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Press Release: Flint Christensen Has Announced His Candidacy for United States Congress, Representing Idaho’s Second Congressional District

By • February 3, 2022

The following Press Release was sent out by Flint Christensen, a candidate for Idaho’s 2nd Congressional District. Note: Press Releases do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.

Flint takes an un-orthodox view of our current federal and state roles and believes that in order to restore our constitution and founding principles we must return the power of the purse and the authority of control to where it belongs: state rights. To do so, Flint proposes to abolish/nullify the 16th and 17th amendment. Flint believes in sovereignty of the individual, the community in which they live and the State that they claim their allegiance to. As a current resident of Shelley Idaho Flint Christensen rejects politics as usual. Flint takes a defiant stand against omnibus spending, “emergency” budget passing, and debit limit insanity of our federal government.

Flint is a decorated combat veteran, small business owner, published author, and local school bus driver. Flint is married to Stephanie Christensen, and they are currently raising a family of four (his oldest is currently in Fort Benning Georgia awaiting entry to the prestigious Army Airborne Ranger school). Flint is an accomplished executive and a down to earth contender seeking to represent the great state of Idaho. Born and raised in Eastern Idaho, Flint grew up on a small farm in Rigby to a family of 13 brothers and sisters and 13 stepbrothers and sisters; needless to say, Flint is no stranger to difficult times. Flint is a graduate of Central Texas College, holds a Bachelor of Science from BYU-Idaho and is currently undertaking a Masters at BSU.

What sets Flint apart?

  • Flint pledges a balance budget or if necessary to shut down the federal government, (if given an opportunity, he will not pass an unbalanced budget).
  • Flint will not pass “omnibus” out of control spending.
  • Flint will do everything in his power to return States’ rights (abolish the 16th and 17th amendment).
  • Flint believes social issues should be handled by the individual. When necessary, the community may get involved, and then the State (if it must).
  • Flint believes that the government should have no say in what a person puts in their body, and likewise, what the government can put INTO somebody’s body.
  • Flint believes that if a person is very small…and is in somebody else’ body, they are still a person, no matter how small.

Flint is the opposition to politics as usual. Please support an Idaho Candidate standing for Idaho values.

For additional information on where Flint stands on the issues, please visit

4 thoughts on “Press Release: Flint Christensen Has Announced His Candidacy for United States Congress, Representing Idaho’s Second Congressional District

      1. If you’re worried about who is bought and paid for, by all means please track the candidates fundraising. It’s easy enough to see who is being bought and who is running on principles.

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