Beck is wrong unless conservatives unite to support one candidate to oppose Brad Little.
Hey Ed…………poor baby, is Janice picking on you?
Please people do not fall for this clown, he is here only to get the far left democrat Brad little elected. A vote for Humphreys is basically a vote for Liddle Brad Little
Maria, you sound like a democrat. Do you always lie like this? Unless you have the receipts, stop spreading lies. Ed announced he was running well before Janice did, and he was backed and encouraged by the conservatives of PAC and Eagle Conservatives to run.
Please stop with the lie. Ed is not a plant. Ed has my vote.
Stop the vitriol. It makes you sound just like a lying democrat
FYI – ConservativeOf Pac has endorsed McGeachin.
Eagle Conservatives have not endorsed anyone.
Ed is good, but he needs to lay ego aside and we all need to coalesce behind McGeachin to get rid of Little.
IMO, if Humphries does not withdraw, Little is a shoo-in, and Humphries political career is over
Exactly! Total splitter candidate. Tommy Ahlquist 2.0. The Good old boys club has been doing this since time immortal. I don’t claim that Janice McGeachin is the best candidate there has ever been. I do claim that she has the best shot off throwing limp noodle out of office, and that terrifies them.
Since Fulcher or Labrador isnt running for Gov I will be voting for Janice M.
It’s time for true conservative patriots to back Steve Bradshaw, a true leader.
Agreed – you only split the vote if you vote for the wrong candidate. Bradshaw is the only one with the guts to take on the Feds. He’s also the only one that has been beyond reproach. He also is currently a Bonner County Commissioner and has kept his budget flat and never closed down during the EO. He’s the one everyone should be looking at.
Agreed – you only split the vote if you vote for the wrong candidate. Bradshaw is the only one with the guts to take on the Feds. He’s also the only one that has been beyond reproach. He also is currently a Bonner County Commissioner and has kept his budget flat and never closed down during the EO. He’s the one everyone should be looking at.
Sorry Humph. But fresh ideas ( no matter where they come from) should be examined (and used) for their intended purpose. If she is considering something you thought about, then good for her. Janice has my vote, and you’re not even a close second.
These Janice loyalists who can’t see the reality of who she really is You are losing all credibility. She can’t manage her money, or her own behavior. Yea she signed executive orders when DoLittle left town, so what? That was all for political theater and y’all were a pawn in her strategy. Those orders meant nothing and she knew it. She’s obnoxious, is part of the establishment, and a career politician. We need fresh blood and new energy. Humphreys has been around the party for the past few years and was also a delegate for Trump. Insinuating he’s a plant to re-elect DoLittle is straight Idiocy. This state will flip blue unless y’all wake up. Sit back and really objectively analyze each candidate. Janice is a pawn the political game , just as DoLittle is. Humphreys isn’t controlled by political folks, and he owes nobody in government or big business anything! Why is that? Why is it that Humphreys is almost demanding he be given a mandate to implement his platform once elected? Why is it he wants to show the citizens in Idaho what he is all about and what he stands for, in a debate that would undoubtably involve some very tough questions? Why isn’t he afraid? Why is it that Janice talks smack about DoLittle hiding from the debates, yet she does the same? If this is really coming down to Humphreys or Janice, wouldn’t it be the right thing for the people to show up and debate and let the people be educated enough to decide? Of course she won’t because she has no vision and she can’t defend her actions and inactions as the sitting Lt Governor. Janice is a blow hard and has no new ideas. Humphreys is the one and only choice if people want to keep Idaho red. Either way, hopefully everyone shows up to the polls and votes. Our troops have fought and died for our rights, and voting for our government is a mainstay of our democracy.
My sentiments exactly. My vote is for Ed Humphreys
Janice did fine with her budget. She was hit with $30k in court fees when she tried to protect whistleblowers from the Idaho Press Club. Then they went after Giddings for “outing a whistleblower”. You’re falling for Liberal games. Hell, I’m sure you’re a Liberal pushing the splitter vote.
I’m a third-generation Idahoan and have voted in Idaho since 1972. I’ve followed this election, and I also follow the financial reporting published by the Idaho Secretary of State. Did you know that career politician Janice McGeachin only has a total of 105 donors? Newcomer Ed Humphreys has more donors at 125 and has captured support and loyalty from grassroots Idahoans. Also, according to official reports, McGeachin donated $220,000 to her own campaign – almost 50% of the amount she has raised. She also has spent more than $200,000 on out-of-state political consultants. However, Idahoans don’t want her. Trump’s endorsement means nothing. I support Ed Humphreys for Governor.
Correction: The Secretary of State just now updated the figures. JM lists 1,618 donors giving $647,616 (including $220,000 of her own money,) and EH lists 597 donors giving $383,026.
stepped on your own feet there. Humphreys is a splitter like Ahlquist. Prepare for Little 2.0.
This ” LIE” that Ed is a ” Plant” is nearly laughable- but it only serves to divide us. We have been with Ed for over a year- traveling the entire state- over and over. He announced WELL before any other candidate, campaigns harder than any other and went back out on the trail 4 days after his mother’s funeral. He’s taken NO money from special interests or corps. What don’t you naysayers look at the SOS website to see WHO has donated to the other candidates? JM lists 1,618 donors giving $647,616 (including $220,000 of her own money,) and EH lists 597 donors giving $383,026. We are with Ed.
And he polls in the irrelevant range. He can’t win. No name recognition. No Trump endorsement. No prior office. No funding. He’s a splitter. If not wittingly, unwittingly. That makes him a problem. Time for Ed to quit splitting the alt-Little vote.
Humphreys has a plan, the fire, and not a 20 year career politician. He will follow the money and make the changes needed for Idaho! Go Ed! You have my vote!
Such hubris, arrogance, conceit, and negativity on the part of Ed to think he was plagiarized. Is it not possible JM or a member of her staff saw the Glenn Beck video on the internet and posted it? They are probably not even paying attention to Humphries’ campaign.
Sounds like a desperate move on Humphries’ part. He needs to focus on Little and focus on his platform/plans to turn the state around. All this coming from someone who gave a sizeable amount of money to Ed’s campaign in the beginning, and volunteered for his organization.
I like Bradshaw or Bundy but willing to throw my vote to Humphries if he has a better chance to beat Little or McGeachin. No RINOs!
I’m going with Bradshaw. So I can sleep at night – McGeachin is a hot mess. If Idaho saw how she represents (always late, doesn’t speak well, can’t balance budget, slapped with a good faith fine) they would not be so quick to jump on board. Humphreys is good, but he needs more experience.
Humphreys is just acting like a splitter just like Tommy Ahlquist did. Janice has been maligned and instead of the alt-Little vote coalescing around someone with funding, endorsements and balls, they’re chasing rabbits again. It’s like the Idaho Press Club suing McGeachin to expose all of the CRT whistleblowers, and then bragging about her inability to manage a budget because they hit her with $30k in court fees. Then, they’ll go after Priscilla Giddings for “outing a whistleblower” after suing McGeachin for a list of whistleblowers. Quit playing the game. Coalesce around your best option and kick that limp noodle good old boy out of office.