Press Release: GOP Governor Candidate, Ed Humphreys, Calls on Governor to Place Moratorium on Refugee Resettlement
By Press Release • August 24, 2021The following Press Release was sent out by Ed Humphreys, a Republican gubernatorial candidate:
(Eagle, Idaho) Ed Humphreys, Republican candidate for Idaho Governor, called on the Governor to put a moratorium in place on refugee resettlement until Idahoan’s housing needs are met.
“We have law enforcement officers, teachers, and nurses who can’t afford housing. We must place a moratorium on refugee resettlement until our state can keep up with the growth happening in Idaho,” Humphreys said.
AdvertisementHumphreys said Idaho is the third-highest state in per capita refugee resettlement. We accept more refugees than eight other states combined. Under President Trump, Idaho settled sixty-six refugees per year. Now, under the Biden’s administration’s increased cap, Idaho’s International Rescue Committee (IRC) is gearing up for 600 refugees per year and the decision on who comes here lies with the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees.
“It goes without saying that strong leadership is needed to implement Idaho First policies. Because the US is party to a 1967 UN Refugee Convention treaty which guarantees refugees the right to housing and public assistance (welfare), taxpayers bear the responsibility for refugees who cannot support themselves after the eight months of assistance provided by the IRC,” Humphreys said.
“Considering the Biden Administration’s reckless vetting and settling of refugees crossing the Southern US border, and the poor track record of the UN, a moratorium on refugee resettlement is imperative,” he added.
AdvertisementFor details on Humphreys’ Idaho refugee policy go to:
Tags: Brad Little, Donald Trump, Ed Humphreys, Idaho, Internal Rescue Committee, Refugees, United Nations
5 thoughts on “Press Release: GOP Governor Candidate, Ed Humphreys, Calls on Governor to Place Moratorium on Refugee Resettlement”
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This should be a “No Brainer” for Brad Little. Yet, therein lies the problem.
Thanks Ed Humphreys for keeping Idaho First.
“Strong Leadership” is not really in Little’s wheelhouse.
Good info Ed. Thanks, Justin for your comment that I agree with. ” Little needs to go. We need all Democrats out of Idaho. We the people do not want socialism.
I am so DONE with Government telling its citizens to ‘shut the hell up and deal with it’. Maybe what we all need to do is refuse to pay our taxes until they quit spending it on shit that destroys the American people and wastes our money. More people than ever cannot find an affordable place to live. More people than ever are having to move back in with relatives (including myself), in order for everyone to make it. People who have worked their entire lives cannot afford rent, food or pay their bills without struggling monthly, thanks to the rise in rents, food and gas, but yet, nobody’s income is getting raised. At least with Trump, we enjoyed lower gas and food prices, and now with Biden, myself and another family member has had to move back in with our mother to help her pay her bills, which also helps us as well. America should NOT be like this. DO NOT bring more people in that will be yet another burden on our economy.
Good job Ed !!!!