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Press Release: IDGOP Statement on Former Idaho GOP Chairs Spreading Deceptive Claims

By • December 6, 2023

The following press release was sent out by the Idaho Republican Party. Press releases do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.

December 6, 2023 — Boise, ID — We believe it is crucial to address the recent allegations and veiled threat made by former IDGOP chairs Tom Luna and Trent Clark suggesting that the Idaho Republican Party is disenfranchising voters, as this claim is pure sophistry, twisting information to deceive the people.

The Idaho Republican Party repeatedly asked the legislature to restore the Presidential Primary, even passing a formal resolution that was co-signed by a broad number of Idaho Republican leaders (attached). Our intention is to re-enfranchise as many Republican voters as possible. Unfortunately, the removal of the Presidential Primary by the State Legislature, Secretary of State, and Governor had a significant impact on hundreds of thousands of voters, both Republicans and Democrats alike.

In response to this disenfranchisement, we have established a Presidential Caucus as a means to provide an alternative avenue for voters to participate in the selection of the presidential candidate. This decision was made with the objective of ensuring that every qualified Republican voter has the opportunity to express their preference at the Idaho Republican Caucus.

It is important to note that the removal of the Presidential Primary was not our decision, and we are working within the framework established by the Republican National Committee to meet their deadline for nomination. Idaho is leading the way as other states have followed by establishing their own Presidential Caucuses out of concern about election integrity.

The former chairs unfounded statement is disingenuous. Neither of them are part of the caucus planning process, so they have no factual basis for their claims. Our primary goal is to facilitate a fair and accessible process for as many Republican voters as we can. By doing so, we are saving the state of Idaho taxpayer dollars by hosting our own caucuses using the filing fees from the Presidential candidates. As the 5th state in the Republican nominating calendar, the excitement and enthusiasm is palpable from the six Presidential campaigns that have declared and paid the filing fees, including Donald J. Trump, Ron DeSantis, Nikki Haley, Vivek Ramaswamy, Chris Christie, and Ryan L. Binkley.

Ironically, we would like to point out that former IDGOP chair Trent Clark supported a Presidential nominating Convention as a solution. A convention would have been comprised solely of roughly 700 party delegates, while a caucus allows all registered Republicans to participate in the presidential nominating process.

We remain committed to upholding the conservative principles of the Republican Party and ensuring that every eligible Republican voter’s voice is heard.

The course correction that Idaho Republicans demanded within the Idaho Republican Party was made in July of 2022, when the grassroots supported and elected new leadership that committed to follow the rules, adhere to the Republican platform and honor the Idaho and U.S. Constitutions.

Link to Resolution 2023-38 calling to restore the Presidential Primary here.

Visit for more information about the Idaho Republican Presidential Caucus on March 2, 2024.


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Tags: 2024 Presidential Caucus, 2024 Primary Election, Chris Christie, Donald J. Trump, ID GOP, Idaho Legislature, Idaho Republican Party, Nikki Haley, Ron DeSantis, Ryan L. Binkley, Tom Luna, Trent Clark, Vivek Ramaswamy

6 thoughts on “Press Release: IDGOP Statement on Former Idaho GOP Chairs Spreading Deceptive Claims

  1. Former IDGOP chairs.
    FORMER. The last thing we need is more disgruntled establishment losers STILL trying to keep the good ol’ boy system of screwing We The People.

  2. Luna is a liberal wolf in republican clothing. The fat bitch luna is owned by the school system. Best move republicans made lately was getting rid of his fat ass.

    1. Remember, Luna was the one who pushed for Kommon Kore. I need no further evidence of miscreance.

  3. The Uniparty is sure a mess in Idaho, isn’t it?
    What are the stats: Doesn’t Idaho rank something like 43rd in having the most Liberal Republicans?
    There’s a LOT of work to do in Idaho.

  4. It feels like a waste of time, writing up this response to former position-holders. I would like to see the IDGOP just state and restate their platform and plans as they move forward executing that platform and their plans to the best of their ability. The “Good ol’ boy” status quo needs to be eradicated but it runs DEEP in this state. It is an uphill battle to fight the corruption that runs rampant across all arenas (government, medicine, education, etc) and I have witnessed, first hand, the sheer apathy ID voters have. I kinda don’t blame them what with all the in-fighting, politicking, ludicrous behavior in our State House… it’s too much for the average working family to follow.
    I’m so glad this last election had within its successes true conservatives (not just “R”s)! It’s still gonna take A LOT for the average citizen to care about, let alone trust, the “system”.

  5. Anyone bothering to consider Luna’s comments hasn’t taken note of his political liberal philosophy and accomplishments dating as far back as his position in state education office. He is simply another political wolf in sheep’s costume. Pay him no heed! We want our presidential primary back. Keep the good old boy mentality out of Idaho and keep him out of our political positions. He belongs in California.

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