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Press Release: May 4th Rally Happening as Scheduled at Kleiner Park in Meridian

By • May 3, 2022

The following Press Release was sent out by Lt. Governor Janice McGeachin, a Republican candidate for governor. Note: Press Releases sent out by candidates do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.

Boise, Idaho — It appears opponents of freedom are circulating false information about our huge May 4th Rally. Rest assured, the Rally is still happening as planned. It starts at 5:30 pm at Kleiner Park in Meridian.

Please don’t believe any rumors that may be circulating to the contrary.

The May 4th Rally is free and open to all. You are encouraged to bring your families, friends, and neighbors.

The Rally will feature incredible speakers including Michelle Malkin, Stew Peters, Dr. James Lindsay, Arizona Sen. Wendy Rogers, and Lt. Col. Matt Lohmeier.

Topics will include election integrity, individual liberty, medical freedom, and more!

6 thoughts on “Press Release: May 4th Rally Happening as Scheduled at Kleiner Park in Meridian

  1. How can this McGeachin seriously use the term “integrity” in anything she does? She’s the face of the establishment status quo. Cant hold a coherent pressor and refuses to debate? She is a legend in her own mind. The lady has done nothing for Idaho. She’s terrible with money and has a terrible confrontational attitude. Or she just hides like Biden and hopes things will just work out for her. Why hasn’t Trump come to Idaho to stump for her? He’s probably kicking himself for attaching his name to her. I’d rather watch geese crapping on the walkways outside the Boise zoo, instead of seeing this ridiculous spectacle and charade. They should do the citizens a favor and cancel it.

    1. “Election Integrity” is a good thing to discuss, not a bad thing. I get you don’t like LTG, and that’s fine, but there are many who do. Establishment candidates are led by Little, Bedke, Winder… And Janice is not led by these Rino’s. Only those who are ignorant or who are being dishonest would claim that. Janice was one of very few voices of liberty during the peak of the covid hysteria. Little pulled out of the debate initially, so what’s the point of a debate if the sitting Gov, isn’t there? He’s afraid to be challenged on his record. She has traveled the state relentlessly, meeting with various groups etc, that isn’t consistent with “hiding”. I for one would rather engage with others, discuss issues, especially if I disagree with them, than watch various birds evacuate the previous nights dinner. Janice is by no means perfect, but then again, neither are you, or I.

  2. I’m reluctantly voting for Janice but would love Ryan Cole to make it through the constitutional party write-in.

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