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Press Release: Gov. Little appoints Cody Brower to Sixth Judicial District

By • September 27, 2023

September 27, 2023 – Boise, ID – Governor Brad Little announced today his appointment of Cody Brower as District Judge to the Sixth Judicial District.

Brower has served as the Oneida County Prosecuting Attorney since 2016. He is vice chair of the Southeast Idaho Behavioral Crisis Center Advisory Board of Directors. Brower previously served in the Army National Guard from 2000 to 2008, and completed a deployment to Kirkuk, Iraq, for a year and a half in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. He was honorably discharged in 2007. Brower attended Bringham Young University – Idaho, during his undergraduate studies and received his juris doctorate from the University of Denver.

“I am deeply honored and humbled to have the opportunity to serve as the next district court judge in the Sixth Judicial District. I want to express my sincere gratitude for the trust and confidence Governor Little has placed in me,” Brower said. “Having grown up in the Sixth Judicial District, I have a deep commitment and love for the people here, and I look forward to serving them with diligence and integrity. I am, and will always be, deeply committed to upholding the principles of justice, fairness, and the rule of law; and I will work diligently to ensure that every individual is treated with the respect and impartiality they deserve.”

The position Brower will fill is chambered in Soda Springs and will cover Caribou County cases. He will fill a vacancy created by the retirement of District Judge Mitchell Brown. The Sixth Judicial District encompasses Bannock, Bear Lake, Caribou, Franklin, Oneida, and Power Counties.

Idaho Code 1-2101, et seq., addresses how judicial vacancies in the Idaho Supreme Court, Idaho Court of Appeals, and District Courts are filled. The Idaho Judicial Council submits a list of at least three qualified candidates to Governor Little for appointment, consistent with Idaho law.

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3 thoughts on “Press Release: Gov. Little appoints Cody Brower to Sixth Judicial District

    1. No, he will not follow verbatim. If he did honor the Constitution he probably would not have made it through law school.

      Notice that Cody Brower was appointed, not elected. He replaced Mitchell Brown, who was appointed in 2008, not elected.
      Mitchell Brown replaced Don Harding who was appointed in 1993, not elected.
      Idaho’s Governors appoint almost all judges (95 to 99%) because the retiring judge will retire before his term ends. Our dishonest, selfish judicial culture then allows the Governor to appoint a new judge without having a honest election for the new judge. It is against the judicial culture to oppose incumbent judges. Attorneys who do not schmooze the Governor and the Judicial Council will never become a judge. Notice on your ballot, you are only given one choice, the incumbent. Attorneys who would oppose a sitting judge in an election would be shunned. Attorneys are big chickens so we get judges who lack courage.

  1. That he was appointed by Little immediately raises questions in my mind, in spite of the glowing review(s) this individual’s been labeled with. The governor’s decisions over time, at least in my mind, have imbrued virtually every decision coming out of his office.

    I am still incensed about the open primaries that were allowed to occur during his “re-election.” I sincerely hope and pray that Idaho voters will become active in their critical thinking and skepticism surrounding any future elections in our beautiful state.

    Candidate’s past voting records are the key, folks, so please take the time to explore them and then get out and vote. Ignore them at our(your) peril…

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