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Press Release: Bryan Smith Raises $200,000+ & Receives 29 Idaho Legislative Endorsements in First 30 Days

By • November 2, 2021

The following Press Release was sent out by the Bryan Smith for Congress campaign. Press Releases sent out by candidates do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.

Conservative congressional candidate Bryan Smith raised over $200,000 in the first thirty days of his campaign. Bryan Smith is challenging anti-Trump, career politician Congressman Mike Simpson in the Republican primary in Idaho’s second congressional district.

The Bryan Smith for Congress campaign has also received endorsements from 29 sitting Idaho state legislators. Ron Crane, who served as Idaho’s State Treasurer for 20 years, is serving as the treasurer for the campaign.

“I am so thankful for the overwhelming support my campaign has received from the people of Idaho. Our latest fundraising numbers and endorsements show the people of Idaho are ready for a change in Congress. The voters of the second congressional district want a congressman that will fight to secure our borders, protect our elections, keep America first, and be our conservative voice in Washington,” says Bryan Smith.

Bryan Smith Endorsements

Rep. Heather Scott
Idaho House District 1-A State Representative

Rep. Sage Dixon
Idaho House District 1-B State Representative

Rep. Vito Barbieri
Idaho House District 2-A State Representative

Rep. Ron Mendive
Idaho House District 3-A State Representative

Rep. Tony Wisniewski
Idaho House District 3-B State Representative

Rep. Brandon Mitchell
Idaho House District 5-A State Representative

Rep. Mike Kingsley
Idaho House District 6-B State Representative

Rep. Charlie Shepherd
Idaho House District 7-B State Representative

Rep. Terry Gestrin
Idaho House District 8-A State Representative

Rep. Dorothy Moon
Idaho House District 8-B State Representative

Rep. Judy Boyle
Idaho House District 9-B State Representative

Rep. Tammy Nichols
Idaho House District 11-B State Representative

Rep. Bruce Skaug
Idaho House District 12-A State Representative

Rep. Brent Crane
Idaho House District 13-A State Representative

Rep. Ben Adams
Idaho House District 13-B State Representative

Rep. Gayann DeMordaunt
Idaho House District 14-B State Representative

Rep. Joe Palmer
Idaho House District 20-A State Representative

Rep. James Holtzclaw
Idaho House District 20-B State Representative

Rep. Greg Ferch
Idaho House District 21-B State Representative

Rep. John Vander Woude
Idaho House District 22-A State Representative

Rep. Jason Monks
Idaho House District 22-B State Representative

Rep. Randy Armstrong
Idaho House District 28-A State Representative

Rep. Julianne Young
Idaho House District 31-B State Representative

Rep. Chad Christensen
Idaho House District 32-B State Representative

Rep. Barbara Ehardt
Idaho House District 33-A State Representative

Rep. Ron Nate
Idaho House District 34-B State Representative

Rep. Karey Hanks
Idaho House District 35-A State Representative

Sen. Regina Bayer
Idaho Senate District 21

Sen. Christy Zito
Idaho Senate District 23

Bryan Smith is a hard-nosed political outsider who will fight for Idahoan’s conservative values in Congress. He is the real conservative Republican running for Idaho’s second congressional district. He is running against career politician and anti-Trump Washington insider Mike Simpson. Bryan and his wife live in Idaho Falls.


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Tags: 2nd Congressional District, Bryan Smith, Congress, Endorsements, Mike Simpson

3 thoughts on “Press Release: Bryan Smith Raises $200,000+ & Receives 29 Idaho Legislative Endorsements in First 30 Days

  1. It is good to see a Bryan Smith rapidly gaining ground in this race.
    It is long passed time that Simpson is sent down the road.

  2. I am personally so excited to have a good possibility in the race against Simpson. I have not voted for him for several voting cycles. I will not vote for a Democrat but I do not vote for Simpson. Bad Bad for Idaho. I really hope Mr Smith turns out to be a true Viable Conservative for the State. I was also glad to see that the Rhino’s in Idaho, Bedke and Moyle for starters are not endorsing Smith. Good Sign

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