Press Release: Labrador Campaign Slow to Refund Tainted Funds
By Press Release • May 3, 2022The following Press Release was sent out by Art Macomber, a Republican candidate for attorney general. Note: Press Releases sent out by candidates do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.
April 28, 2022. On March 14, 2022, the Bonneville County Republican Central Committee (BCRCC) made a $5,000 political contribution to the Labrador for Idaho campaign, contrary to the BCRCC’s By-Laws (see enclosed). The BCRCC Policy states, “It shall be the policy of the Central Committee to: . . . Take no position in favor of any Republican candidate engaged in a primary election contest.” The campaign contribution is a position in favor of Labrador.
The Macomber for Idaho campaign notified Mr. Labrador of the BCRCC rules violation on March 25, 2022 (see enclosed two letters), recommending that the donation be returned.
As of April 28, sunshine reports do not reflect a refund of the tainted funds.
The Idaho Rules of Professional Conduct* set the standard for the integrity of the Idaho legal profession. To the extent Mr. Labrador deviates from these rules and aspirations is the extent to which he will fail as a good and honest leader of Idaho attorneys as Attorney General. These events raise questions regarding Mr. Labrador’s competence to follow the rule (Rule 1.1) as Attorney General, to perform the duties of Attorney General with “a special responsibility for the quality of justice” (Preamble [1]), to set an example to other attorneys in his capacity as Attorney General (Preamble 12), and to independently act ethically in compliance with the BCRCC’s By-Laws (Preamble 16) when money is involved.
Idahoans cannot expect good and honest actions from Mr. Labrador when he knows he is not adhering to the Bylaws of contributing organizations. Mr. Labrador does not demonstrate the necessary integrity to meet the standards of the Idaho Rules and must not exercise the powers of the State Attorney General’s office.
*** END ***
Tags: Art Macomber, Attorney General, Raul Labrador
I often wonder if people are truly capable of profound change. I don’t mean changing jobs, education, lifestyle, etc. I mean deeply ingrained core values that most of us are imprinted with at a young age.
I bring this up because I have personal experience with Art Macomber albeit a couple of decades ago. Let me tell you why I am thinking out loud and why I am compelled to write.
I worked with Art long ago. It’s hard to describe in one word what it was like to work with Art so I’ll go with two words… Head shaking.
Art repeatedly demonstrated that he did not understand the concept of right versus wrong. The most comical example is that he was notorious for going to the refrigerator and taking someone else’s lunch. It seems like a small thing until you realize that when confronted his defense was he was hungry and it was there. Who does that?
The sense of entitlement did not stop with the theft of other people’s property. When it came time for performance reviews the manager asked each employee to prepare a case. It was a real opportunity! Usually you just got a review with no input. While all the other employees busily worked at pulling their performance numbers and documenting their accomplishments, Art put together his personal finances as a justification for a pay increase. Who does that?
I remember this vividly because I tried to explain to him that it wasn’t going to work. He was completely unable to comprehend that he was not entitled to more money based on his personal choices that lead to personal financial issues. It was dumbfounding to me that he would first think this was a good idea and second greet someone trying to help him with a blank stare and a condescending attitude.
Did Art get that massive raise he was lobbying for? No. Did everyone else who made a business case for their value get a raise? Yes. We all got raises commensurate with our demonstrated performance.
One can be forgiven for making an illogical decision like his approach to asking for a raise. We have all been young and naïve. Sadly this was symptomatic of how Art thought. His modus operandi was a flippant disregard for others as if they simply did not exist.
To refer back to my first paragraph, is profound change possible? Has Art regularly demonstrated that he has learned right from wrong? Has he worked in a way that leads voters to believe that his somewhat narcissistic tendencies are gone?
I am only one old person with a memory of things so memorable. My personal opinion is that leopards don’t change their spots.
Other voters will have to decide for themselves.
My apologies for incorrect verb tense and any other typos. Voice to text is remarkable when you don’t have complete use of your hands but not so easy to edit after the fact!
Yeah, the more I watch his actions the more of a WEASEL I see. My vote will
be for Labrador !
We had a personal experience with Art Macomber as well. We retained him to dissolve our 15 member HOA and he milked us for 10k and did absolutely nothing. Just another worthless attorney talking advantage of average people.
I was probably Macomber’s first interview after he first appeared on Big League Politics. I have been disappointed in how he has played the political game. I can understand his frustration in wanting to be the alt-Wasden vote and getting undercut by Raul. But if we’re going to win, we have got to coalesce around those with a shot. He should spend more time going after Wasden.
In many Lincoln dinners Macomber’s “vote-for-me” pitches, Art spent more time hacking Labrador than hacking Wasden; the genuine real problem we need to route out of Idaho and our USA too. The serious Wasden problems of Idaho will not go away unless “Dangerous to Citizens Rights” Wasden is gone! Macomber says he gets this but his actions are all about Art Mac’s own SELF importance. Consistent with Leslie’s above description; when in conversation Art arrogantly said, “If I’m the AG, I might let Labrodor work for me”. His SELF was more important than the big picture.
A big ingredient to routing out this “Evil Establishment Control & Scam Coven” is having a Truly Proven BIG GUN who has deep knowledge of the swamp creatures to really win. A small pistol with no name recognition and reticent selfish motives will split the vote. Just like Ahlquist had done in 2018; he’s now part of and supporting the Estab Coven with Big Bucks…… Macomber and Humphries are destined to aid Idaho’s falling into a government Totalitarian Marxism. Right behind Zuckerface and other Globalist’s. How can they not get how important it is to walk the talk of “UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL”??
Agreed. Get out of the way Art. You are looking like a fool now and you are blowing your future chances at running as well !!
How stupid ! Why waist time on this ? Art, your childish dude. You can’t catch up so you play stupid games. Help Idaho and back the hell out. We need to beat Wasden and your not helping. If you’d wanna bother anyone you would bother Wasdwn and his $5000 donation from PFIZER.
Get out of the way Art. I love what you stand for, but in this case you are just in the way of what’s best for Idaho. And thats Labrador winning.
Interesting Wasden gets DONATIONS from PFIZER, but Art went after Labrador instead and says NOTHING about Wasden and Pfizer.?????
Just another reason Labrador needs and will win.
Labrador has my vote!
Labrador has my vote as well!
I am wondering why Bonneville CC didn’t just vote to have the item out of the bylaws. Bad bylaw anyway. If we the Central Committee s can’t give the voters a guide to the best candidates and support them then what are our Central Committee s for? The state party wants you to support who ever wins the primary, sorry I can’t do that because, result is how we have the swamp we have.
Republican committee donated to Labrador and Art had a fart. Pfizer donates to Wasden an Art is nowhere to be found or says anything, Art is a sticky to steal votes from Labrador. It won’t work. ! Labrador will
Win the race.