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Press Release: McGeachin Calls on Governor Little to Convene Special Legislative Session to Pass a More Comprehensive Abortion Ban in Idaho

By • May 9, 2022

The following Press Release was sent out by Janice McGeachin for Governor campaign. Note: Press Releases sent out by candidates do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.

Boise, Idaho — In response to news that the U.S. Supreme Court may restore to states their Constitutional authority to ban abortion, Idaho Lt. Governor Janice McGeachin is formally calling on Governor Little to convene an Extraordinary Legislative Session for the purpose of passing a more comprehensive abortion ban in Idaho.

“Idaho’s abortion trigger law (§ 18-622) is insufficient, containing numerous exceptions and carve-outs. Given the likelihood that states will soon have their Constitutional authority to ban abortion restored, I urge you to convene a special session so that the Legislature can pass a more comprehensive abortion ban in Idaho,” said McGeachin. “It is shameful that Idaho’s abortion laws are not the most pro-life in our country. We can and must do better.”

“No child should ever be murdered because of the circumstances surrounding his or her conception,” McGeachin continued. “Life begins at conception, and such life must be protected with the same legal status afforded to all other people in our state. Any effort to terminate life once conception has occurred must be regarded as legally equivalent to an attempt to take the life of any other Idahoan.”

“I strongly believe in the right of each person to make their own personal medical decisions. It is because of this principle — and not in contradiction to it — that I believe every child conceived must be given the opportunity to be born. The most fundamental component of bodily autonomy is the right to life, a right cruelly violated with every act of abortion.”

“Regardless of if Gov. Little will take a stand to protect life, I will continue my efforts to make Idaho a state where life is fully and unconditionally protected,” McGeachin said.

5 thoughts on “Press Release: McGeachin Calls on Governor Little to Convene Special Legislative Session to Pass a More Comprehensive Abortion Ban in Idaho

  1. Case of rape , or the current mother In medical danger, I support the caring mothers choice on these 2 situations. Don’t get stupid and numb whittled Janice. I support you, but don’t tell my wife she has to carry a child if she was raped ! Too stupidly far.

  2. Case of rape , or the current mother In medical danger, I support the caring mothers choice on these 2 situations. Don’t get stupid and numb whittled Janice. I support you, but don’t tell my wife she has to carry a child if she was raped !

  3. Just remember that little has sold Idaho freedom down the river, JM definitely has my vote. Voting for any other candidate will end up being a vote for little. And remember that Bedke voted for gun control, and he would make a terrible Lt. Gov.. People should dig deep (especially freedom loving conservative patriots) and find out all the facts before voting. A check of voting records is a good place to start. A perfect example was the FACT that the NRA endorsed certain candidates that do not actually support the important issues like the 2nd amendment, not supporting mask mandates, and other freedom issues. Look closely folks, there an awfully lot of liars out there.

  4. I was disappointed to hear David Ripley endorse Brad Little and Scott Bedke for governor/Lt governor respectfully. He should have known better. He has fallen into the trap that has been set for us by the long-game moderates that in the end will shift on a dime and remove both protections for the unborn and gun owners. They pretend to support these positions in order to prevent conservatives from bolting to real conservative leaders. They slowly cede power the Left by allowing the Feds to run roughshod over us bit by bit.

    They showed their true colors during the Covid Plandemic when they allowed the fake Science_TM crowd to ruin lives and close schools and push mask and vaxx mandates. Mike Simpsons is carrying their water by supporting dam breaches. Soon, they will be telling us to by electric cars and downsizing like the Greenies do, only THEY will keep their lifestyles without changes.

    The Globalists need moderates like Little and Bedke to perform holding actions and protect the Castle from the People who will throw them out at first opportunity when alarmed. We are now alarmed….and THEY know it. Just look at all the fake challengers running spoiler campaigns against Dorothy Moon and Branden Durst and maybe even Art Macomber. Look at all of these smear campaigns and ads run against Good people. It’s sickening.

  5. Gary Seven – very accurate post. Spot on in all respects. Down with little, down with Bedke, and down with globalism!

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