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Press Release: Gov. Little Comments on New Biden Dam Removal Reports

By • July 13, 2022

The following press release was sent out by Gov. Brad Little. Note: Press releases do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.

Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little issued the following statement today after the Biden administration released new reports calling for the removal of dams on the Lower Snake River.

“I have been clear in my opposition to dam breaching because it is not a silver bullet for salmon recovery. Idaho has shown leadership and commitment to bringing together diverse interests to ensure abundant, sustainable populations of salmon and steelhead for present and future generations.

“It is disappointing the Biden administration would release any report on dam breaching that does not take into account Idaho’s considerations in the Columbia Basin. If Biden is truly interested in identifying broadly supported solutions, I would encourage his administration to look at the 20 months of work our diverse Idaho Salmon Workgroup put into identifying 29 solutions that support salmon, our economy, and thriving communities.

“Instead of evaluating the removal of clean, renewable carbon-free hydropower from our energy portfolio, Biden should focus on helping American families grappling with crushing gas prices and inflation.”

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10 thoughts on “Press Release: Gov. Little Comments on New Biden Dam Removal Reports

  1. When Mike Simpson is practically on his knees begging the Globalists to remove our dams, what in the heck do you think the Obama/Rice administration is going to take advantage of?

    This is your fault Gov Little. You, the cronies and your liberal PAC monies should have reprimanded and made sure Simpson lost in the primary.

  2. I agree the Idaho republican party has succumb to the left and the far right in confusing thinking.

  3. I think we all know by now that Biden is not for the people so it doesn’t mean much to say your against what he wants to do. Even if your one of his cronies.

  4. Let’s force electric cars on the people.
    Let’s remove the best sources of electricity.
    Coal….”too dirty”
    Natural gas…..”too dirty”
    Hydro power……”gotta save the fish”


  5. After studying this issue, I’ve flipped over because:
    It’s only a 330 foot drop from Lewiston to Tri Cities, in 131 river miles. So there is not enough drop for electrical production for four dams. Plus they eat up a lot of river for that little production.
    Unlike the Columbia River Dams which are super productive, each SR dam only produces about 1% of the BPA production. Shockingly small.
    Shipping has dropped steadily over 20 years, now down to very little in total tonnage.
    Except for the area below the last SR dam, there is no irrigation value. The canyon is far too deep to pump water uphill.
    Now the apex predator, the Northern Pike, is moving into the Snake River reservoirs which will be the death nail for small Salmon and Steelhead.
    When compared to the loss of all our SR Salmon and Steelhead runs, and yes we are getting close to that disaster, it is hard to understand the real value in the continued operation of these four dams.

    1. Apparently you didn’t study very hard-

      The dams on the Snake River contribute between five and thirteen percent of Bonneville’s system output depending on the time of year. They have been fought over from their conception through present day. Tribes, fisherman, and conservationists have argued that they pose too great a risk to salmon. Ultimately, the benefits of low-cost hydro-electricity and in-land barge shipping won the historical argument.

      The above is from the Sightline Institute who has studied the cost versus efficiency and concluded the hydro power provided over the next 30 years will no longer be cost efficient.

      1. “The above” is from a far left, global warming alarmist, equity (PC redistribution) focused group in Seattle. What does anyone expect other than they to trash the dams and make us more dependent upon unsustainable and unreliable energy…

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