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Press Release: Gov. Little, nine other governors to visit U.S.-Mexico border Wednesda

By • October 4, 2021

The following Press Release was sent out by Governor Brad Little. Note: Press releases are sent out by elected officials, companies, and organizations and do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of the Idaho Dispatch.

Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little will join nine other governors for a visit to the United States-Mexico border in Texas Wednesday to witness firsthand the crisis playing out, reveal their proposed solutions, and once again call on President Joe Biden to act to secure the border immediately.

Governor Little plans to take a boat tour of the Rio Grande River, which forms part of the border between the two countries, with Texas Department of Public Safety agents.

Governors in attendance in Texas Wednesday include:

  • Texas Governor Greg Abbott
  • Arizona Governor Doug Ducey
  • Idaho Governor Brad Little
  • Montana Governor Greg Gianforte
  • Wyoming Governor Mark Gordon
  • Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds
  • Georgia Governor Brian Kemp
  • Nebraska Governor Pete Ricketts
  • Ohio Governor Mike DeWine
  • Oklahoma Governor Kevin Stitt

 Governor Little and 25 other governors recently requested a meeting with President Joe Biden in Washington, D.C., to work together on solutions to the national security and public health crisis created by the unenforced border with Mexico. The president did not agree to meet with the governors.

As Governor Little pointed out in a FOX & Friends news story last week, Idaho is experiencing a surge in drug overdoses due to the abundance of cheap supplies of meth and fentanyl, almost all of which comes across the loose border with Mexico.

Governor Little sent a specialized team of Idaho State Police troopers to the border this summer to assist with intelligence gathering and investigative work related to drug interdiction at the border. The troopers completed their weeks-long mission, serving both as a force multiplier for local efforts at a time when it’s needed along the border and, importantly, to bring back to Idaho the experience of seeing and learning up-to-the-minute enforcement techniques.

Governor Little’s office will send out detailed information Thursday on the Governor’s trip to the border along with the solutions proposed by the nation’s governors to address the crisis.

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Tags: Border, Brad Little, Joe Biden, Mexico

3 thoughts on “Press Release: Gov. Little, nine other governors to visit U.S.-Mexico border Wednesda

  1. This is literally the same a hole that approved more refugees after Trump had allowed states to reject refugees. But im supposed to believe he cares now?

  2. A RINO’s Liberal Junket to the border, together with likes of Ducey, Kemp and more of the Republican Parties most despised Governors.

    We do hope the Governor paid for this joy ride with his own money and isn’t yet again bilking the Idaho Taxpayers.

  3. Hey, Brad: did you happen to notice or even CARE that the illegals coming over the border with all those drugs are unvaccinated and bringing all kinds of disease with them??? Are you concerned about that AT ALL, or will you continue to just quietly stand by as IDAHO CITIZENS are coerced to get vaxxed or lose their jobs?? Brad: why are you so selective in your health concerns for Idahoans??? Drug addicts = Brad cares; unvaccinated Idahoans = Brad says, let them eat cake. Can anyone else even stand looking at Brad’s mugshot anymore???

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