Press Release: Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office: Investigation into Alleged Exposure Incident at Pride in the Park Event
By Press Release • June 13, 2022The following press release was sent out by the Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office. Note: Press releases sent out by government agencies do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch. Additionally, the press release did not contain a title. The title is based on a description of the alleged incident and the investigation.
The following information is preliminary and subject to change as the incident is currently under investigation. Events in this press release may change as the investigation progresses.
The Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office had been made aware of a performance that occurred during the recent Pride in the Park event wherein a dancer’s genitals may have been exposed.
The Coeur d’Alene Police Department has initiated an investigation into this incident. The Coeur d’Alene Police Department has primary law enforcement responsibilities within the city jurisdiction and the Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office will assist in any capacity if requested.
Tags: Coeur d'Alene, Coeur d'Alene Police, Kootenai County Sheriffs Office, Pride in the Park
10 thoughts on “Press Release: Kootenai County Sheriff’s Office: Investigation into Alleged Exposure Incident at Pride in the Park Event”
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If a person is solid in their convictions, there would not be a need to join a parade and seek approval from strangers. Every single person joining a “Pride” parade is showing evidence that they are not sure of their choices in life and are looking for approval from strangers.
Enough of them are groomers so, of course, those guys are going to look for an opportunity to expose their privates.
Not only that but they always say “It’s not a choice”. Well, if it’s not a choice, why the F (no idea if cussing is allowed) are you proud of something that is outside your control???
Just another reason to act out as they choose with no consequences for their perverted behavior. We were told gay marriage was about equality and yet here we are and being demanded to conformity. Definitely some issues with the participants.
Filthy rotten maggots. What perverts. Mental help is a must for these warped hogs. Can you believe this trash we’re seeing. However, I’m proud of southern Idaho. Us citizens stepped up and shut down a Drag book story time for children at Barnes and Nobles in twin falls yesterday. Overwhelming community phone calls to twin falls Barnes and nobles caused the groomers Barnes and Nobles to cancel the perverts from drag story children time . You could always make sure by voicing your thoughts and calling them as well to let them know we won’t let our children be victimized nor will we allow grooming child abuse in Idaho !
Oh we called, we emailed, and we were consistently told by City council (specifically Dan Gookin) that we can’t “discriminate”.
See below email response from Dan Gookin:
“I have great faith in our Police Dept. that if anything untoward occurs in the park this Saturday, they will deal with it. Trust me.
I’m happy you mentioned as a parent you wouldn’t take your kids to an event you feel is inappropriate. I feel the same way. This is a parenting issue. I do not feel it’s the government’s role to be parent to everyone’s children. This is the nanny state, which I strongly oppose.
The City cannot discriminate against any group who wants to rent our park. We can enforce our rules. I hope it is a peaceful, lawful event. That is the extent of my role as an elected official who swore an oath to uphold the Constitution and the right of the people to peaceably assemble.
I asked if a heterosexual man wanted to dance in the park in a thong would they remove him? Would they discriminate? I asked “ Making a choice against promoting a sexual agenda using city property and city money (the PEOPLE’s property and money) is in fact discerning an agenda that doesn’t belong in the government!
I am not discriminating against this when I say that I don’t want any sexual agenda “day” “month” or “parade” flaunted in our parks. Whether it’s heterosexual or otherwise, it does not belong in our public spaces. Those are meant for peoples private interactions with one another, within their own private spaces. Why have we become so accepting of and required to celebrate and talk about everyone’s sex lives?? ”
His response:
“ The Constitution forbids the kind of discrimination you are demanding.”
Thank goodness he was voted out. But unfortunately he was the only one who engaged my concerns – the others did not other than a basic response from one other leftist.
Brad Little made a statement on the arrest of the protestors, but failed to comment on the possible felony exposure investigation. How strange that he cherry picked which incident he would pander to.
“All Americans should be able to peacefully express their constitutionally guaranteed right to free speech without the threat of violence. It is what has always set America apart from other nations. I thank the many, many Idahoans from across the political spectrum committed to peacefully demonstrating. I commend our brave men and women in law enforcement for their swift action in Coeur d’Alene this weekend. Their diligence and quick response helped avoid a potentially terrible situation.”
We were reading the Book of Romans Chapters 1-3 this morning and here’s a verse that applies to these ignorant politicians. “Professing themselves to be wise, they have became fools.”
When a nation’s leaders turn away from God, they become darkened in their thinking, their understanding and they become FOOLS! Little is an example of this, and so sadly, many of the police (DOJ/FBI) leadership. Where is TRUTH today?
End day’s Book of Revelations
If true, I would hope “indecent exposure “, “lude conduct”, and other charges are aggressively prosecuted. This type of behavior is absolutely abhorrent.
If you’re waiting for help from our RINO Governor Doolittle you’re sure wasting your time.