Press Release: Gov. Little issues statement on special legislative session
By Idaho Dispatch Staff • August 27, 2020Governor Brad Little commented today on the conclusion of the special legislative session.
I want to thank the members of the Idaho Legislature for passionately carrying out their duties and performing this special legislative session. Our common desire for a prosperous and safe Idaho is our bond. Your work has helped ensure our election will be safe and secure and that businesses, schools, and churches responsibly operating during the pandemic are protected. I remain committed to working with you as we get through this very challenging time in our history and emerge stronger than ever.
To the citizens who came to the Capitol and exercised your First Amendment rights peacefully – thank you. You far outnumbered the individuals who infringed on an orderly proceeding. We will always outnumber the agitators who seek to stifle civil debate and harm our democratic republic.
AdvertisementTo the men and women of the Idaho State Police, Boise Police Department, and Capitol security – you served with honor under extremely challenging circumstances. You put your own health and safety on the line, and you acted appropriately to deescalate volatile situations to ensure the important business of the Legislature could move forward.
And to the people of Idaho – as your Governor, I will continue to do everything I can to protect your health and safety during the pandemic and propel our economic rebound forward. Thank you for the care and concern you have shown your neighbors over the past six months and for your love of Idaho and enthusiasm to make our state even greater. God bless Idaho and this country we love.
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Tags: Brad Little, Idaho Legislature, Special Session
9 thoughts on “Press Release: Gov. Little issues statement on special legislative session”
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You should listen to the PEOPLE!!!
The Senate completely ignored the people. Maybe polite, civil discourse is an idea whose time is passed. Little is a poor and weak governor. The Senate has no longer remembers who their employers are. The fact that Little is pleased with how the citizens were treated shows that he needs to go.
I agree, well put.
His comment that he will continue to protect our health and safety after every single person knows that he overstepped his authority. By failing to open up business in Idaho “as the data supports” was a promise not kept. It still isn’t kept.
The special session was a sham. The immunity bill basically says that if you as a citizen of Idaho should disobey a governors order or mandate that you are omitted from the immunity protection.
It was for future oppression of a tyrannical Governor.
For example, continued unnecessary and ineffective masks; if someone claims you got them sick you can be sued for your willful misconduct.
Another example is that if this dictator mandates a vaccine of his choice and you rightfully decline; your willful misconduct will leave you without this immunity from civil liability should someone get sick and claim you gave them the covid flu.
It also expanded what covid would apply to include any of its strains.
This dictator called this session and had Chaney, his little pup bring exactly the continued oppression that he wanted.
This governor needs to go. He will not stop, he doesn’t care about the people of Idaho.
What a crock of inaccurate B.S! There were no agitators except House Member Chaney. He was erratic, unprofessional and acted unconstitutionally. He needs to be removed from his chair position immediately.
The majority of citizens respect all law enforcement. But it may be about time they begin empathizing with the law-abiding citizens and taxpayers that have been “peacefully patient” enduring the unconstitutional state of emergency. Little and his “corrupt cronies”, including Chaney, completely and purposefully IGNORED the same voters that sent them to work for the people of this great state. They have IGNORED the constitution and give “excuses” why they couldn’t hear the resolution that the House passed with a SuperMajority! *** We see the charade that is going on and we are smart enough to know the constitution! Idaho voters are saving every penny to recall ALL those who obstructed liberty. We are sick and tired of corrupt elected officials. Gov Little is a total disgrace and dishonest person. Massive changes are happening behind the scenes and Idaho citizens need to wake up right now…before it’s too late. Do not believe their bs any longer.
I am in total agreement with you. Gov. Little, open up our state! With the CDC’s announcement that they lied about Covid numbers, there is no reason to not vote in person or to wear the masks that never worked!
So true, Chaney intentionally poked at the people that were already upset and angry.
He agitated them and pursued what the little governor wanted.
Dear Governor Brad Little,
You mistake the people of Idaho for fools. We need protection and safety from YOU and all the unconstitutional bills you are sneaking through without any legislative checks and balances- those bills you snuck through w/o any public input or transparency. I’m not sure what they have over you, but you have proven that are a wolf in sheeps clothing. END the State of Emergency NOW! This has gone on WAY too long.
I still don’t understand how we can shop at big business but can’t go to church. How can we as citizens let the elected choose what is essential for us? Well we elected them. Now it is time to drain the swamp in Idaho and got them out. That includes the lead swamp monster Little. You are the first on my list to be voted out. Who’s pocket are you in sir? Career politicians need to go.
Brad Little is up to his neck in cahoots with Chy-Nah, and the proof is out there (BTW, we have it)!