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Press Release: Gov. Little Applauds Successful Negotiations to Avoid Eastern Idaho Water Curtailment

By • June 22, 2024

The following press release was sent out by the Office of Idaho Governor Brad Little. Press releases do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.

Boise, Idaho – Governor Brad Little issued the following statement today after all groundwater districts became compliant with an approved mitigation plan following successful negotiations with the senior water rights holders in the Surface Water Coalition. This avoids the need to curtail water for the 2024 irrigation season.

“Just like we’ve done over and over, Idahoans came together, resolved differences, and found a path forward to protect farmers and our supply of water for the year.

“All along, our goal has been to comply with the law, which includes the Idaho Constitution, Idaho Code, and the approved mitigation plans agreed to and entered by Idaho’s water users, while ensuring farmers have the water they need in every part of the state.

“I have heard repeated calls for me to step in and stop Director Weaver from moving forward in administering the law. Doing so would violate the Idaho Constitution and create a risk of handing control of our water over to the state courts, or worse the federal courts, or worst U.S. Congress. Instead, we chose to work together on a solution.

“I sincerely appreciate all the stakeholders and user groups for their hard work. I especially want to thank Lt. Governor Scott Bedke, a widely recognized technical expert in water, for answering my call to assist in the negotiations. Lt. Governor Bedke proved once again he is a leader who can bring folks together and find a workable solution.

“Our farmers and ranchers in every part of the Eastern Snake Plain who were facing water uncertainty this irrigation season deserved our undivided time and attention to find a solution. That is why I’m so proud of everyone involved in this process. I knew when we put everyone in the room, we could do this and get it done.

“However, we recognize we still have a lot of hard work to do. We will be okay for this year, but we all agree we need a better plan in the out years to protect our farmers and ensure Idaho maintains our water sovereignty. We remain committed to working with all water users in Idaho to ensure we have a sustainable supply of water for this generation and future generations,” Governor Little said.

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Tags: Agriculture, Eastern Snake Plain Aquifer, ground water districts, Idaho Department of Water Resources, Idaho Farmers, IDWR, Irrigation, junior water rights, Magic Valley, Scott Bedke, senior water rights, Water, water curtailment, Water Rights

7 thoughts on “Press Release: Gov. Little Applauds Successful Negotiations to Avoid Eastern Idaho Water Curtailment

  1. Wow…so you really think this poorly-disguised press release is the way to go in your promotion of Bedke? Very sad, Brad…and I sincerely hope and believe that Idaho voters will see right through it.

    Are we pleased this issue is resolved? Of course, but to unashamedly use the situation to nearly dislocate your own shoulder patting yourself on the back for your inaction is just embarrassing. And then to throw in an attaboy to your RINO bestie is just insulting to Idaho voters.

  2. So again Little didn’t do anything yet tries to take credit for it and at the same time promote Despot Bedke. Two Clowns in the top spots.

  3. Bedke and Jim Jones will share the spotlight, which makes me think the original crisis was manufactured to elevate a RINO and a leftist.

  4. Idaho keeps electing RINOs. If the voters here don’t start vetting their candidates we will soon be another version of California. Little and Bedke are just two examples.

    $15 million dollars appropriated to help fund the Ukraine war has been given to a mining company, Jervois Global, that is extracting cobalt in Idaho. Farmers’ water supplies are also being cut by the government and appear to be redirected to the cobalt mining efforts that require massive amounts of water. Authorities claim that the purpose is to end our dependence on “fossil fuels”, which is a pipe dream because our electrical grid would not be able to provide enough electricity to cover the elimination of gas and oil. The mine is expected to produce 2,000 pounds of cobalt per year, that represents 10% of US demand for new batteries. Critics believe that the manufactured water shortage denying water to 500,000 acres of farmland will affect food production and is a depopulation program.

  6. This smells as a fabricated crisis, shrouded in legal red tape, in order to elevate Bedke as “savior” in the eyes of the public. This was a campaign for the next RINO governor.

  7. Really, Mr. Little? You did NOTHING when Governor Otter tried to suborn the water rights of Ada County in exchange for campaign contributions from builders. In fact, you cheered him on because Otter then turned around and supported you. You’re a disgrace and a shill and Bedke is no better. It was horrid what you both did to McGeachin and to Ammon Bundy – all because they threatened your political power with true conservatism.

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