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Press Release: Idaho 2nd Amendment Alliance Condemns Illogical Anti-2A Court Ruling, Calls on Legislature to Pass Corrective Measures

By • June 27, 2023

The following press release was sent out by the Idaho Second Amendment Alliance. Press releases do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.

JUNE 27, 2023 – BOISE, IDAHO – The Idaho Second Amendment Alliance (ISAA) finds the reasoning of the court in Herndon v. City of Sandpoint to be irredeemably flawed, and we call on the Idaho Legislature to convene a Special Session to pass corrective legislation to protect Idahoans from the massive hole the court has blown through their inalienable right to keep and bear arms.

“It is logically impossible for government to delegate authority it does not have. That is the beginning and the end of this case,” said ISAA President Greg Pruett. “The activist court’s tortured reasoning to justify a logical impossibility proves that the court will contort itself beyond comprehension to empower leftist municipalities to continue their assaults on our right to keep and bear arms.”

The ISAA is calling on the Idaho Legislature to convene a Special Session as soon as possible to pass legislation forbidding any municipality or political subdivision of the state from entering into a contract or lease involving real property without a clause stating that the leaseholder shall not restrict the individual right to keep and bear arms.

“We will be working with our legislative allies to address and correct this issue,” said Pruett. “It’s now up to the Legislature to defend the rights that the Idaho Supreme Court has abandoned.”


2 thoughts on “Press Release: Idaho 2nd Amendment Alliance Condemns Illogical Anti-2A Court Ruling, Calls on Legislature to Pass Corrective Measures

  1. It is also past time to replace all 5 justices on Idaho’s Supreme Court with justices who will abide by The Constitution and not the dictates of one world order globalism.

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