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Press Release: Humphreys Campaign Threatened Near the Humphreys’ Home

By • April 11, 2022

The following Press Release was sent out by the Ed Humphreys for Governor campaign. Note: Press Releases sent out by candidates do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch. 

The Ed Humphreys campaign was maliciously targeted by vandals who slashed Mr. Humphreys’ face on signs and banners. All of these crimes were committed late Saturday evening in close proximity to the candidate’s family home at a time when he is currently grieving the unexpected loss of his mother. No other campaign signs in the vicinity were touched.

In a statement, Ed Humphreys said, “I will not be bullied into silence and I intend to continue with my campaign for Governor of Idaho.”

People who revere freedom hold the election process sacred. Displaying campaign signs and banners is a vital part of a free election and a form of free speech. There is no place for this kind of hate in Idaho.

A police report has been filed with the Ada County Sheriff’s office.

24 thoughts on “Press Release: Humphreys Campaign Threatened Near the Humphreys’ Home

  1. “No other campaign signs in the vicinity were touched.”

    Ok Eddie. You’re being targeted and ALL other signs are left alone.

    Actually, McGeachin signs are stolen or vandalized on the daily “close to your family home.” You know what thick-skinned people do? They move on and replace the signs and send out a VERY poorly written press release trying to garner sympathy because your mother passed away.

    You don’t have the skin to move on. Everything is a personal attack to you. In reality you’re just a juvenile who acts like a meth-brain addict.

    Nobody wants you here except the stepford wives club that follow you around the state like some strange cult.

    1. Regardless of who you’re voting for, talking this way to a fellow Idahoan is uncalled for. You try running for office and see how you feel when your signs are vandalized. Have some respect.

      Ed has my vote!

    2. You are a fool ! Sounds like you need investigated for the vandalizing you coward! I may not be voting for Ed, I’m voting for Janice, but he sure in the heck stands for freedom. So how about you speak up and share your name and business in Eagle and show some spine besides hiding behind computer talk . You gutless coward!

    3. You are certainly filled up with bitterness, hate and are over stressed. Are you even a Republican? Lighten up, chill out, go golfing or fishing (whatever it takes to relax).

    4. Eagle Vote and business owner, you are a coward for not stating your name. You are the one who hides and has thin skin. You are a disgrace!

  2. The above comment is a perfect example of the kind of hate that entered the election process.

  3. I’m also an “Eagle Voter and Business Owner.” I think your response is cruel, wrong, and reflective of the cult that follows another trigger-happy candidate.

  4. Right at the moment you’re a LONG second choice. So far I like Janice M., And will ‘probably’ go with her. ANYONE but LIttle. Typical “what kind of great politician I am — re-elect me” kind of guy. No thanks.

      1. Other than his smooth snake oil salesman talk, what record does he have to stand on?

        1. President Trump had no “experience” either, but he kept his promises and made America great again. However the people with all the “experience” did not like him, so now we have Biden, who has 50 years of “experience” and look where it has gotten us.

  5. It is regrettable (and I don’t condone it) but this is hardly anything to file a police report for or release a statement that he won’t be bullied. That is a bit far and frankly indicates that Humphreys doesn’t have the strong backbone, will, and thick skin needed to simply be in politics – much less governor. Not the first time I’ve seen that demonstrated as well as I have seen citizen trying to learn more about him by asking for more information and his background (and admitting liking some of what he says) on his Facebook page and he responded defensively and accused the question asker of spreading disinformation. No matter your politics no one needs a whiner in charge of anything.

    1. As a campaign manager for several campaigns, I think Ed did the right thing. It’s illegal to vandalize or remove campaign signs. I hope they catch the vandals soon.

      1. Filing a police report and having a press release about not being bullied or silence are two different things. This guy as I stated before isn’t strong enough to LEAD.

      1. No. I did not. I spoke calmly and pointed out what I perceive to be a weakness based upon on statement and also included how I’d seen him react on FB to potential voters that wanted more info.

  6. These comments are funny. Idaho is an odd place sometimes. I’m an anyone-but-Little gal. I’m a nurse and I’m in a LOT of homes. There are hoards of checked out people who like Little and I’m not sure they’ve thought about it. They’ll vote him right back in.
    Every other candidate has something pretty huge against him/her. I don’t any sure bets. Better shut up and start working

  7. Ed is a very bright and knowledgeable candidate. He has the right and should report crimes. I feel he has run a very smart campaign and many agree after they listen to him. He is from and Immigrant family and he has a strong appreciation for this country and state. I would assume when you are choosing a candidate for governor you would want to keep and open mind. Thank you for your time and efforts Ed.

  8. I am not a Humphreys fan, and believe his being in the race will make a solid win for Brad Little. Janice McGeachin is obviously the best candidate based on what she tried to do for us over the past two years.
    That being said I strongly support his signs, and think defacing any political signs is a very poor way to make a statement. I think Ed would do well in the future with another office, but he does not have the experience to be governor. He needs to run for a representative, or even Senate. Keep it civil.

    1. Agree 100% .
      Time to speak for my family. I respect Ed, but splitting the vote gives little a win. Janice M. Will be Littles ONLY contender , I prefer Ed step out of Gov race and run for something lesser so we can see his potential. Don’t split votes and get Janice M the win.

  9. I won’t be in town the day of the election, and knew it far enough ahead to fill out my absentee ballot and hand carry it to the election office. Thus far I haven’t seen ANYTHING that would change my about my choices, or make me question who I selected. Anyone but Little, but I still like Janice M the best. We need dedicated elected candidates who care about the people, and I’ll be watching the election results hoping my selections were accurate……. That said, I hope that they catch the small brained idiot who destroys, removes, or alters the campaign signs.

  10. Just to add: to Hollingsworth and Gus – I like your posts, Good ways of putting out a message.

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