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Press Release: Idaho Freedom Caucus Top 2024 Legislative Priority – Strengthen Idaho as a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary State

By • September 13, 2023

The following press release was sent out by the Idaho Freedom Caucus. Press releases do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.

The Idaho Freedom Caucus is concerned about what is happening across the country and in Idaho to erode citizens’ 2nd Amendment rights. We are alarmed by the actions from other Western states and even members of our own legislature:

· Several current Idaho Republican legislators demonstrated a willingness to compromise on gun rights, voting for gun confiscation orders (“Red Flag”) in the 2019 Marsy’s Law Constitutional Amendment proposal.

· The Idaho Supreme Court ruled against gun rights by rejecting an appeal regarding Idahoans’ ability to carry firearms at private events on public property.

· New Mexico’s governor suspended the rights of law-abiding citizens to open and conceal carry firearms.

· California’s governor proposed a U.S. Constitutional Amendment to severely curtail the right to bear arms.

The Idaho Freedom Caucus is committed to strengthening Idaho as a 2nd Amendment Sanctuary State. It is our top priority in the 2024 legislative session. We will work to pass legislation that is clear, concise, and affirms the people’s 2nd Amendment rights in Idaho.

Law-abiding Idahoans need assurance that they will not be the target of rogue federal bureaucrats for exercising their 2nd Amendment rights. Gun store owners should be allowed to run businesses without fear of bureaucratic intrusion, and gun shows in Idaho should be allowed to do business as usual.

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Tags: 2A, 2nd Amendment, California Governor, Constitutional Amendment, Gun Owners, Gun Shows, Gun Stores, Idaho Legislature, Idaho Republican Party, Idaho Supreme Court, Marsy's Law, New Mexico Governor, Second Amendment

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