Press Release: Gov. Little pushes back on Biden for undoing Trump’s progress on environmental regulations
By Press Release • June 8, 2021The following Press Release was sent out by Governor Brad Little’s office on June 8:
Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little issued the following statement today in response to an announcement by the Biden Administration Friday that it will undo years of progress in modernizing the Endangered Species Act under the leadership of President Donald Trump.
“The Biden Administration’s announcement that it intends to undo much of the hard work that has gone into modernizing the application of the Endangered Species Act (ESA) is a major disappointment.
Advertisement“Revisions to the ESA and its implementing regulations have been long overdue. Dismantling the progress we’ve made so far will not improve the Act’s effectiveness. It only serves to reinstate unnecessary regulatory burdens on the states and local communities that are most critical to the ESA’s success.
“Idaho has and will continue to advocate for a common-sense application of the ESA that recognizes the fundamental role regulatory flexibility plays in achieving the goals of the Act – by empowering states and local communities to lead the conservation charge to recover listed species.”
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2 thoughts on “Press Release: Gov. Little pushes back on Biden for undoing Trump’s progress on environmental regulations”
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Vote McGeachin/Giddings if we want Freedom.
Just more moderate republican rhetoric we have come to expect from Gov Little. Notice how he fails to give any credit to Donald Trump for the regulatory reform he started with the ESA. Little likes Fed money too much to raise any stick over being striped of the flexibility to implement the ESA regulations given to the states by President Trump. The many regulatory reforms Pres Trump put in place help restore freedom and economic prosperity to the country. Biden is reinstating all the regulatory burdens left oven from 8 years under Obama.
Idaho deserves stronger leadership to protect our sovereignty, freedoms and resources from the democrat socialists in Washington and here at home. Unfortunately we have to wait until January 2023 for governor McGeachin take office and put us back on course. Until then, we have to push back against anti-tenth amendment forces inside the state and out and hope that Gov Little doesn’t give away too much of our sovereignty in the mean time.
The 2022 legislative session and general election will strengthen Idaho or make it weaker and more vulnerable. Idaho Conservatives need to stay strong. Speak out. Push back. Don’t left the democrat socialist dominate the conversation. Do your part to Keep Idaho RED.