Idaho Dispatch

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Press Release: Fighting Spirit

By • May 4, 2022

The following Press Release was sent out by Flint Christensen, a Republican candidate for Idaho’s 2nd Congressional District. Note: Press Releases sent out by candidates do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.

On this day in 2008 I was in Iraq preparing for a convoy on a support mission. We were in Fob Loyalty Sadr City and our group had been hard hit earlier the day before. As we were preparing our trucks, hell rained down.

We were hit with 13 katusha rockets disintegrating everything in their path. Two of our soldiers were hit and I spent the next three days picking pieces of them off the side of our trucks.

The horrors of war I know all too well. Among the fallen was the brother in law of specialist Harvey. As I picked up pieces of my friend off the battlefield I watched through tear filled eyes as Harvey gathered the remains of a bible that Sgt. Mathes had on him at the time of his demise.

“Harvey’s Bible”
By Sgt Flint L. Christensen

I watched a sullen Soldier
picking up pieces of “The Word”
A scattered, sacred Bible
torn through each and every verse

The desecrated parchment,
once belonging to his kin,
now lies among the crimson
… and what is left of him

I was with him on that day
and stood and felt his pain
and helped him pick up the verses
or at least the ones remained

On that day of ghastly terror,
it’s appropriate we should find
among man’s destructive venues
God’s words, so warm and kind

“And God so loved the world,”
one scrap reverently proclaimed
And another said “fear not”
And many more said (much) the same

My eyes began to water
and my throat began to tight
And I had to look away once more
as Harvey did what’s right

For like unto his brother,
a travesty to bear
A greater sin it felt to us
leaving pieces over there

So we gathered up the Scriptures
and not a word was said
As Harvey clung to words of comfort
in that dawn of morning’s dread

I bring with me a fighting spirit into this campaign and a pledge of service once again to restore our founding principles and bring the voice of representation back to Idaho. I believe my oath of enlistment has not expired. And of that oath, “enemies both foreign and domestic”, means I will fiercely devour those willing to undermine our country from within.
~Flint Christensen for Congress

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Tags: 2nd Congressional District, Flint Christensen, Idaho Primary Election

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