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Press Release: Blessing Israel by Combating Anti-Semitism

By • August 4, 2022

The following press release was sent out by InterMountain Christian News. Press releases sent out by organizations do not necessarily reflect the views and opinions of those at the Idaho Dispatch.

Idaho Government leaders, Idaho Congressional members, Anne Frank Memorial and Wassmuth Center for Human Rights representatives and local Rabbis are invited guest speakers along with lead White House Israel News Correspondent Dr. Harper are exposing and reporting on Anti-Semitism.

Confirmed Speakers to date are Idaho Lt. Governor Janice McGeachin, Senator James Rish (via video), Congressman Russ Fulcher, White House Correspondent Dr. Harper and a special report on Christians United for Israel.

Thumbnail image from Metro Voice News.

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Tags: Anne Frank Memorial, Christians United for Israel, Dr. Anthony Harper, Jim Risch, Russ Fulcher, Wassmuth Center for Human Rights

9 thoughts on “Press Release: Blessing Israel by Combating Anti-Semitism

  1. I don’t understand why this matters? Israel deserves to exist as a country but I’m tired of it being on US taxpayer’s dime.

    1. Bingo. There is only one country that it is illegal to criticize in Idaho and still do business with the state. Guess which one? Hint: It’s not the US. These anti-BDS laws now exist in a majority of states, denying people their constitutional rights to free speech. But there is no Zionist conspiracy of course.

  2. Scary and Surprising that all these same speakers are the ones we rely on to make things right and they bow to the beast as well. Oh boy are we in for some trouble. Deception.

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